The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 961: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (87)

  Chapter 961 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (87)

  Helian Mo Xuan didn't fall asleep for the whole night last night. When he tossed and turned, he didn't know what was wrong, it was all Su Qinghuan's voice and smile.

   Either she wrinkled her nose and coquettishly, or she looked at him grievingly with her eyes open.

  The woman’s black and white eyes seem to be able to speak, and even if she doesn’t speak anything, it is better than a thousand words.

   And he actually pushed a woman who liked him to a substitute for him.

  No, there are no doubles.

At present, Helian Moxuan has not yet established a queen. After learning about Mu Sisi's nasty things, men no longer have the idea of ​​a queen. Since entering the palace, Su Qinghuan has been regarded as them in terms of family background and status. The most noble woman of the Daqing Dynasty.

   But she just let her be ruined by an anonymous dead waiter.


  At night, Helian Moxuan's mind suddenly burst into Su Qinghuan's heartbreaking and crying. She held his leg and cried and begged him not to give herself to another man.

  At that time, Helian Moxuan woke up in shock.

   Finally, Helian Moxuan relied on self-hypnosis to fall asleep again in chaos, but began to have another nightmare.

  Meng Li Su Qinghuan likes Guardian XIX very much, and even thinks that a man is born tall and mighty, so he is extremely proactive and happily accomplishing good things with each other.

Between   Feng Dianluan, the embroidery was turned into layers of red waves, the jade-white skin of the woman and the bronze skin of the man were set against each other, which stung Helian Moxuan's eyes alive.

What made Helian Moxuan even more unacceptable was that it didn’t take long for Su Qinghuan to be pregnant with a child, and at that time, Su Qinghuan also knew that Anwei Nineteen had nothing to do with Helian Moxuan, so he conspired to make Anwei Ten Nine usurped the throne.

  At that time, Helian Moxuan felt a pain like ten thousand arrows piercing through the heart.

  He is the most trusted Deadpool, and he has a loving woman in his heart, so he betrayed him!

  What a humiliation!

  How terrible!


   At that time, Helian Moxuan screamed and gasped, and when he woke up, he realized that he had a nightmare again.

  All this is not true.


  Helian Moxuan thought of those scenes in his dream, and he felt uncontrollable heartache and pain in his heart. He stared at the man indifferently, those sharp eyes like falcons, and a strong killing intent quickly spread.

  It's not that the Nineteen Guardians didn't feel Helian Moxuan's murderous aura, he gave a wry smile, and now he understands what it means to die under a peony flower, and to be a ghost.

Anguard 19 tremblingly took out a blood-stained white silk paw. No matter what Su Qinghuan gave him, he never dared to deceive Helian Mo Xuan, otherwise it would be the crime of deceiving the emperor, just the broken bone The cracking pill was enough to make him feel the pain of heart-cutting bones.

  "Your Majesty, this Sipa was given to the 19th by the noble concubine, please have a look at it."


  Helian Mo Xuan saw the plum blossom-like dark red on the silk paw, and felt that his eyes were almost tingling.

  Such a clear blood stain, it is clear that he pushed Su Qinghuan out with all his heart, but now when he sees this Sipa, his inner anger is quite a lot.

  Even, he still has a trace of jealousy about the Guardian Nineteen who is his stand-in.


  Helian Mo Xuan suppressed the jealousy and unrestrained in his heart, his eyes burst with bloodshot eyes.

   "Does the noble concubine empress do not want to say anything to me?"

  A woman who first tastes of clouds and rain can never behave at all, right?

  This is really not in line with Helian Moxuan's perception of Su Qinghuan.

   Just when Helian Moxuan was anxious, the hidden guard who bowed his head and knelt on the ground tremblingly replied.

   "The imperial concubine said... I hope that your majesty will treat her with much pity, and will stay in Qiwu Palace often in the future."


   Helian Mo Xuan smirked, and suddenly fell a brush next to him.

   "So, the concubine empress is very satisfied with your performance last night?"


  How can he answer this?

  Dark Guard XIX looked up with a dazed face. He could never say that if he didn't work hard, he would make the imperial concubine mistakenly think that Helian Moxuan himself was not good at that kind of thing, right?

  But if you say this, I'm afraid you will be directly given a capital crime.

  Anonymous Nineteen's face flushed, and he was trembling and authentic.

  "The subordinates dare not, 190,000 have no guts to deceive your Majesty. Last night, the nineteenth drank the cup of wine handed over by the concubine. The wine was extremely strong, even if it was a subordinate, it was a little groggy."

  "Later, maybe the subordinates did it completely subconsciously. The specifics were good or bad. Nineteenth really didn't dare to judge, and the imperial concubine must not be sober enough at that time. How can you say that you are satisfied or dissatisfied?"

The dark guard is already trying to find a statement that makes Helian Moxuan relatively satisfied, but he has overlooked one thing at the moment. For a man who is jealous, he is wrong not to say anything, and every time he says a word , Are equivalent to beating Helian Mo Xuan's face.

  Hilian Moxuan felt that the dream of last night became clear again before the nineteen secret guards had finished reporting.

  Suddenly, Helian Moxuan could no longer control the gloomy emotions in his heart. He squeezed out a handful of **** and went straight to the mouth of the dark guard.

   "Your Majesty be merciful, your Majesty be merciful!..."

  The dark guard struggled twice, but he, who was already poisoned with a poison pill, could not be worth the strength of Helian Moxuan, who also had the same martial arts.

  Not long after, the dark guard started to foam at the mouth and lay down on the ground unconsciously.


  Helian Mo Xuan looked at the corpse with full vigor, took out the corpse water, and easily sprinkled the powder on it. After seeing it turned into a puddle of pus, the hostility in the man's heart dissipated a lot.

  After a cup of tea, the dead servant summoned by Helian Moxuan quickly dealt with the subsequent scenes.


  Everything seems to be back to normal again. The only change is that there is no one who resembles his face.

  But this is also good, lest one day, as in a dream, someone seeks to usurp the throne by looking like him.

  Helian Mo Xuan was extremely anxious.

  He doesn’t know what to do with Su Qinghuan.

  It stands to reason that this woman has lost her body and deserves to be killed.

  Ming Ming Helian Mo Xuan has always hated the kind of women who don’t obey women’s ways, but he doesn’t know why, at this moment he hesitated.


  At the same time, Su Qinghuan received the system 233's reminder.

   "Foggrass, host, the dog emperor Helian Moxuan is really a snake-like disease. He poisoned the guard who was sent to consummate the room with you."


  Su Qinghuan was silent for half a second, but his expression was still faint.

   "It's not surprising that you will end up doing things with a cold-blooded animal like Helian Moxuan."

   Just when Su Qinghuan was spitting out, suddenly, there was a rush of sound from outside the door.

   "The emperor is here!"

  (End of this chapter)

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