The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 960: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (86)

  Chapter 960 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (86)

  Dark Guard Nineteen stared at the Sipa that the woman handed over, with scarlet blood stains on it, which represented what the two of them did last night.

   "Your Majesty, what do you think you are stuck?"

  Su Qinghuan pretended to lower her head sheepishly.

   "If your majesty doesn't take this Sipa again, his concubines won't know how to behave anymore."

   "We...cough... Qinghuan, I and you really last night..."

  The Nineteen Dark Guards glanced at Su Qinghuan with difficulty.

  He still couldn't believe it, that he actually became a husband and wife with the most beautiful woman in the harem.

  Dark Guard 19 had also seen Su Qinghuan before, and it was hard to talk about what she liked about the woman in front of her. He just felt that this woman was domineering and unreasonable. It was normal that Helian Moxuan did not like Su Qinghuan.

   But at this moment, looking at the face of the woman Jiao Didi, and the shy red cloud on the face of her daughter's first attempt at Yunyu, he couldn't hate Su Qinghuan.

  For such a woman, the emperor can let her stay alone as a widow for so many years, which really makes the Nineteenth Unbelievable.


  And Su Qinghuan glanced at Anwei Nineteen in surprise, and even his eyes widened aggrievedly, she looked like a little girl who had been wronged, so pitiful and lovely.

  "What does your majesty's question mean? Do you question Qinghuan's innocence? If your majesty does not believe in his concubines, he would rather die."

  Speaking, Su Qinghuan wanted to hit the pillar next to it.

   Next to Xiaotao, who was in charge of serving, saw her own lady's performance in such a playful manner, she almost broke her work on the spot.

   Seeing Su Qinghuan’s charming appearance in front of her, Xiao Tao felt hard to say a word. At this moment, watching her master even acted ashamed and indignant, she really did not expect her master to have such a talent for acting.

   "Don’t think about it, your mother... Your Majesty, please have mercy on my mother..."

  Xiaotao also exclaimed in time.

  With such a good assist, coupled with Su Qinghuan’s affectionate eyes, just as Su Qinghuan expected, Antoine Nineteen quickly reached out and grabbed her arm in time.

   "Ai concubine, when did I criticize you, why are you so impatient? I just want to ask you last night... how well did you feel?"

  The man said, he couldn't help but pause, he somehow remembered Helian Moxuan's instructions to him when he was in the dark room.

   said that he hoped that if he really had a relationship with Su Qinghuan, he would not hurt her.

  But the Nineteen Guardian felt that he might have drunk too much yesterday, or that the alcohol was too strong, he only remembered the beauty of the face, the gentle care of the little care.

However, he can’t remember the Furong account warm, but the soreness on his body can’t deceive anyone. If it weren’t for the violent and indescribable things he had done last night, how could he be a great man who practiced martial arts? Are you starting to feel tired?


  The Nineteen Dark Guards did not expect that all this was just Su Qinghuan’s calculations.

   And Su Qinghuan looked at the man's helpless face, and had no intention of doing anything with him anymore.

   "Your Majesty, it's almost time for the early court. You should also change your clothes and go to court earlier, otherwise the concubines are really afraid that others will misunderstand that the concubines are evil girls, and the king will not be diligent in politics."

   "Ai Concubine said so much."

  The Dark Guard 19 nodded.

  He looked at Su Qinghuan’s beautiful eyebrows and those big watery eyes. For some reason, he felt that his heartbeat missed a beat, especially when Su Qinghuan was waiting for him to change clothes, and he seemed to say something casually.

   "Hey, has your majesty been diligent in shooting recently? It seems that the figure is a little more burly, but such a majesty looks more heroic and more manly."


   Was it so quickly discovered by Su Qinghuan?

  Dark Guard Nineteen's heart was beating wildly, and he almost failed to maintain the composure on his face. He tilted his head to look at Su Qinghuan, but saw that Su Qinghuan began to arrange his collar very meticulously again, as if the previous question was just a casual question.

  Dark Guard Nineteen breathed a sigh of relief, and could only nod his head in an extremely embarrassing way. He didn't want to explain more about this, I was afraid that he would make more mistakes.


  In the end, when Su Qinghuan sent away Dark Guard XIX, he saw the man subconsciously speeding up his pace, obviously because of his previous seemingly unintentional question, he began to feel anxious.

  Su Qinghuan glanced at the back of the man leaving, and then closed the courtyard door very boringly.

   "Master, you and... nothing happened last night, right?"

  Xiaotao discovered that since she had been in Su Mansion for a few days, she was used to calling her "Miss", and when she changed her name to Su Qinghuan as the empress, it was a little weird. Therefore, unless someone else was present, she would usually be called the master.

  If you are called a young lady, and you are afraid of being caught by other palace people, after all, Su Qinghuan is now married into the royal family, and if you are called a young lady, I am afraid that it will bring suicide to Su Qinghuan.

  Through this period of getting along, unknowingly, the peaches that have always been a rib have also begun to mature a lot.


   "What can happen? A bowl of enchanted wine, plus the incense in the air, if he can do anything, I will admire him."

Su Qing glared at Xiao Tao with a smile but a smile. The magical grace in her eyes, like a fairy and a demon, and with traces of evil, intertwined with that innocent face of Yeyan, there is a kind of extremely contradictory beauty, let People want to get close, but they dare not get close.

   Although Xiaotao is also a woman, she couldn't help but stare blankly.

   "Master... what do you plan to do in the future?"

   "Chill, soldiers are here to cover the water and earth, I am now waiting for the kind words."

  Su Qinghuan said, she couldn't help but began to think of the secret guard nineteen who had appeared in a hurry between her previous steps.

  ——This dark guard can be regarded as a tool that Helian Moxuan borrowed to kill people.

  Su Qinghuan didn't hate this dark guard. In the original owner's wish, he never mentioned whether he would retaliate against this dark guard, but presumably, in the heart of the original owner, he also hated this man.

  She wouldn't take action against the Nineteen Guardian, but that didn't mean that Helian Moxuan could bear it.

From the previous conversation when he returned to the palace carriage, Su Qinghuan discovered that the man was really cheap in his bones. Perhaps it was because of her superficial enthusiasm, and her private and casual attitude, Helian Moxuan seemed to start to like it a little bit. She's gone.


  I like this kind of thing, but whenever there is an opportunity, it will take root and breed countless possessiveness.

  She wants to see, how does Helian Moxuan take the trick?


  Qinzheng Hall, dark room.

  Helian Moxuan, wearing a red gold embroidered dragon robe, was looking coldly at the man who was kneeling in front of him, the man who looked like him six or seven points.

   "How did the concubine empress wake up this morning, is she crying or haunting you?"

  (End of this chapter)

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