The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 795 Meeting, Understanding (Second Update)

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In the mysterious palace of the Heaven and Earth Mountain, the thoughts of the Eternal Sky King slowly sounded.

"Interesting, this is someone who has broken through the current realm through the power system of another world."

"It has entered the same level as us."

"Look at the fluctuations in this aura. This is the aura of the Celestial Clan."

"It seems that there are some smart guys in this Celestial clan."

The King of Dark Night sneered and said, "So what if they are smart? They cannot leave this world, and their power is only temporary."

"I have inquired a lot about that mysterious Mr. Lin."

"He seems to have a knack for helping us leave this world and escape the constraints of the world."

"Enter other worlds with this energy quality."

"In that kind of world, with the blessing of our martial arts and this spiritual energy, we will quickly become stronger."

"This mysterious energy can improve physical strength, increase our mental limits, and allow us to carry more spiritual power."

"What do you think now? Are you interested in leaving this world through this person?"

At this time, the other kings were thinking, and soon King Eternal Sky said, "This Mr. Lin is mysterious and unpredictable!"

"We can consider his words, but we cannot believe them all."

"The most important thing is, maybe we can get the way to leave the world from him."

"Instead of being limited by him."

After hearing the words of King Eternal Sky, all the kings understood the meaning of his words.

If there is really such a way to leave, of course it is best to have it in their hands, rather than being controlled by others.

After hearing this, the King of Dark Night thought for a moment and said, "I met him that day."

"He showed a little bit of strength. In total, he can rival three strong men like me."

"And that's just what he showed me."

"Maybe he's hiding something beneath the surface."

"If force is to be used, be fully prepared."

"And we also have to consider that if we fail, maybe we will lose the possibility of leaving this world."

The words of the Dark Night King made all the kings start to think slightly.

After all, once they use force, they will face an unknown power system.

In this process, no results are surprising.

"Let's take a look first."

"Reveal this news to those who come from another world."

"Let them test this Mr. Lin."

"We will make a decision based on the results of the trial."

"That's a good idea, borrowing a knife to kill someone," the Star King said slowly.

Lin Yi didn't know that a conspiracy was coming towards him.

At this time, he was paying attention to various changes in the entire world.

At the same time, his own body is also undergoing continuous cultivation for all kalpas.

According to the current progress, Lin Yi estimated that it would take about 100 years to complete the catastrophe of all things.

This is an extremely long time and a problem that cannot be avoided no matter what.

This is one of the problems with the immortal cultivation system.

Even if the conditions are sufficient, there is the mysterious sky crystal to assist.

It also takes such a long time to complete the practice of all kalpas.

Not to mention the following three tribulations: the Void Tribulation, the Zhouguang Tribulation, and the True Spirit Tribulation.

It is almost impossible to complete the 5-kalpa abbotship.

For the next three realms, Lin Yi has not found any direction yet.

Basically relying on the treasures of the universe to explore.

The treasures of the universe contain information about an entire world.

Through the True Life Path Interpretation, he is understanding and absorbing all the information in this treasure.

After he fully understood all the information in this treasure.

He may be able to initially touch the mysteries of space, time and soul.

All the techniques in the Red Lotus Realm have been mastered by him, and the training system no longer has any secrets in his mind.

But even so, the exploration of space, time and soul is limited in the training books of the Red Lotus World.

He had already completely mastered the method of qi and blood cultivation he had received from Indra.

But there is still very little information about space, time and soul involved.

The biggest conclusion Lin Yi came to during his research on the Immortal Way was this.

If you want to truly break through these five major tribulations, the first thing you have to do is understand.

When understood, this information will be integrated into spirituality, and then the structure of the five innate essential powers will be constructed within spirituality.

And this structure plays a vital role in the five essences of spiritual immunity.

It is equivalent to the human body being injected with a vaccine and already having a certain level of antibodies.

Once injured, the antibodies kick in and eventually destroy the invading virus.

After spirituality has produced this essential structure, it will be harmed by the power of these five essences.

These structures will naturally activate, allowing the spirit to evolve towards a form that is immune to this kind of damage.

In the end, the spirit can be completely immune to the five major harms, and finally survive these five kinds of disasters.

This is the most orthodox cultivation method of Tianxian Dao.

It is not barbaric, constantly damaging the spirit, using various treasures, restoring the damaged spirit, and passively gaining immunity.

Instead, it is through understanding the five innate essences, actively forming immunity, and then guiding the spirit to self-immune through damage.

In short, immunity formed through understanding is the kingly way, while repairing through barbaric damage to treasures is a shortcut and an evil way.

However, shortcuts are not unusable. As long as there are resources, they can be used naturally.

But when there are no resources to do these things, if you want to continue to improve your realm, you can only take the kingly way.

Lin Yi is constantly observing the void where the blue star is at this time.

The light of the true destiny solution flashed in his eyes, and he kept observing everything that changed in the void.

He was eagerly collecting this information.

Because it involves too many changes in time and space.

This change cannot be seen in the usual universe.

And now in the void, because of the continuous appearance of other worlds, this change in time and space appears again and again in his eyes.

And through this observation, he also discovered a secret.

This secret is how to open a gap to other worlds by yourself.

His human immortal clone slowly raised his right hand.

A trace of power gathered in his hand, and this power was generating a wonderful wave, forming a mysterious structure.

The power of the celestial immortal level gathered into a ball on his palm, accompanied by the continuous formation of a wonderful structure.

A tiny black dot appeared in the center of this ball of energy.

This was a pure empty point, which seemed to open the door to an unknown world.

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