
Like a bolt from the blue, Qin Wanyan's self-confidence was completely destroyed at this moment!

"How, how..." She was dumbfounded, completely unwilling to accept this reality.

Teacher Tian obviously likes her suona so much!

Qin Wanyan had a chill on his back, and he felt like he was kicked down the quagmire before reaching the top of the cloud!

Not far behind, Ling Ye watched this scene calmly.

The reason why Tian Zhi accepted Qin Wanyan as a disciple was that besides Qin Wanyan's exchange for the system's Suona skill card, he also used a small prop.

Props are rewards that he gets after completing tasks from other worlds. They are not very useful, but they have a deceptive effect.

He just added to the flames.

If Qin Wanyan let the flow go and did not be a demon, and honestly did his duty, even if Tian Zhi noticed something abnormal, he would probably not think too much. On the contrary, he would give guidance on cultivating Qin Wanyan and do his best for this. Apprentices fight for resources.

This can be seen from his willingness to bring Qin Wanyan to the show.

But Qin Wanyan's performance is no longer unsatisfactory, but terrible!

The best result of Ling Ye's calculations was that Tian Zhi was disappointed with Qin Wanyan and would leave her in the air for a period of time, which would hinder Qin Wanyan's progress in completing the task.

He didn't expect Tian Zhi to be so cruel.

fair enough.

Qin Wanyan's mission could not be completed, and he could continue to stay in this world.

"I want to see my master! Get out of here! Ah-you guys get out!" Qin Wanyan was so excited, he wanted to go to Tian Zhi and blow another suona.

But the staff had long looked down upon her.

Please, we Yimei, can you step on it if you want?

Ha ha. :)

Called the bodyguard directly and dragged Qin Wanyan away.

How glamorous Qin Wanyan was when he came, and how embarrassed he was when he was dragged away!

"No! You can't do this—"

The cries drifted away, but no one sympathized.

The soundproofing effect of the living room is excellent, and there is no noise from the outside.

The brief end of Lianmai was regarded as a linkage between the two parties and clarified those unnecessarily rumors.

The traffic in Yankaikai's live broadcast room has skyrocketed. It can be said that he took the initiative to show his favor, but he made a profit.

He is the most well-deserved brother among the anchors currently carrying goods, second only to Yan Kaikai is the vastness of the ridiculed second child.

The two are competitors, and they are usually very popular.

In addition, Haohan has recently obtained a lot of low-priced goods, and it has a faint stance to pressure Yan to start.

Of course, the Haohan team did not want to see Yankai open a big fire, and the reaction was very quick. It didn't take long for the rhythmic navy to be arranged.

——【I am a fan of Yimei, I have said that Yimei Kaikai this is to catch Yimei's popularity~】

——[I bought fakes in Yankaikai’s live broadcast room before, and I feel sorry for our Yimei sister, and we have to connect with him.]

——[I really can’t stand Yan Kaikai’s live broadcast with goods, it’s nothing more than a new form of TV shopping, and it’s still a good-looking live broadcast variety show that is suitable for the movie king~ and the vast live broadcast style I think is OK]

Public opinion seems to be silent on the sea level, but in fact undercurrents are surging and spreading on the Internet.

"It's too early, everyone can start preparing dinner." Li Jianyu smiled and handed out task cards to everyone.

Everyone has it, but not suitable.

The girl looked around, her little face floating in confusion: "Where is mine?"

"Yimei, today you have a special task~" Li Jianyu teased her deliberately, "I'll tell you if you are cute."

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