Chapter 14 Who Said Huangpizi Can’t Fight? I hit it today! |My Celestial Master’s Identity Was Almost Exposed | My Celestial Master’s Identity Was Almost Exposed Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

Jiang Che just stared at Xiaowen like this.

There was no trace of fear in those calm and curious eyes.

Xiaowen felt uncomfortable when he was seen, a ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and he sneered.

“If you want to scare Lao Tzu, you are still a little tender.”

“When Lao Tzu was all-powerful in Heishanling, your grandfather was still looking for his mother to breastfeed.”

After speaking, Xiaowen’s eyes immediately showed a tinge of red!

In an instant, Jiang Che looked in a trance.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was still in the Li family compound.

Xiaowen was in front of him, and Old Li Tou was angry and scared, and he was crawling under Xiaowen’s body and didn’t dare to move.

Behind them, Huang Zhenzhen and the three looked at themselves worriedly.

Everything around him has not changed at all.

But suddenly, the old Li’s head popped up, directly flying Xiaowen’s top!

He grabbed a shovel at random, and he was about to slash at Xiaowen’s neck.

Shame and anger, “You are really deceiving people too much, I even drank the urine, I also robbed the dog for food, and even made me kneel on the ground in front of so many people, I can’t bear it anymore, kill me! ”

Behind him, Lao Chun exclaimed and told Lao Li to stop, saying that it was his own grandson, so he couldn’t do it.

But Old Li Tou didn’t hear it, his eyes were fierce.

Today even if it is his own grandson, he can do it!


Jiang Che was like this, quietly watching all this happen.

I saw that Xiaowen didn’t have time to get up, accompanied by the spray of Lao Gao’s blood column, and his head was directly hit by the old man.Lee head shovel down!

The head was stained with blood, rolled around a few times, and swayed and rolled to Jiang Che’s feet.

Finally, with his face up, those frightened and empty eyes collided with Jiang Che’s.

Suddenly, Xiaowen’s head moved.

He sneered sullenly, stared at Jiang Che with those extremely evil eyes, and said something horrifying,

“Do you think I look like a person?”

After a while, Jiang Che was speechless.

Just got up and sighed, and waved casually.

In an instant, the entire space shattered like glass, and the thunderbolts kept falling off.

When Jiang Che opened his eyes again, he had returned to the real world.

Looking at Xiaowen in front of him, Jiang Che couldn’t help shaking his head, “It’s boring.”

It’s boring, really boring.

Jiang Che thought that Huang Daxian’s illusion was so powerful, but when I saw it today, it was nothing more than that.

From beginning to end, he was awake!

Seeing Jiang Che recover so quickly, Xiaowen’s eyes suddenly shrank.

“Why did you wake up so quickly?!”

This time I encountered a hard stubble!

Xiao Wenlai wanted to watch Jiang Che collapse and die in the illusion, but Jiang Che woke up in the blink of an eye!

Who is he? !

“I’ve been careless this time, I’ll fight with you next time!”

The hero does not suffer from the immediate loss. After speaking, Xiaowen rolled his eyes and fell back straight like a dead fish.

The yellow-skinned child attached to him ran away when he saw something bad.

Old Li Tou quickly turned over and caught Xiaowen, crying, “Grandson, wake up, grandson!”

Behind him, Lao Chun and Huang Zhenzhen also hurried over.

Lao Chun hurriedly hugged his eldest grandson and asked anxiously, “Living fairy, what happened to my grandson!”

“Don’t worry, he’s fine.”

After speaking, Jiang Che’s eyes slowly swept across the courtyard.

At the same time, Huang Zhenzhen handed over the microphone.

“Mr. Jiang, what happened just now?”

“Just now, was Xiaowen possessed by a yellow skin?!”

“So not only the zombie ghosts, but also the five great immortals at the northeast end are real, right?!”

As a reporter, she immediately raised several key questions.

In front of the TV, the audience watching this scene pricked up their ears.

They can all see what happened just now.

That Xiaowen’s demeanor, expression, and voice are not like a three-year-old child at all!

Everything is evil.

If nothing happens, a fool will believe it!

Jiang Che said perfunctorily, “The child has epilepsy, that’s all.”

“As for Huangpizi…that’s a cute little animal, how can it be so evil as rumored?”

“Return to the five immortals, the five immortals are all…”

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Che seemed to sense something, and threw a dagger straight at the corner of the south courtyard!

I just heard a horrifying scream!

He strode forward and picked up a yellow skin with black hair tied around his head!

The dagger just happened to be inserted into Huangpizi’s abdomen, causing him to suffer excruciatingly.

“How did you find me?!”

“Good grandfather, I beg you, I kowtow to you, please spare my life!”

This is exactly the yellow-skinned man who was possessed by Xiaowen just now, making Lao Litou drink urine and grab food from the dog!

Hearing this yellow-skinned man uttering words, everyone on the spot felt that their whole body suddenly froze, and their scalps were about to explode!

This picture… it’s so impactful, it’s unbelievable!

Hearing that this yellow-skinned man begged for mercy from himself, Jiang Che laughed, grabbed it by the back of the neck and lifted it up.

“Are you from the Northeast Black Mountain Range?”

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