The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 990: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (116)

  Chapter 990 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (116)

   "Your Majesty, you actually came to see your concubines in Qiwu Palace. Qinghuan thought that you have forgotten that there is Qinghuan waiting for you in Qiwu Palace."

  A beauty in a purple palace dress ran in the courtyard with a skirt carrying a skirt. The clear and pleasant smile on her face even made Helian Moxuan a hint of shame.

  He doesn't know what's wrong, his attitude towards Su Qinghuan has been so erratic recently.

  Helian Mo Xuan is sure of one thing, that is, he really likes Su Qinghuan, and he even starts to hesitate a little bit. If the Su family is cut down, should he keep Su Qinghuan alive?

  They all said that cutting the grass should remove the roots, but when he looked at the clear eyes of the person in front of him that did not seem to be fake, Helian Mo Xuan felt that he was inferior to Su Qinghuan.


  After all, women have been in the palace for so many years, and now they have not been able to truly become their own women.

  Helian Mo Xuan thought of this, his eyes darkened involuntarily.

  The man stretched out his long arms and embraced Su Qinghuan in his arms very naturally.

   "Didn’t I send someone to talk to my concubine? I have been busy with my affairs in the past few days, and I have not had time to visit my concubine, and I did not deliberately ignore the feelings of my concubine."


  Su Qinghuan sneered in her heart. With the arrogant and domineering character of the original owner, the corner of her mouth suddenly pouted, and Helian Moxuan's lie was pierced mercilessly.

"Is your majesty really busy? But how did the concubines hear that in the past few days, your majesty went to Defei, Duanfei, and Ruyi? And once they called two beauties to the Hall of Nourishment. ?"

   "Now the palace is saying that your Majesty has recently been addicted to the appearance of women, and he has been a little slack in the affairs of the court."


Helian Moxuan turned his head in a very embarrassing manner. Although he knew that Su Qinghuan was jealous because he liked him, the man never thought about hanging him on a tree. What's more, as for Su Qinghuan’s current influence on him, he always It is somewhat subconsciously worried.

  At that time, two beauties were called to serve at the same time. Although it was a little too outrageous, Helian Moxuan felt a kind of emptiness in the soul after the incident was completed.

  He never thought that even at that time, he should have laughed and laughed, but for some reason, he would think of Su Qinghuan in his heart.


  The man sighed suddenly, and then suddenly stretched out his hand to hug Su Qinghuan around his waist.

   "You, you are really a little vinegar spirit reincarnated. Is it possible that I am not qualified to spoil the other concubines in the palace?"

   "Of course your Majesty has this qualification. It's just the uncomfortable Qinghuan, but your Majesty didn't see it at all."

  Because he was suddenly picked up by Helian Moxuan, the little fox's eyes suddenly dazzled, she was wary in her heart, and secretly guessed what Helian Moxuan wanted to come.

She originally thought that Helian Moxuan came to her because of Mu Sisi's death in the cold palace, but now Helian Moxuan refuses to mention the most important things. That proves. Compared to Mu Sisi's death, I'm afraid Helian Moxuan still has something else in mind.

  Then in this Qiwu Palace, besides this imperfect concubine, what else should Helian Moxuan worry about?


  Su Qinghuan sneered inwardly, seeing the existence of possessiveness somewhat from the man’s long and narrow eyes.

  Unfortunately, she never thought about being a real couple with Helian Moxuan.

  When Helian Moxuan gently placed her on the side of the beauty couch, the other palace people retired very consciously. Only Xiao Taoyi glanced at Su Qinghuan with reluctance and worry.

  She is afraid that her master will be bullied by Helian Moxuan.

  But there is no way to stay here forever, after all, it is too eye-catching.

  It's not always good to destroy Helian Moxuan's good deeds, right?

  After all, they are the emperor.


   Just when Xiao Tao was hesitating, Su Qinghuan blinked at Xiao Tao, and said with lips that Xiao Tao could understand from an angle that Helian Moxuan couldn't see.



  Xiaotao's heart jumped immediately. If there are only two people left in this room, your majesty and master, your majesty is so powerful, tall and strong, even if she knows that the wisdom and endurance of today's master is far better than ordinary people, Xiaotao is still subconsciously worried.

  The maid gritted her teeth and loyally picked up a tray with two cups on it.

  "Please also use tea for your Majesty and Niang Niang. This good spring tea will surely make your Majesty and Niang Niang smell sweet."

  Helian Mo Xuan lazily glanced at Xiaotao.

   "You can talk, step back, you don't need to wait here anymore."

   "Your Majesty..."

   Xiaotao held the tea cup helplessly, the embarrassment and worries in her heart overflowed to the extreme.

  Although she has never experienced personnel, the actions Helian Moxuan left at this moment are enough to prove Helian Moxuan's purpose in coming to Xiwu Palace.

  I'm afraid it will be difficult for the master to disobey the holy order.


   Just when Xiao Tao stood stiffly at the door, Su Qinghuan suddenly coughed.

  "Okay, well, this palace knows how you admire your majesty, but now the tea is respected, you should go down early, and remember to let people outside do not disturb the solitary time of this palace and your majesty."

   "...Slaves obey orders."

   Xiaotao gave Su Qinghuan a worried look, but she knew that it would be useless to say anything more now, she couldn't get Helian Moxuan out, right?

  This is in the palace, and there is no real change from Helian to Su. If Su Qinghuan is qualified to reject Helian Moxuan, he will be abandoned by Helian Moxuan.


Seeing the little fox looking at him restlessly, Helian Moxuan's heart jumped. He thought that Su Qinghuan was a genius doctor who understood that he wanted to spend the night with her. After Xiaotao retreated, the man immediately wanted to reach out. Su Qinghuan drew into his arms.

   "Ai Concubine, take advantage of this good time, if we go to bed earlier..."

  Unexpectedly, before the man had finished speaking, Su Qinghuan stretched out his arm bitterly and nervously, and accidentally blocked Helian Moxuan's hand.

"How can your Majesty say that today is a good time? Now that both the left and the right have retreated. The concubine knows why his Majesty came to visit the concubine. The concubine slammed and died. Although the concubine was there at that time, it was true. He didn't pay attention to Wanbing's weirdness in time."

  The man saw the beautiful face of the woman close at hand, and he was eager to try it. He was almost ready to pick this sweet fruit in time. Unexpectedly, Su Qinghuan suddenly poured a layer of cold water on him.

  No matter how eager, the man was suddenly overshadowed when he heard the news of Mu Sisi's death.

  But all this is no better than Helian Moxuan's desire to get Su Qinghuan's mood.

  Helian Mo Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he turned Su Qinghuan's hand upside down and pressed it under the tent.

   "I don't want to hear these disappointing things today. I haven't seen them for many days. Don't the concubine want to miss my favor?"

  (End of this chapter)

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