The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 194 Roots and Tests (First Update)

The first is the change in consumption. He found that after the two divine seals formed a twin star cycle, the consumption of spiritual waves was greatly reduced to only 30% of the original.

At the same time, the recovery speed increased by 30%. When combined, Lin Yi's spiritual wave endurance increased by at least three times.

In the past, he had always been very careful to use spiritual waves and the true destiny solution because spiritual waves were too easy to consume.

Once he saw a being with a higher cultivation level than himself, the consumption would be faster, which was a very dangerous phenomenon.

Now that the consumption of spiritual waves has decreased and the recovery has increased, he was relieved.

After calculation, Lin Yi found that the conversion of the essence and nature in the body does not consume much spiritual waves. Basically, about 1% can be completely converted once.

He can convert a hundred times without being discouraged, and there is no side effect on the body.

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The second true destiny root, the potential is even more unlimited.

Next, Lin Yi continued to conduct various inspections on the true destiny root.

It has two pieces of information, the root of the source and the creation of all things.

Lin Yi has some understanding of the root of the source, which roughly means that it can change the properties of all energy and matter.

For example, the essence that is integrated into his body, those extremely tiny essence particles.

The integration of essence has improved the essence of his body in a certain way.

And Lin Yi can use the true life root to transform all these essences into the essence of the "Xuan Yin Sutra".

At the same time, it maintains the structure of them and the body without any adverse effects.

Lin Yi vaguely realized that this ability may also work on pure matter.

When the true life root is turned on, Lin Yi can feel everything in the body, even the most basic cells.

Even the chemical molecules, origins, electrons, etc. in the cells.

However, this feeling is an instinct, and he can't explain the reason.

Lin Yi raised his right hand and looked at his little finger nail.

With a thought, "turn into iron."

The spiritual wave was consumed by nearly half in an instant, and then Lin Yi's little finger nail turned into black steel.

The fingertips were cold and a sharp pain came over him. He felt as if something was embedded in his little finger.

The True Fate Dao Jie opened, and Lin Yi immediately saw the condition of his little finger.

Originally, the nail was connected to the capillaries, fat tissue, etc. at the tip of the little finger.

But after the nail turned into metal, these tissues came into contact with the steel.

Then the nerves in the nail began to burst into pain, and more white blood cells began to gather.

The nail was already considered a foreign body in the body, so the severe pain naturally occurred.

Lin Yi's mind moved, "Change back."

The spiritual wave was consumed in an instant, and the nail returned to its original appearance.

There was a severe dizziness in his head, and Lin Yi took a deep breath. He knew what was going on.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple."

"The root of the source creates all things."

"This ability is very simple to transform energy, but it consumes too much energy to transform matter."

Lin Yi instinctively thought of a law of the earth in the past.

Matter is formed by highly compressed energy. Whether it is electrons, atoms or molecules, the essence is actually composed of energy.

There is also a formula that is noted, energy = speed * mass.

Then it is clear why he consumes a lot of spiritual waves when changing the composition of his nails.

Because it takes a huge spiritual wave to accomplish all this.

"Transforming the material structure seems to be of little use now. The main function of this ability is to transform the nature of energy."

Lin Nan sat cross-legged on the bed and quickly concluded the seal. The spiritual waves in his body recovered to their peak state within an hour.

"The recovery speed has been greatly improved, which is of great benefit for a protracted war."

Lin Yi tested and analyzed the new ability he had mastered through many means.

Soon he discovered the new role of the true life source again.

The coverage of this power is the area of โ€‹โ€‹one meter around him.

All energy and matter in this area can be affected.

And what he valued was the impact on energy. At this time, he moved his essence to the maximum output and gathered it on his palm.

This is one-tenth of his essence, which is also equal to his maximum output. It can be used up to ten times in a row in battle.

At this time, the power of the true life source was instantly activated, and in an instant, Lin Yi's palm emitted a huge suction force.

The energy within a one-meter radius quickly covered his palm.

The dark light originally covered Lin Yi's right hand, making it look like crystal.

With the effect of his true life source, countless energies in the air covered this palm.

He could feel a pressure on his palm, which was the essence of the energy attached to his arm.

He stopped the power of the true life source until this pressure made him feel dangerous.

At this time, he consumed about one-tenth of his spiritual waves. Looking at his palm, which was already colorful, he felt that he seemed to have infinite power.

His mind moved again, and all the energy attached to the colorful palm turned into the essence of the "Xuan Yin Sutra", resonating with the essence of the meridians in his palm.

In an instant, Lin Yi felt that the power of his attack seemed to increase again.

Looking at the ground in front of his bed, Lin Yi suddenly hit down.

Underground was the ceiling of the maze, but Lin Yi was not worried.

There was a huge muffled sound, and the floor of the bedroom seemed to jump.

A pit with a diameter of two meters and a depth of thirty centimeters appeared on the ground.

Lin Yi's fist was firmly inserted in the center of the deep pit. He half-knelt and watched everything calmly.

Pulling out his hand, Lin Yi looked at his palm, which had no scars on it.

Obviously, his palm was not damaged by the attachment of external energy.

At this time, he moved his mind, and the ground began to recover rapidly. The Wanshiwu has the ability to self-repair.

A few minutes later, the ground had returned to its original state.

At this time, Lin Yi raised his right hand again. This time, only pure energy was circulated, covering his palm, and then he hit the ground.

This time, a small pit with a diameter of about one meter and a depth of about 13 centimeters appeared.

Obviously, there was a huge difference from the previous blow.

Looking at this scene, Lin Yi showed a trace of thinking in his eyes.

"Is the power difference more than double? It's hard to measure the exact data."

Lin Yi shook his head, "Maybe there is a professional machine to evaluate power?"

"Forget it, even if there is a machine, it is in the hands of some large forces. If I go, everything will be exposed to others."

"But it can be judged that through the true life source, the output can be doubled."

"Then if pure martial arts can work, can magic weapons work?"

Thinking of this, the Earth Seal flew out in front of Lin Yi, emitting a faint black light.

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