The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 992: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (118)

  Chapter 992 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (118)

  Helian Moxuan’s birthday banquet was called a willow green bonus. Su Qinghuan sat at the bottom left of Helian Moxuan, and next to him were lined up with concubines in the harem who worked hard to dress up.

   And the seat at the bottom right of Helian Moxuan is a hundred officials of civil and military ranks.

  Because Su Rui is the prime minister of the people, the opposite of Su Qinghuan is Su Rui, who wears a hidden blue official robe and a jade crown on his head.

  The two have not seen each other for a long time, so at this moment, during the banquet, almost all of them are looking at each other hard to contain the longing in their hearts.

  Su Qinghuan thought for a while, still stood up and confronted Helian Mo Xuan Dao.

  "The concubine and the elder brother have not met for a long time. I wonder if your majesty can accept the concubine to make a toast to the elder brother?"

   "Okay, since I miss her relatives, let's go."

Helian Moxuan sat on the main seat with a charming little girl in his arms. She was a new beauty who had not been in love for a long time. At this moment, she was leaning lazily in Helian Moxuan's arms, as if she had no bones all over her body. Su Qinghuan smiled hypocritically.

  "The concubine and empress are well, and the concubine will not get up to see you if she is unwell today."

   "It's okay, if the concubine is so favored by your majesty, you can serve your majesty well, and it can be regarded as dedicated to the other concubines in the palace."

  Su Qinghuan coldly glanced at the woman in Helian Moxuan's arms. To be honest, she really didn't like Helian Moxuan's taste.

Before Helian Moxuan liked Mu Sisi, that woman was really scheming, and her appearance was also weak and pitiful. It is true that only nine out of ten men of this level of green tea can hold it. .

  But the newly promoted concubines that Helian Mo Xuan is fortunate to have a taste of one more than one eye, the looks are indeed not bad, but how amazing it is to say.

  In terms of being a human being, he was even worse than Mu Sisi. I was afraid that he didn't even have the talent for fake and shoddy. Helian Mo Xuan was so hungry that he could not choose food to such a degree, and it was amazing.


  Helian Moxuan heard Su Qinghuan’s polite words, and suddenly became a little annoyed.

  He couldn’t say why. Ever since Su Qinghuan rejected his holy favor for taking the letter of the moon in Qiwu Palace, the man's heart has become more and more irritable.

He was full of eyes and thought that Su Qinghuan would take the initiative to report to him and ask the emperor to turn over the sign after the monthly letter, but the woman was busy preparing for this so-called majesty’s birthday banquet every day, saying that it was Helian Moxuan. One year older, she must handle it by herself.


   Isn’t it more important to be with him day and night than a birthday party?

  Helian Mo Xuan was anxious, so he repeatedly looked for various beauties to wait on him. Sometimes his behavior was too exaggerated, and he would be referenced by various pedantic civil officials from the previous dynasty.

   But Helian Moxuan didn't care, let all kinds of rumors spread everywhere in the palace, and he hadn't rested in Qiwu Palace for so long, and other people in the palace would naturally have ideas about Su Qinghuan.

  After all, there is no place that worships higher and lower than the imperial palace.


  Helian Mo Xuan saw that Su Qinghuan was still watching his nose and nose, and he was angry, so he immediately pulled the beauty named Rupi and teased him in his arms.

   "Come, feed me grapes."

   "Oh, my lord, the imperial concubine is standing right in front of you. You are so tired of your concubine, concubine is afraid that the imperial concubine will give birth to other thoughts."

  The squeamish young beauty said this, but then lifted her chin and looked at Su Qinghuan proudly.

  The ostentation in it was so dazzling that it couldn’t add any more points. Even Xiao Tao, who was serving next to Su Qinghuan, was a little angry.

  ——Of course she knows that her master does not need His Majesty’s favor, but when the master is such a golden figure, when will it be the turn of these clowns to show off!

   Xiaotao suddenly got angry, but she replied.

"Just like what the concubine said is not good, my wife said before clearly, to let you wait for your majesty, this is like the blessing that the concubine has cultivated in a hundred and eighty lifetimes, my wife is also very pleased, how can I treat you What's wrong with it?"

   "Or, your villainous heart..."

   Xiaotao hadn't finished speaking, Su Qinghuan coughed immediately, and shielded Xiaotao behind her.

   "Your Majesty, Ruyi Niangniang, this girl in this palace has a straightforward personality. She did not intend to say these disrespectful remarks, but I also hope that your majesty and Ruyi Niangniang Haihan."

"The concubine sees that the concubine Ru concubine is born so fresh and lovely, and the concubine also rejoices for her majesty to find a beautiful woman. If the concubine Ru concubine does not dislike her, the concubine will give away the jade bracelet that your majesty once gave to the concubine. Yu Ruyi, I wish Ruyi and her majesty a long-lasting love."

  Su Qinghuan said, then gently raised his sleeves, revealing a bright wrist that was even more frightening than Shuangxue.

  On the thin white wrist, he was also wearing a transparent and watery emperor green bracelet, which was of great value, enough to make most of the rich and powerful.

  After all, although jadeite is not unusual in the eyes of the high-ranking officials and nobles here, the jadeite with a water head like the emperor green is indeed delightful.


  This was the first time Helian Moxuan summoned Su Qinghuan into the palace as a noble concubine. In order to show her Xuanhe favor for the Su family, he personally picked up a wedding gift for her.

  Helian Mo Xuanben was very angry with Su Qinghuan, but at this moment, seeing this bracelet, he seemed to be aroused by countless memories.

  In fact, he rarely saw Su Qinghuan wearing this bracelet, because the original owner cherished the bracelet so much that he would break it if he was not careful.

  Helian Moxuan once saw the scene where the original owner loved the bracelet, and after asking why the other party did not wear it, he still thought the girl was ridiculously stupid.

  But now seeing this bracelet, the emperor’s heart is even more mixed.

   He just wanted to stop by words, but Ru 嫔, who had no eyesight to see, had already reached out with joy and immediately reached out to touch the jade bracelet on Su Qinghuan’s wrist.

  "Really? Since the imperial concubine lady promised to give me this bracelet, she would have to make a promise, so I can’t regret it!"

   "This is natural."

  Su Qinghuan nodded very calmly.

   But the little-fashioned 嫔 is like seeing some supreme treasure. Before Su Qinghuan took it off himself, he hurriedly started to pull Su Qinghuan’s bracelet out.

Although the little fox’s wrist is thin and thin, the bracelet was originally tailor-made for the original owner, so the size of the bracelet is not too wide. If this is the case, Su Qinghuan’s wrist is quickly covered with red marks. .

  The little fox whispered without a trace.


  He even Mo Xuan heard it naturally, and the man frowned deeply...

  (End of this chapter)

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