Chapter 13 You put me on a stack of buffs! Run back and forth! |My Celestial Master’s Identity Was Almost Exposed | My Celestial Master’s Identity Was Almost Exposed Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

After seeing the little boy, everyone in the live broadcast room suddenly trembled!

Wasn’t this little boy at the door of the courtyard not far away just now?

Why did he turn around and appear behind Huang Zhenzhen! ?

Moreover, this little boy’s appearance is treacherous.

Obviously only a three-year-old child, but reveals an indescribable evil nature.

Someone also recognized it. This is the little boy who sought Jiang Che’s treatment yesterday.


“I’m scared to death. How can this child be so elusive? Is he really possessed by dirty things?!”

“No, why do I see this little boy so familiar,

Where have I seen him? ”

“I remembered it! Isn’t this the child that the old lady took to find Jiang Che to exorcise the evil yesterday, why is this sick again?!”



Huang Zhenzhen also remembered, this is the little boy from yesterday, Xiaowen.

Suddenly, this little Wen burst out laughing, turning his back and forth, unable to close his mouth.

“Hahaha, look at your cowardly look!”

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaowen stared at Huang Zhenzhen with a fixed snort.

“Bah, nothing!”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked home with his hands behind his back.

While walking, he kept mumbling, “It’s not as fun as that old man, go back and play with that old man…”

Behind him, Huang Zhenzhen and the photographer looked at each other in shock.

Huang Zhenzhen let out a long sigh of relief, “What old man?”

The photography brother swallowed and spit, “It should be that little boy’s grandfather…”

The voice fell, and Huang Zhenzhen suddenly felt a sigh in her heart.

“Come on, we have to go and see!”

Huang Zhenzhen witnessed the two things that happened yesterday.

She can be sure that Xiaowen is indeed attracting dirty things.

Moreover, the thing that the photographer brother coughed out just now was probably made by Xiaowen.

If an aged old man is tossed like this by him, wouldn’t he lose half his life?

No, there are hundreds of millions of viewers watching it in front of the TV.

In any case, Huang Zhenzhen has to go and see it.

She trotted all the way with the photographer and came to the big yard of Lao Li’s house.

I just saw Xiaowen sitting on the back of a white-haired old man, who was crawling on the ground like a dog.

While crawling, Xiaowen hit the old man with a whip.

“Climb the old man quickly. It’s better to ride a wild rabbit than to ride you. Lao Tzu’s red rabbit can run faster than you!”

It’s hard to describe what kind of picture this is.

Suddenly, Xiaowen saw Huang Zhenzhen and immediately thought of something, and clickedHe hooked his fingers and smiled evilly.

“Come here, I want to ride you!”

Hearing this, Huang Zhenzhen immediately thought of being ridden by Xiaowen and crawling on the ground like a dog…

If this is seen by hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the screen, how can I live in the future? !

It’s still live now!

Huang Zhenzhen is in trouble.

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a sound of running not far away.

Along with the sound of running, there was also the sound of crying father and mother.

“Grandson, grandma is back to save you!”

The voice fell, and Lao Chun ran into the yard panting and yelling.

“You dead fairy, get out of my grandson quickly, or the living fairy will come soon, and you will surely die!”

Hearing this, Xiaowen sneered, “It’s still a living fairy, even if you let him come, I want to see who is a living fairy!”

After he finished speaking, he raised Erlang’s legs and looked at everyone arrogantly.

“Okay, okay!” Lao Chun looked at his wife distressedly, trembling with anger.

She glanced at the road, and then seemed to see someone, nodded respectfully and bowed, “The living gods are here!”

A ridiculous idea suddenly popped into everyone’s mind.

Living fairy?

This piece of living gods… Could it be that poisonous Jiang Che? !


“What kind of living fairy, isn’t the living fairy in this piece Jiang Che?!”

“Why is this kid so haunted, I can look at him wherever I go.”

“Jiang Che is here, I see how arrogant that monster is!”

“But this time something is attached to Xiaowen, why is it so arrogant!?”


Under everyone’s attention,

Jiang Che slowly walked into the courtyard.

His eyes fell directly on Xiaowen.

This little boy with sparse hair stared at him arrogantly.

Jiang Che sniffed and frowned slightly, “A smell…”

He shook his head, “It’s nothing major, it’s just that I was possessed by a yellow skin.”

The so-called yellow skin is the weasel, Mr. Huang Er.

This thing is cunning by nature, extremely mysterious, and terribly evil.

Huangpizi is the yellow immortal among the five immortals. It usually appears in the Northeast. I didn’t expect one to appear in this Liaodong area.

It’s actually a rare thing.

Jiang Che couldn’t help but glanced at Xiaowen with novelty, and then strode over.

“It’s just that you are a living fairy, bah, let’s learn how to bark from the uncle.” Xiaowen smiled sadly, full of disdain.

Jiang Che ignored him and walked directly to Xiaowen and squatted down.

“I heard that Huangpizi’s illusion is very powerful, you can show it to me.”

Hearing this, Xiaowen’s body suddenly tightened.

How did he know that his body was only a yellow skin? !

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