The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 796 Channel, Observation (First Update)

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A wisp of energy from the space-time storm gushed out from it.

After the power of this space-time storm blew out from the hole, it blew directly onto Lin Yi's body.

His clothes were torn to pieces in an instant, but his body was extremely strong, and this trace of the power of the space-time storm could not hurt his body.

Lin Yi's human immortal clone looked at the mysterious black hole on his palm, and there was an indescribable joy in his eyes.

He opened the door to the other world, so easily, without any difficulty at all.

"This is the benefit of understanding the power of space and time."

"As long as I inject enough power, I can open a larger channel."

"Thus, I can freely go to one unknown world after another."

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"Then I should be considered an outsider now."

"But I haven't really traveled to another world by my own means."

"So it's not completely outsider."

"And the place I'm going to is uncontrollable. There are huge risks in going there randomly."

"It seems that I have to continue researching how to determine the coordinates of the world?"

"At the same time, I have to have the ability to detect whether there is danger on the other side."

"I remember that mysterious soul master and his soul hunters followed me to the Red Lotus Realm."

"If he can do it, I should be able to do it too."

"I have to study it slowly."

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with a thoughtful light. He was very concerned about becoming an outsider.

Although the Wanshiwu also has the ability to move across worlds, it also has huge flaws.

You must use the Acacia Bell to do it, and there was a problem when it was used for the first time.

So he must make up for this defect by himself.

If the Acacia Bell can't be used in the future, he must also have the ability to cross the world.

This is what he values.

In Jinguan City, a mysterious person appeared here.

This is a guy with a snake head and a human body, and he is filled with a cold and evil aura.

However, he did not expose himself to others, but carefully hid his existence.

In this world, he felt the aura of the Heavenly Immortal Dao level, which gave him a sense of danger.

During this period of time, this piece of void has changed, and he has seen it.

Although the spiritual energy in the air has increased significantly now, it has prevented him from being drained of spiritual energy and eventually weakened.

But he will not waste his strength because of this.

He always remembers how terrifying the world's suction was when he just came to this universe.

He can also see why this abnormal situation happened.

Once the three suns in the sky are sucked dry, the world will return to its original state again.

So what he needs to do now is to find a way to leave this world.

But first he has to find out the situation of this world.

"The world of annihilation, a time and space with spiritual exhaustion."

"It's not easy to leave here."

"Damn it, how did I suddenly come here."

The mysterious existence with a snake head and a human body had a flash of anger in his eyes.

But more of it was helplessness. Now that he encountered such a thing, he had no choice.

Now he had only one thought, to find a way to get out.

He had a vague plan in his mind, but to implement this plan, he needed to understand the situation of this world first.

The most important thing was that when he came to this world, he sensed several very powerful forces.

"These forces are a bit special, and seem to have some deep connection with this world."

"How could such a supernatural force appear in this land of annihilation?"

"This does not conform to the theorem in the void. Is there any secret in this world?"

The monster with a snake head and a human body, his survival years are beyond imagination. He is a genuine outsider-level existence with countless void experience.

He also has a considerable understanding of the land of annihilation.

But he has never heard of a world like Blue Star.

A faint power wave enveloped him, and the next moment, his appearance changed.

He had silently turned into a normal human being, and no one would notice the problem when walking on the road.

And most importantly, his change was entirely a change in appearance, which made it even more difficult for people to see the clues.

But this was only under normal circumstances, and it overlooked a problem.

That is, the people in this world do not only judge a person's strength by appearance, but also by the essence of the soul.

His soul essence is like a bright fire in the dark night, which has attracted the attention of some people in Jinguan City.

He has stepped into the existence of the God General level, and the hidden heavenly existence has noticed his arrival.

Especially the clone of the Dark Night King, who looked at his direction with a solemn expression.

The monster with a snake head and a human body, his name is Axis.

It is a race belonging to the void creatures. They naturally wander in the void and survive by devouring one world after another.

Axis was transferred to this world because he encountered an abnormality when destroying a world.

Axis was walking on the street, observing this world carefully.

Soon he noticed some people practicing martial arts. At this time, "Perfect Martial Arts" was being promoted throughout the Blue Star.

Countless people practiced this method, and because of the emergence of spiritual energy.

When practicing this method again, everyone progressed very quickly.

In a short period of time, a large number of masters who have perfected the first stage and even the second stage of spiritual perfection have appeared.

There are even new gods who have broken through the original realm, and a new round of martial arts breakthrough period is emerging.

Everyone wants to get a perfect body. Once they break through the gods, they can live for 300 years, which is three centuries.

More and more people have joined the ranks of martial arts practice, and even the stupidest people know the benefits of martial arts.

As a great void creature, Axis watched these people quietly.

He noticed the strength of their bodies and the perfection of their spirits.

"This is a martial art developed entirely based on the basic body and soul."

"First of all, it is the perfect training of the body, which perfectly expresses all the health information in the genes."

"Secondly, the perfect body affects the soul and produces spirit. This spirit is the product of the soul, although it cannot directly affect the real world."

"But it can cause spiritual shock to organisms and even defeat consciousness."

"From material development to spiritual development, what kind of martial arts system is after this?"

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