The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 646: Clone, Degeneration

"Interesting. If you can master this power, you can avoid this spiritual-devouring world and exert combat power beyond ordinary people."

Lin Yi felt slightly interested, "We need to check it carefully."

Thinking of this, he entered generals and heroes into the search engine.

Suddenly, names appeared one after another in the search engine.

They were dazzling existences in ancient times, and they made countless brilliant achievements. They are remembered by everyone and influenced one period of history after another.

I've been browsing the information on the web, but haven't found anything substantial.

No one seems to be analyzing the source of their power.

"What's going on?"

"There is absolutely no description of their inhuman powers."

"Could it be that someone is covering up this information?"

"It seems that it is impossible and difficult to learn the truth through normal channels such as the Internet."

"Maybe I have to find a way to get in touch with the higher-ups in this world, so I can figure out what's going on."

He took a deep breath, and there was a trace of thought in his eyes, "What we need to solve now is how to leave the Wanshiwuwu and truly experience what this world is like."

"Maybe use a clone."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi made a decision in his heart.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and began to operate a wonderful method.

The spiritual possession technique separates a trace from one's own soul, and then forges it with immortal energy, turning it into a soul seed.

This seed can parasitize a body without any consciousness at all, forming a pure clone.

Although it will not have any physical power, it will have great growth potential.

It is those sects in the Red Lotus Realm that specialize in cultivating the secret method of the second soul.

Legend has it that someone cultivated the ninth soul, and then the nine souls merged into one, allowing the true spirit to forcibly break through the threshold of the heavenly path.

However, from ancient times to the present, there are only a handful of people who can truly cultivate the Nine Souls.

That is equivalent to cultivating nine peak masters of the Earth Immortal Dao, and each Earth Immortal Dao Yuanshen must condense its own spirituality.

In the end, the nine great souls and nine spiritual realms also merged into one, relying on their powerful spirituality to impact the heavenly path and forcibly become immune to the catastrophe of thunder.

However, this is also a method of death, and the probability of success is only a little higher than simply attacking the Celestial Path.

But for those who have no hope of becoming immortals, this is the last chance.

But now this method is just suitable for Lin Yi's current situation, allowing him to walk freely in this wonderful world.

After the soul seeds were condensed, Lin Yi slowly opened his eyes.

He raised his hand and waved, and a crystal coffin appeared in front of him.

This is a vessel he refined, a vessel specially used to cultivate clones.

He stood in front of the vessel, his right hand slightly extended, and a drop of golden blood slowly dripped.

In an instant, the blood fell into the vessel, and at the same time, a majestic energy appeared in his hand and poured into the vessel.

The vessel is filled with a milky white liquid, which is all specially prepared nutrient solution.

It does not contain any energy or spirituality, it is simply provided for the clone to absorb and use.

As the blood falls into these liquids, majestic energy is also injected into this drop of blood.

One of Lin Yi's innate abilities was activated.

Rebirth with blood.

Absorbing energy and culture fluid, a mass of dark golden flesh is rapidly growing and dividing, while simultaneously becoming humanoid.

In about a few minutes, a brand new human body appeared in the petri dish.

This body is exactly the same as Lin Yi, without any difference, and even the structure of the genetic material in the body is also flawless.

The only difference is that there is no energy in his body, and all the power that Lin Yi poured into him has been transformed into his body.

The empty body is just suitable for this world and can walk in this world calmly.

Lin Yi, who was standing in front of the cultivator, stretched out his hand and touched the body's eyebrows.

The next moment, his eyebrows trembled slightly, and the soul seeds had entered the clone's body.

At this time, the clone opened his eyes, and Lin Yi also had a new perspective.

He saw "himself" and quickly adapted to this multitasking state.

The horror of the Immortal Way is not only shown in strength, but also in the power of the soul. It is not a problem to use one mind for two purposes, three purposes, or even a thousand purposes.

Standing up from the culture vessel, Lin Yi felt this new body carefully, and an incomparable sense of emptiness rose from his body.

There is no energy present in his body, only pure flesh and blood, an extremely powerful flesh and blood body.

But Lin Yi had a hunch that the powerful material in this body would be lost.

Even the genetic material that builds this body rapidly degrades.

The genetic material of talent is not achieved overnight. It itself has an initial state, and a more perfect state that continues to evolve during the process of cultivation.

Just like Brandy before training, although he had the talent to sense crises.

But before he practiced, this talent basically didn't have much effect.

The reason why this talent can appear is purely because after practicing, the talent has the support of energy, which allows the talent to evolve.

When energy cannot sustain the existence of talents, these talents will naturally degrade accordingly.

And the various organs born when the talent is perfect will also degenerate to their original state.

This is a protective mechanism of talent. The activation of any talent must be supported by energy.

If there is no such talent, when the energy cannot be supported, these talents will react to the body and even extract life to maintain the perfection of the talent.

And when the talent has a degradation mechanism, it can prevent the talent from being too powerful and causing damage to the life of the talent owner.

This is also the reason why the talent owner disappeared before the Red Lotus Realm Spirit Tide surged.

At this moment, Lin Yi clearly felt that the talent in his clone was in a state of hunger.

The genetic structure of the talent seemed to be stimulated by something and began to slowly release some special substances.

Along with these special substances flowing into the organs or systems corresponding to the talent.

His body's hunger was rapidly subsiding, and the result of this subsiding was that the organs began to rapidly degenerate and become normal human organ structures.

It took only more than ten minutes for the perfect talent to degenerate to the initial stage. This process shocked Lin Yi.

However, after the degeneration was complete, Lin Yi felt that his body had completely turned into a mortal body and no longer possessed any special abilities.

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