The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 195: Killer Move, Martial Arts School (Second Update)

After continuously injecting 20% ​​of the essence into it, it reached the power capacity limit of the Zhendi Seal.

At this time, an illusory mountain appeared around it, a looming artistic conception.

Lin Yi felt as if he was facing a real mountain, a kind of spiritual oppression.

But at this time, the source of true life moved, and the surrounding energy quickly gathered towards the cover of the town seal.

When Lin Yi felt that the Zhen Di Seal had reached a certain limit, he quickly stopped gathering energy.

With a thought, these colorful energies have turned into the dark essence of "Xuan Yin Sutra", covering the ground seal.

When this energy turned into essence, it seemed to be affected by some kind of Zhendi Seal and quickly changed its form.

The shadow of the mountain formed by the town seal blended in, and in the next moment, the town seal seemed to turn into a real trumpet mountain.

About the size of a palm, it floated quietly in front of Lin Yi without any radiance.

He looked at the mountains and felt the breath of death.

If this thing explodes, he will die instantly, without any luck.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yi felt that the ground-suppressing seal this time seemed very unusual.

After thinking about it, I didn't use it directly in the bedroom. Instead, I turned around and left the bedroom and came to the underground maze.

He came to the center of the maze, and the Zhen Di Seal floated quietly in front of him, like a nimble butterfly.

During this process, Lin Yi found that he had no consumption at all, which reminded him of how to use the Earth-Suppressing Seal.

"If you use this thing in the future, it seems that you can prepare it in advance and then use it at the right time."

Standing in the center of the maze, Lin Yi looked at the ground-suppressing seal in front of him. With a thought, it slowly flew out and hit the ground.

On the first level of Human Immortal Dao, any power controlled cannot be more than one meter away, otherwise control will be lost.

For example, Taoism generally covers a one-meter range around the body. If you extend your hand, it will extend one meter beyond your fingers.

As the Zhen Di Seal fell, it lightly hit the ground.

A terrifying power erupted, and black light spread out from the ground seal, all vented to the ground.

Lin Yi had retreated several meters away, and a huge black light spread along the ground, covering a three-meter diameter area.

Everything in its path was shattered and turned into countless small stones. The bottom of the wall where the maze was in contact with the ground also shattered directly.

When the black light dissipated, what appeared in front of Lin Yi was a pit three meters in diameter and half a meter deep.

There are countless broken rock particles piled inside, and the Zhendi Seal lies quietly on the top of these broken particles.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi took a breath.

This blow consumed two layers of his energy and turned it into a spiritual wave, but the power exerted was far beyond imagination.

"Is this the power that a magic weapon can unleash when combined with the source of true life?"

"Even if I took five full-force shots, I still wouldn't be able to cause such huge destructive power."

Lin Yi felt happy in his heart. He felt as if he had developed a killer move.

As long as it is applied properly, even a strong person on the third level of Human Immortal Dao will definitely die.

According to the information he got from the man in black, the third level of human immortality.

For people on the first level of Immortal Dao, the upper limit of pure output is about three times.

If the output limit of the first level of Immortal Dao is Lin Yi's current energy, it is 10%.

Then the output limit of the third level of Human Immortal Dao is 30% of Lin Yi's current energy.

Martial arts has already begun to be quantified by scientific research in the Red Lotus world through countless studies.

In particular, there are data related to attack output, resistance to damage, endurance, agility and flexibility, etc.

After all, in the face of the overwhelming research, although martial arts is mysterious, as long as it goes through countless tests, it can always get a rough result.

This is the horror of science, building models for analysis and ultimately analyzing all the secrets.

Lin Yi even suspected that the Red Lotus Empire might be researching weapons specifically designed to deal with these martial arts masters.

That's why they allowed the establishment of various martial arts halls because the empire had the confidence to suppress them.

At this time, Lin Yi thought of the strange organization that possessed unexplainable strange power.

They are the real enemies of the Red Lotus Empire, because it is difficult to establish models for analysis and comparison, and the unknown is the most dangerous.

Lin Yi thought of this and shook his head, "Forget it, it has nothing to do with me. I am a good citizen."

"A good law-abiding citizen, other things have nothing to do with me."

Oh oh oh

The rooster crowed, and Lin Yi's test today was completely completed.

The next step is to continue to become familiar with the use of the True Life Path Interpretation and the True Life Root.

Lin Yi wants to fully integrate these two vital abilities into his combat system.

No one would have thought that he could exert the power of the second or even third level of human immortality by relying on the power of the True Life Principle and the True Life Root.

No one would have thought that he could change various techniques, making it impossible for people to figure out the limit of his combat power.

And with the various strange objects he has acquired, Lin Yi will become a nightmare for all enemies.

They will never know where the limit of Lin Yi's power is.

In the morning, after breakfast, Lin Yi went out.

In order to maximize both abilities, he needs to start preparing.

Today he wants to visit all the martial arts halls in Honglian City.

These martial arts halls were built by major forces, and one of the purposes was to increase income.

The second is to build connections and recruit strong people with outstanding martial arts talents.

The third is to build your own martial arts force.

No one is a fool. With the second world change, the growth and emergence of martial arts will become the mainstream in the future.

It would be really stupid for large forces not to seize this opportunity.

When the great power belongs to oneself, it can naturally have more say, and wealth will gather because of power.

When power belongs to oneself, wealth is also at your fingertips.

What does the Hongliang Empire rely on to rule the entire Honglian world?

It's just pure violence. Without the support of violence, any system and wealth are nothing but smoke, and they will break at the touch.

Lin Yi stood in front of the most famous martial arts hall in Honglian City, thinking.

A thought flashed through his mind, "I read a novel before, and there is a sentence in it that is really beneficial to people."

"In the first thirty years of life, I believe in power, and I can do everything with power."

"In the middle thirty years of life, I sneered at power and believed that organization is everything."

"After another thirty years, I realized that I was right when I was young, and power is everything."

"Power runs through the past, present, and future of the world, attracting all ambitious people."

"Look at these people, their faces are full of yearning for power and wealth."

Lin Yi looked at this martial arts hall - Honglian Hall.

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