The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 970: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (96)

  Chapter 970 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (96)

   Hearing the summons of the palace people outside, Su Qinghuan almost immediately threw the note Su Rui gave her into the fire.

   Seeing the scorching flame, even the slightest handwriting was invisible, and the worries in the woman's heart finally settled down.


   And Xiaotao also looked at Su Qinghuan anxiously.

   "Master, this wan maiden didn't deal with you in the first place, but now she's pregnant with a dragon seed. Shouldn't she wait in the Shou'an Palace peacefully at this moment to give birth? Why is there still time to come to you?"

   "I'm afraid the visitor is not a guest..."

   Even Xiao Tao could see the truth, Su Qinghuan couldn't see clearly the layers of mist.

  She smiled indifferently, Xianxian's hands lazily supported the peony golden hairpin by the side of her temple.

  "It’s okay. Soldiers are here to cover the water. Even if Mu Sisi wants to take the child in her stomach as a bet, I am afraid that your Majesty is tired of her now. We really have nothing to worry about."

   "Okay, master, I will make tea for you now."

   "Well, go ahead."


  Su Qinghuan sat coldly on the beauty couch. She naturally knew that Mu Sisi had no good intentions on this trip, but she still couldn't help but reluctantly.

"Tong'er, what did you say that Mu Sisi came to me for? Although there is indeed no imperial concubine in the harem who gave birth to a son, Helian Moxuan's concubine also gave birth to a princess. Mu Sisiruo gave birth to a daughter. , It's nothing surprising."

"And now Helian Moxuan is only in his twenties, even if Mu Sisi gave him a son, what can he do with peace of mind? There are so many beauties who pay tribute every year. Will Jiao Didi's beauties have no fertility?"

"In the past, Helian Moxuan was able to see Mu Sisi only because Mu Sisi found such a good chance to pretend to be a chance encounter. Now Helian Moxuan has all seen through it. As for the stunning poems, they have long been established. After reading other people's articles, she hasn't taken any advantage anymore."

   "So, is it possible that Mu Sisi made a special trip to show me that she has goods in her stomach?"


  If this is the case, this woman is a bit too shallow, right?

  Su Qinghuan almost thought of some later generations who used to give birth to children by themselves, and when they were pregnant, they had to ridicule the gossip long-tongued women who could not be given birth to others.

  If this is the case, it would really be a waste of the luck of Mu Sisi II.


  System 233 is also puzzling.

  "Host, I also agree with your point of view. Anyway, she is not bad and kind. Who knows what bad tricks Mu Sisi wants to hold back?"

"Originally, I had nothing to worry about. The birthday of the dog emperor Helian Moxuan is about to arrive. I would like to say that I will also prepare to formally rebel. The more troublesome the autumn, the more I hope that the wind will be calm. , It's really annoying."

   Su Qinghuan’s lips curled up with a sarcasm smile.

  And at this moment, the people outside the door hadn't appeared yet, and there was already a rustling stride and clashing in the air, and the sweet female voice like a yellow oriole was even more impressive.

   "Sister Guifei, how are you doing these days?"


  Su Qinghuan felt bored when she heard the voice of Mu Si La's relationship. She stood up coldly, and soon saw Mu Si Si, who was already pregnant.

Originally, Mu Sisi was still a weak and pitiful beauty I saw, but perhaps because of the hard-won this birth, and because she had already provoked Helian Moxuan's anger, Mu Sisi wanted to keep it alive. This baby ate all kinds of extra food.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs had originally thought that she was not good enough, but after all, she was also a dragon seed in her stomach. No matter how the servants in the palace stomped high and low, they were afraid that Mu Sisi would give birth to Helian Moxuan's first prince, so They dare not do too much.

  One to two, as long as Mu Sisi can eat the nutrients, she counts them all into her belly.


   was originally a slender beauty with a slender waist in Chu Palace, but now it has swelling everywhere, and his face and waist are two times fatter than before. Among ordinary people in modern times, it may be barely a point or two.

  But what is the harem?

  There are amazing beauties everywhere, and Mu Sisi's original appearance is a little reluctant. At this moment, in the middle of a red and willow, it looks like a swollen maid.

  Even Xiaotao, who can only be regarded as a middle and upper posture, looks better than Mu Sisi now.


  Su Qinghuan was also a little surprised at how Mu Sisi became like this.

In the original memory of the original owner, Mu Sisi was really loved by Helian Moxuan, so she also worked hard not to make herself ugly. She would rather eat a little bit more than the original one. I'm not looking good anymore.

   But now that Mu Sisi didn't have Helian Mo Xuan to rely on, she had to put all her hopes in her stomach.


  Su Qinghuan was clear in her heart, she glanced at Mu Sisi condescendingly.

   "I dare not be my sister. There is no sister in this palace, and she has no intention of calling her elder sister and Dao sister to the concubine next to her. Empress Wan is now carrying a dragon, and her status is even more extraordinary. There is no need to call this palace like that."


  Mussi saw Su Qinghuan's gorgeous face, and she was mad with jealousy when she thought of her yellow face and she didn't dare to apply more lead powder.

  Especially Su Qinghuan deliberately mentioned the difference between the two families, and Mu Sisi's expression became even more ugly.


   Mu Sisi was depressed, she could only gritted her teeth and tried her best not to start tearing her face with Su Qinghuan directly.

  "The imperial concubine is joking. If the imperial concubine is not as good as your concubine's family background, you don't have to be so tactful. The concubine knows her life is humble. If the imperial concubine doesn't like her concubine, she dare not say anything."


   Seeing that Mu Sisi even pretended to pick up a silk paw, as if she wanted to cry, Su Qinghuan kindly reminded him.

   "Wan, your Majesty is not here in this palace. If you lose the golden beans in this palace, I am afraid that no one will pity you."


   was raised by Su Qinghuan, and Mu Sisi couldn't make it to the stage immediately after the crying scene that Mu Sisi had planned to grasp.

   "The imperial concubine joked and laughed, where does the concubine mean to cry?"

"It's just that the concubine is a little envious of the empress. Not only is her family's golden branches and leaves, but her appearance is so elegant, she is completely different from a woman who is pregnant with a child like her concubine. Although it is a matter of conceiving for your majesty, it is inevitable that her face is inferior to her. It's beautiful."

   is here, but Xiu is here.

  Su Qinghuan has a headache.

   Just when she was about to issue an eviction order, Mu Sisi suddenly grabbed her wrist.

  "Your concubine, you are not actually here, are you? If your concubine reveals that you are a lonely ghost, do you think your majesty will believe it?"

  (End of this chapter)

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