The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 647 Powerful, Tour

However, he can still feel some subtle special abilities in his body, although these special abilities can only work in his body.

For example, his eyesight is a little stronger than that of ordinary people, his five senses of hearing are sharper than ordinary people, his strength has basically reached the limit of the human body, and his muscle fiber structure is also somewhat different from ordinary people.

All of these special features are purely physical structural differences.

To put it simply, his current body can be said to be the perfect human body limit, the result of the combined effects of 365 primary talents.

He waved his arm slightly, and instantly a fist shadow broke the air in front of him, bringing up a faint white air wave.

The air wave spread to a distance of one meter.

With sonic punch speed and abundant physical strength, Lin Yi felt that he could stand up to dozens of ordinary people, basically equal to a humanoid beast.

"Well, now from the perspective of strength, at least it's not helpless."

Feeling the power of the clone with satisfaction, Lin Yi's clone walked directly outside the House of Everything, while the main body continued to stay in the House of Everything.

In the hall of Wanshiwu, Lin Yi looked at Gin and said, "Come out with me and take me around Wanjin City."

Gin has become a member of the House of Everything.

He naturally knew that Lin Yi and the others could not leave Wanshiwu at will, otherwise they would be drained of energy and spirituality, and eventually degenerate into mortals.

And he also knew that Lin Yi and the others were from another world and were not natives of Blue Star.

At first, he was shocked when he heard the news. He couldn't believe that there was another world in this world.

And these aliens actually came to Blue Star, which shocked him very much.

However, he is now a member of Wanshiwu, and it is impossible for him to reveal this kind of news, otherwise the first Wanshiwu will not let him go.

Now he can only become a member of the Wanshiwuwu.

Otherwise, his end will be very bad.

Ring ring ring

The door of the Everything House was pushed open, and two figures walked out of the Everything House.

Lin Yi was wearing ordinary casual clothes from this world and looked like an ordinary young man.

Behind him was Gin Jiu, who was also wearing casual clothes, following Lin Yi step by step.

Wanjincheng is very prosperous, with busy traffic and neon lights shining everywhere on the road.

It's now around 7pm, the sky has become slightly darker and the sun has set.

Both sides of the bustling streets are lined with a wide variety of shops.

The flow of people coming in and out are all enjoying their consumption, and their faces are more or less filled with smiles and joy.

Most people seem to be doing pretty well, and it's a healthy and prosperous world.

However, you can still see some beggars in some street corners.

Obviously this is also a world that follows the principle of the weak and the strong, but it has become an obscure way like the earth.

Lin Yi's eyes faintly passed over these people, his eyes were shining with the light of true destiny, and he was observing everyone on the street.

There are ancient mysterious figures in this world who are called gods or heroes. If ordinary people want to find such figures, they will undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack.

But for Lin Yi, with the help of the True Life Principle, he may not be unable to find this special existence among the crowd.

"Manager, over there is the highest place in Wanjin City, the Oriental Pearl Tower. It is said to be 333 meters high. It took 5 years to build."

"Standing on it, you can overlook the entire Wanjin City and the sea. It can be said to be the most scenic place in Wanjin City."

"There is also a high-altitude restaurant up there. I heard that a reservation costs at least 3,000 Chinese dollars."

The consumption power of China is similar to that of Earth’s soft currency. 3,000 Chinese dollars is almost equal to a month’s salary of an ordinary person.

Lin Yi smiled, "It seems that only high-end white-collar workers can afford it."

"Come on, let's go up and take a look."

Ginjiu nodded and immediately led Lin Yi towards the Oriental Pearl Tower, which was 100 meters ahead.

The Oriental Pearl Tower has a sightseeing elevator that goes directly to the top. It costs 50 yuan to use it once.

Many people who come to Wanjin City will go up once to enjoy the scenery of the entire Wanjin City.

The two of them spent 100 yuan. Ginjiu bought the tickets with some heartache, and stood in the sightseeing elevator with Lin Yi.

The sightseeing elevator didn't rise very fast. In the process, he could still see the stretched panorama of Wanjin City.

A port city by the sea. A dozen kilometers away is a hazy and huge port. Dozens or hundreds of various ships are docked outside the port.

Further ahead is the hazy ocean shrouded in darkness. It is a hot day now, and the water vapor that evaporated during the day on the sea has not completely fallen.

The typical coastal city climate is very beautiful.

At this time, there were many people in the sightseeing elevator. They were chattering, and some even took out their cameras to take pictures.

Lin Yi and Ginjiu stood in a corner, just observing the outside quietly.

Three minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and they finally arrived at the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower. There was a disc platform here to accommodate people to enjoy the scenery.

However, this platform can accommodate no more than 200 viewers at a time, for safety reasons.

After all, this place is hundreds of meters above the ground. If something goes wrong, people will die.

Walking out of the elevator, you will see a platform made of tempered glass. Even the outermost circle of the ground is supported by tempered glass and steel structure.

One side of the platform seems to be a special high-altitude restaurant, and the other side is a place where tourists can walk freely.

Lin Yi's eyes swept casually, and then looked at the entire Wanjin City.

There are beautiful scenery everywhere, brightly lit, countless lights shuttled on the road, and the night view was extremely beautiful. A long river runs through the entire city and connects to the sea.

There are lights on both sides of the long river, making the river look very beautiful.

This is a very prosperous world, Lin Yi's heart was thoughtful.

At this time, Lin Yi's eyes swept across the direction of the high-altitude restaurant and suddenly paused.

"Hey, this is."

Lin Yi's eyes showed a trace of solemnity, even shock, because he saw a wonderful person.

If from his perspective, it was just a strong man who had undergone rigorous training. There was no fat on his body, all of which were extremely delicate muscles and fascia.

The muscles, bones, fascia, and internal organs are completely different from the body structure of ordinary people.

With strong blood transport capacity, each muscle fiber is as tough as steel wire.

There is no fat in the internal organs, which are all composed of fascia and muscles.

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