The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 989: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (115)

  Chapter 989 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (115)

  A variety of complicated thoughts flooded in, and Helian Moxuan's cold thin lips suddenly pressed into a straight line.

  The man suddenly discovered that, compared to Mu Sisi’s death when he crashed into a pillar, what he was more worried about at the moment was the fact that Su Qinghuan had never really had a husband and wife with him so far.

   sounds very cool, but Helian Moxuan's nature is so scumbag, naturally, on the day Mu Sisi passed away, it would be a problem to spoil a noble concubine who has been married to him for many years.


  In the Qiwu Palace.

  The court lady who had been saved by Su Qinghuan had rushed to Qiwu Palace.

   "Holy concubine, your majesty is about to set up her residence in the wandering palace, and now there has been a plea for apology. I am afraid that your majesty's mood today will fluctuate. Please be prepared."

   "Okay, thank you for running so hard to tell this palace, Yinliu, when you go back, you must also pay attention to safety, you know?"

Su Qinghuan smiled and looked at the little maid not far in front of him. This girl was a little younger than her and Xiao Tao, and she was only fourteen years old this year. Although her appearance was ordinary, she was still pretty, but she was of stature. Quite tall, a rare stature for women in ancient times.

   "The empress still remembers the servant's name? Yinliu is really flattered."

The palace lady named Yinliu almost laughed so hard that she could not see her teeth. Her presence in the palace was really low, and she was ordinary in appearance. It was precisely because of her honest duty that she happened to be placed by Your Majesty’s side to do things. .

It’s just that Yin Liu never thought that one day he could climb the dragon and attach the phoenix. After all, there are too many beauties in the harem, and the end will be worse than one. Even Yin Liu’s age has been thoroughly seen through. Now the master of the Jinluan Temple, How indifferent and indifferent.

Although    is an emperor, he has never been insulated from love, but what Helian Moxuan did was too cold-blooded.

  Yinliu is a little girl after all. She has always seen it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart. She has a delicate mind, and naturally she does not dare to provoke Helian Mo Xuan, such an emperor.

  However, Yinliu had never thought of fawning on the empresses in other palaces. After all, the fighting in the harem was too tragic, and if one was not careful, it became a sacrifice for others to fight for favor.

  Mussi's two powerful maidservants died precisely because of this greed.

  But they were all about the same age as Yinliu.


   Yinliu also had a good relationship with Xiaodezi. She thought that she would never be close to the master of any palace again.

  After all, the six houses are distinguished from superiority and inferiority. The imperial concubine and the ordinary concubine are the same heaven and the underground, not to mention the slaves who are not even "human".

   And this thing that should have become the norm will be broken by Su Qinghuan.

  They once only felt that this imperial concubine was a little arrogant, but she had never harmed anyone. She was still innocent and kind, but everyone kept a long way from it, for fear of causing trouble.

  Unexpectedly, the lofty concubine empress would still remember the lives of their palace people. The rare warmth and affection in this indifferent palace is really sighing.


  "Your name is very nice, why can't I remember it?"

  Su Qinghuan smiled slightly, thought for a moment, took a plate of hibiscus cake next to him, and handed it to the little maid who came to report the letter.

   "The heart of the palace is very grateful to you, but your safety is still the most important thing. Go back early. Remember to walk around the imperial garden by the side door, so as not to bump into your majesty’s driving."

   "Thank you noble concubine empress."

  In the gap between handing the plate, Su Qinghuan’s white hand happened to touch the silver willow, and the maid did not know why, looking at the woman’s beautiful and alluring face, her face was a little red with excitement.

  It shouldn’t be... Empress is a woman, why is she so heartbeat?

Yinliu was embarrassed in her heart, and she looked at Xiaotao who had served Su Qinghuan for many years with some envy.

   "The slave girl really envy Miss Tao, she can follow the empress, if she can, the slave also wants to serve the empress."

   "Okay, okay, what can I envy about this?... Sister Yinliu, you should go back earlier, and my master will be more at ease."

  Na Yinliu heard Xiaotao's euphemistic order to chase away the guests, and then he reluctantly left.

  She glanced at Su Qinghuan with a little nostalgia, and only felt that Xiaotao was very lucky. After all, everyone knew that Su Qinghuan never criticized the servants in her palace.

  And Xiaotao, the maid who accompanied her since she was a child, needless to say. Even the clothes she wears are all the Su embroidered clothes given by Su Qinghuan personally. Some imperial concubines can't turn to such good materials.

  Xiaotao has long been accustomed to this treatment.

  It can only be said that even the master to follow is really a life.


   Xiaotao saw that the little palace lady looked at Su Qinghuan’s admiration and admiration. She was always jealous. She always felt that the only person around the lady was the most loyal. As a result, the popularity of the lady became better, but it caused her a headache.

   "Master, there are so many court ladies and eunuchs who want to follow you now... Xiao Tao is a little bit savory."


  Su Qinghuan smiled and turned her face, rubbing Xiao Tao’s cute and round face.

   "You, you, isn't you the only one who has been with me? Don't worry, no one will go past you except the words."

  Now that Su’s father is dying early, and the original owner’s wish is to revive the Su family and take good care of the maidservant Xiaotao.

  When I got along with Xiaotao, I found out that there is such a girl who is honest and devoted to you, which is really not bad.

   "And when you have a sweetheart, you may forget where your master is."

   "That definitely won't, where is Xiao Tao such a person?"

  Although she knew that Su Qinghuan was joking, Xiaotao shook her head very seriously.

   "In Xiao Tao's heart, the young lady is always the first. As for the husband-in-law, Xiao Tao hasn't thought about it. Let's talk about it when the master and the eldest son get married."


  Thinking of Su Jinyan, Su Qinghuan's eyes showed a trace of sorrow.

  She hasn’t seen Su Rui for a long time. Although he knows that Helian Moxuan’s birthday party will be there on the fifteenth month of the next month, he will definitely appear at that time.

  I hope everything goes well and peace with each other then.

  Just as Su Qinghuan was in a trance, there was a loud noise outside the door.

   "Your Majesty, come!"

  Su Qinghuan shook his whole body when he heard the words, the original exhaustion, and instantly disappeared from his eyebrows.

  Now that everything is ready, she only owes the east wind, and she needs to sing the big show more and more.

  The little fox instantly picked up his spirits, and hurriedly ran out carrying the skirt, his face was even more surprised.

   "Your Majesty, why are you here? You haven't come to Qiwu Palace for a long time, and the concubines thought that you forgot about the joy~"

  (End of this chapter)

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