The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss!

Chapter 514: Slap Qin Wanyan

Ling Ye covered her lips with her fingers, and coughed a few times: "Yes, I'm sorry, I will try my best to help Sister Wan Yan. Sister, please calm down. If you lose your breath, your health will be bad."

The more he obeyed, the more contemptuous Qin Wanyan was.

Qin Wanyan had a great sense of superiority in front of Ling Ye.

Because she felt that Ling Ye was like an object and existed for her, what happened to her curse?

If she can't complete the task, then Ling Ye will be trapped here for a lifetime!

Thinking of this, Qin Wanyan threatened: "Brother, if I have a hard time, then everyone shouldn't think about it. So, are you more sensible?"

The boy nodded: "I will, I must think of a way to make Sister Wanyan go into flames. But, sister, you..."

He hesitated to speak.

"Huh?" Qin Wanyan was smart. After a slap, she quickly gave a sweet date. She asked softly: "Ling Ye, if you have something to say, I treat you as my brother."

Ling Ye raised her clean eyes: "Sister Wanyan can listen to me in the future? I won't harm my sister, but my sister...sister's luck may not be so good that so many accidents happen."

He used the words euphemistically, and didn't directly say that Qin Wanyan was actually in a bad mind.

Qin Wanyan believed that it was true, and felt that what he said was reasonable.

Yes, I just had bad luck this time.

Who would have thought that Ms. Cen turned over so fast! She was also hacked by netizens!

If she listens to Ling Ye's words, although she is a little bit dirty by blowing suona, she can indeed circle fans...

Qin Wanyan regretted it.

She hurriedly said: "Okay, then I will listen to you from now on, brother, you must help me!"

After talking good words and good words for a long time, Qin Wanyan returned to the living room dryly and tried to rub the camera.

However, as soon as she got out of the glass garden, she was stopped by the staff.

"Sorry, Miss Qin, you cannot enter the live broadcast area."

Qin Wanyan:? ? ?

"Why? I am today's guest!"

"This is a notice issued by our program team. I hope you don't embarrass us, otherwise... we can only call the bodyguard over."

Xiangyi’s brothers are very helpful and have arranged a full ten bodyguards for her, and now they are guarding the manor in shifts every day.

Qin Wanyan thought of something, and his face changed drastically: "Is it a suitable ghost? Did she deliberately not let me participate? You let me go, I'm going to find her to reason!"


Why does that idiot dare to suppress her? !

The staff refused to let go: "Miss Qin, if you make trouble unreasonably, I really have to take measures."

Qin Wanyan: "Believe it or not, I will expose you online! Let the netizens know how wonderful your program group is! You openly not let the guests participate in the recording..."

She kept beeping, the staff was really annoying, and interrupted her directly: "It's not Yimei, it's Teacher Tian."

"..." Qin Wanyan was stunned on the spot.

The staff member didn't get angry and said: "Teacher Tian spoke, and you are not allowed to record it, saying you lost the face of the teacher! Just now I secretly apologized to Yimei and Shi Yingdi!"

"No... he is my master... how could he do this to me?" Qin Wanyan was panicked.

She thinks Tian Zhi is a turtle, but if there is no Tian Zhi, she would be nothing!

The staff looked at her with pity in their eyes: "Mr. Tian also said that he is limited in his ability to teach you."

"Miss Qin, you are not Teacher Tian's apprentice anymore!"

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