The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 971: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (97)

  Chapter 971 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (97)

   Originally Mu Sisi's pretentious tone made Su Qinghuan's head big, but when she heard that she couldn't think of threatening her with ghosts and gods, the little fox felt extremely speechless.

   Anyhow, Mu Sisi can be regarded as a second-life person. What does she use to expose herself?

  Just relying on a few words of intimidation, could it be that he would run to the dog emperor Helian Moxuan and say that she is not the original owner?


  Su Qinghuan felt extremely ridiculous in her heart, and she gave Mu Sisi a cool glance.

   "Wan, what are you talking nonsense, there is no room for sand in my palace's eyes. If you go crazy here again, don't blame my palace asking someone to drive you out."

  "Don’t worry, you still have your Majesty’s child in your belly. As for what you say here, your appearance is more important than carrying a child for your Majesty. This palace doesn’t mind going to your Majesty’s side to say something."


Mu Sisi originally thought that she could scare Su Qinghuan out of self-inflict. After all, the most taboo thing in the court was the possession of evil spirits, but how did she think that Su Qinghuan was so calm, and she could still linger on her words here. Braids.

In ancient times, being able to breed dragon breeds for her Majesty was the greatest blessing for a woman. She was not grateful, and made irresponsible remarks. If Su Qinghuan insists on making a fuss about this, according to Helian Moxuan’s current personality that he doesn’t like her. , I'm afraid everything will be done.


   After weighing the pros and cons, even though Mu Sisi was unwilling to do so, she bitterly loosened her hand holding Su Qinghuan’s sleeve.

  The woman lowered her eyebrows sullily, her fingertips stained with red curd were sharply pinched into the palm of her palm, finally bursting into a fake greedy smile on her face.

  "The concubine and empress don’t put hats on the concubine's head at will. The concubine said before that she envied her empress Fengyi for thousands of years, but she didn’t say that she felt that raising a concubine was a tiring task because she was carrying a dragon seed."

   "Oh? My palace almost thought that Wan Man had already started to dislike her distorted figure and face because of her pregnancy."

  Su Qinghuan’s smile was neither salty nor light, but because of those smiling eyes, Mu Sisi instantly noticed the bronze mirror not far away.

  Mussi hasn't dared to look in the mirror for a long time. Anyway, in this evil ancient society, there are all kinds of court ladies and eunuchs who take care of her daily life, and she doesn't even need to clean face and change clothes by herself.

   Now because of Su Qinghuan’s leisurely meaning, Mu Sisi quickly saw what she is now in the bronze mirror.

She didn't even dare to use fat powder for the sake of this child. After all, although ancient things did not add enough chemical products like later generations, lead powder itself is poisonous, and other so-called natural peach pollen. Things, she did not dare to abuse it.

  After all, children are important, she can only pin all her hopes on the unborn baby in her stomach.

   But now, seeing the self in the mirror who was two times fatter, and his appearance was not as beautiful as the one next to Su Qinghuan, Mu Sisi's eyes suddenly widened.

  The woman in the mirror who has been so rounded that the contours of her cheeks cannot be seen clearly, is that really her?


  Originally, Mu Sisi's appearance advantage was very insufficient. After all, a hundred flowers bloom in the harem, and now with such a face that is not as good as a maid, Mu Sisi's heart is even more angry.

  She gritted her teeth and thought of something, then suddenly raised her head and said to Su Qinghuan.

"The imperial concubine doesn’t really need to be too proud. You are in the sixth house now, but it doesn’t mean that this grace can really last forever. According to the concubine, the silver branch in the concubine’s palace is not as good as it looks. The empress is so gorgeous in the capital, but she also has a vaguely graceful demeanor."

  Speaking, Mu Sisi suddenly patted her palms and motioned to the palace man next to her to call her beckoning girl Yinzhi over.


In the past, when Mu Sisi was still being spoiled, she felt that she was a maid very pretty, but she deliberately pressed her not to wear bright and beautiful clothes. She always dressed in gray, even if it was very colorful. Squeezed into four points.

  Also, only the simplest silver hairpins are allowed for headwear, and even carvings are not allowed. As for dressing and dressing, it is absolutely impossible.

  Before, Mu Sisi was afraid that when Helian Moxuan came to her palace, he would be fascinated by this little girl, but now that she wants to come, now she is pregnant, it is the time when someone replaces her to bear the sovereign's favor.

  If you don’t push this weak and incompetent little girl next to you, who else can you push?

  Relying on yourself, can you show a delicate face now when you put it into ordinary people?


  Mussi hated in her heart, she slapped her palms twice, and soon the girl named Yinzhi stepped forward timidly.

She has never wore such beautiful clothes and such delicate headwear. Even the hairs on her face have been wringed with tools before Mu Sisi's permission came, making it more and more tender and fresh. Yeon.

   "The slave slave has seen the imperial concubine empress, Wan concubine empress."

   "Get up, but you are born with a pitiful appearance, inseparable from your master."

   Seeing the little girl who was about fifteen years old and looked a little bit more prettier than the spring peach blossoms, Su Qinghuan couldn't help but scream for Mu Sisi.

  "...Silver Yinzhi has a humble aptitude, and dare not accept such praise from the imperial concubine."

  The maid Yinzhi raised her head cautiously. She didn't expect the legendary concubine Su Gui to be so easy to talk.

Although the tone of    is not very enthusiastic, it is not half ridiculous, even compared to Mu Sisi who often pinches her in the Shou'an Palace, Su Guifei, who is now sitting on the beauty couch, looks much more lazy and friendly.


  Mussi heard Su Qinghuan praise her handmaid like this, she didn't think she had any light on her face, she just hated her incomparably.

  If she does not have this child now, how could she fall into this kind of need to rely on a handmaid to get the lead?

   "Is the imperial concubine empress who thinks Yinzhi is a good child? If the imperial concubine likes it, why not let Yinzhi follow you? After all, Yinzhi and you were still an age when you entered the palace, and your majesty would like it too."

   Mu Sisi deliberately wanted to disgust Su Qinghuan, she pretended to suggest.

  It's just that Mu Sisi really underestimated Su Qinghuan's temperament. After all, she didn't like Helian Moxuan at all, let alone Mu Sisi stuffing her with a beauty, even if it was one hundred and eight thousand, Su Qinghuan could treat each other coldly.

  "This is not necessary. For such a pleasing person, it is already excellent to stay in the Wanbi Palace, and this palace will not attract people's love."


   Just when Su Qinghuan was speechless, there was a burst of sound from outside the palace.

   "The emperor is here!"

  Mussi immediately smiled and pushed the silver branch in full dress to the front.

   "The emperor is here, why don't you go to meet him?"

  (End of this chapter)

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