The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 991: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (117)

  Chapter 991 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (117)

  Helian Mo Xuan's paranoia in his heart is getting deeper and deeper, and he has only now discovered that it is useless to add a few more beauties to attract attention in order to eliminate the influence of one person on him.

  Perhaps after those moments of joy have passed, it will give people a very strong feeling of anxiety.

  Helian Mo Xuan still has some self-control ability, otherwise I am afraid that after the pair of very similar-looking beauty sisters Hua Chengtong a few days ago, I am afraid that they will be punished.

   Just as Helian Moxuan's eyes were deep, he thought that his straightforward words would make the beauty tremble, and he responded with embarrassment and eagerness.

It's a pity that Su Qinghuan was destined to disappoint Helian Moxuan.

  Anyway, the dark guard is dead now, and he has completely disappeared into this world, and Su Qinghuan has also begun to make up stories.

   "Why does your Majesty say this? Although your Majesty has not come to see Qinghuan for such a long time, Qinghuan has always remembered your Majesty in his heart, and he gave him so much food."

"Although the concubines are very clear in their hearts that those ordinary soups are not worth anything, but they are also sweet soups that Qinghuan has worked so hard to make for Your Majesty. She always hopes that His Majesty can respond, even a little bit, but your Majesty has never I don’t know how to talk to my concubines about these things."

"Is your majesty's longing for his concubines just messing with those very young imperial concubines? Now, your majesty is clearly hurting his concubines for the sake of her concubine, so he needs to find a channel for dismissal, so why bother to pretend to be Is it really to spend this evening with concubines?"


  Helian Mo Xuan never thought that Su Qinghuan would still be worried about Mu Sisi's death at this time. He originally thought that in the eyes of Su Qinghuan, it was impossible to hope to mention his old love again in front of him.

   But Su Qinghuan not only did this, but once again arranged a sentence of men’s mercy.

  Helian Mo Xuan's interest was disturbed, and a bit of hostility suddenly grew in his heart.

   "If I slept with you tonight, you would know in your heart why I came here?"

"...Does your majesty really think that your concubine is just angry and repeatedly mentions Wan Yu Niang Niang? Yes, the court concubine admits that he and Wan Yu are in the same situation, but the so-called cold lips and teeth, your majesty clearly liked Mu Sisi. Girl, why has it suddenly changed now?"

   "Does your majesty like it because it is so cheap?"

  Helian Mo Xuan saw that Su Qinghuan’s little mouth popped such a big bucket, he suddenly sighed helplessly.

   "If I say that the person I like the most today is you, and I only care about you in my heart, would you believe my sincerity?"

  "...Leave aside other things, will your Majesty be the first to think of Qinghuan about anything in the future, and will put Qinghuan's concern first?"


  How can Helian Moxuan be dumb to bear such a strong dogma.

"Are you talking nonsense again? When did I put you first? If it wasn't the first place, why did I let the people in the palace shut their mouths tightly, in case the death of a gentle man was suddenly rumored to be You are driven to death."

   "Of course not the concubine forced to death!"

  Su Qinghuan immediately denied that she should carry the pot on her back. It doesn’t matter to her, but Helian Moxuan’s current situation of staying in bed with three sentences is too worrying.


   "Your Majesty..."

  Su Qinghuan thought for a while, and finally faced Helian Mo Profound Dao.

   "Actually, the concubine has always been concerned about him. Part of the reason is that the concubine came to Yuexin today. I am afraid that if you stay in Qiwu Palace tonight, the concubine may disappoint you."

   "Why does it happen to be today?"

  Helian Mo Xuan glanced at Su Qinghuan very unhappily. Although he really wanted to make a good deed with Su Qinghuan as soon as possible, it did not mean that he could very much tolerate what happened to a woman who was still in the aunt stage.

  It is far less convenient for ancient women to come to aunts than modern people.


   Seeing Helian Moxuan’s impatience to apologize, Su Qinghuan knew in her heart that after her trick worked, she had to remember not to show her stuff too quickly.

  Su Qinghuan suddenly bowed her head in disbelief.

   "How dare you deceive your majesty by your concubine, it's just that the concubine hasn't slept with your majesty for a long time, and almost forgot what a great experience this is."

"But at any time, the beauties around your Majesty, I'm afraid there will always be something that can make your Majesty feel at ease. Although your servants are jealous of your Majesty for having such a good opportunity, your Majesty is the monarch of the people of the world. Who does your Majesty love? Can bless."

"And this time the monthly letter came suddenly, and the concubines had not had time to report to the Superintendent of Internal Affairs. If your Majesty wanted to criticize the concubine, the concubine would also admit it. The concubine originally planned to let Xiaotao report to the concubine at night. , Whoever wants your Majesty to come back and forth."


   Hearing the grievances of the girl, Helian Moxuan felt that the first two were big, and he had not been able to fulfill his wish at the moment, and there was an indescribable feeling of anxiety in his heart.

  He thought for a long time, and finally sighed.

   "Fine, I'm just angry that I can't have a good deed with my concubine tonight."

   "Then your Majesty will stay and finish the meal?"

  Helian Mo Xuan glanced at Su Qinghuan’s beautiful and aggrieved face, and he felt an indescribable sense of absurdity.

  It is obviously that Su Qinghuan failed to report to the Internal Affairs Supervisor that she had come to the monthly letter in time, so why was she embarrassed to be wronged in front of him?


  Helian Mo Xuan unwillingly put down Su Qinghuan's hand.

  "Finally, since Concubine Ai's body is uneasy, then I won't disturb Concubine Ai's rest."

   "Your Majesty is going to the newly promoted Ru and Xiu?"

   "So what?"

  Su Qinghuan's words revealed how suddenly Helian Moxuan's celebrity was in front of him.

"Your Majesty, don’t blame the concubine for talking too much. The concubine remembers that your majesty is a person who has a lot of thoughts about the country, but now, the concubine has to stand up and say something. The country of the Daqing Dynasty is so eye-catching, far better than The attractiveness of those children's love."

  Helian Mo Xuan didn't expect that Su Qinghuan would still be in charge of things like this until now, the man took a deep look at Su Qinghuan.

   "If I disagree? Does the imperial concubine still prevent me from accepting new people?"

   "The concubine dare not."


   There was a tension in the atmosphere, but it instantly dropped to freezing point.

   Seeing Su Qinghuan turning his face, he didn't mean to comfort him at all, Helian Moxuan walked away in anger, and stood up completely coldly with Su Qinghuan, the new flowers in the palace were even more charming and bright.

   Just when everyone questioned whether Su Qinghuan was completely out of favor, Helian Moxuan’s birthday party arrived.

   And Su Rui entered the palace at this time.

  (End of this chapter)

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