The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 275: This Lingjiafeibi Lingjia

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"No, my reincarnation, Lingjia should be no one knows. More recent chapter visits:. She said that Ling, like me, can she say that his father came down from heaven?"

The appearance of Xiaoyao Wang is very weird. There is no parent of Xiaoyaowang in Dongjianyu, and there is no central territory. Ling Dao once asked the grandfather and grandmother, but the happy king just shook his head. He had long guessed that the origin of the Happy King was not simple, but unfortunately the King did not say that he did not ask much.

"My father has gone to Heaven, is it back to Lingjia?"

The family where Lingdao used to live is Lingjia is not fake, but Lingjia is just a small family, and it is indeed much more powerful than all the forces in the world of Jianshen. However, the young geniuses who came down this time are all from the forces of the heavens. The small family like Lingjia is not really a big force. Lingjia, where Qianhui is located, either has a great emperor or has ever been born.

What's more, the practice of Qianhui's cultivation is not the Lingjia swordsmanship, or Lingdao must have been aware of it. Lingdao can feel that Qiandao's martial arts practice is very powerful, and it is likely to be a monarch. Lingjia, where the past life is located, certainly has no emperor, or else it will not be so weak.

"I want to ask, which domain is Lingjia in Tianyuan?"

The reincarnation of things, Lingdao naturally can not tell Qianhui, can only side-click. Lingjia, where the previous life was located, is a small force in the Ziwei domain, and it is incomparable with the Ziwei Holy Land. If Qianhui comes from Lingjia, it is also in the Ziwei domain, but it may be a family. Although he has already guessed that this is not a home, he can't help but confirm.

"Tian Lingyu!"

Sure enough, the answer to Qianhui is not the Ziwei domain, but a territory that Lingdao has not heard of. There are three thousand territories in the heavens, and the territory known by Lingdao is too little and too little. Where is Tianling, Lingdao certainly does not know, but he already understands that Linghui from Qianhui, and Lingjia, where his previous life was, is completely different.

"This is a matter of time, you will go to heaven with me! I have a big emperor in Lingjia, and others dare not gossip!"

Lingdao's realm is indeed only the peak of the heavens, but Ling parents want her to come down to protect Lingdao. It is very important to think about Lingdao. When the matter of the emperor's sword is over, all the young geniuses from the heavens will return to the heavens, and Qianhui will take the Lingdao, naturally without any problems.

The rules of the world of swords and gods reach the peak of the heavens and humans, and then they can get through the barriers of the two worlds before they can go to the heavens. But that is the meaning of the solitary family. In the face of all the great forces of the heavens, let alone the solitary family, even if it is a solitary family, it can only acquiesce to the major forces to ignore the rules.

It is not the same as the power of the great emperor to sit in the town, and the power to sit in the town without the great emperor. Throughout the ages, the power created by the Great is more like a star. As long as the Great is dead, it may be destroyed. Only the emperor is sitting in the town, the effect can be less powerful. After all, the emperor is in the hands of Daojun, and the power that can be exerted is limited.

"Damn, our plan is completely destroyed!"

The young geniuses of the previous ‘private’ Tibetans were all glaring at Qianhui. If it weren’t for the benefits of Qianhui’s “exciting”, they would absorb the power of their symbols, and now they can dominate the entire battlefield. Their plans have all been lost, and naturally there is no need to work hard with others. Qianhui has helped Lingdao before, and if they deal with Qianhui now, Lingdao and others will definitely not stand by.

The big devil, the butterfly dance and the sword demon have already shown their strength. Fight with them, whether it is to win or lose, you must die a lot of warriors. The people's swords are coming to an end, they will soon return to heaven, there is no need to fight hard at the last minute, after all, there is no deep hatred.

"The mother of the blood magic, finally can work!"

The gold that has been hiding in the distance is lifeless, but it is sneer. With his current strength, he naturally can't deal with the young people who are Lingdao. Fortunately, he has already let Lingdao practice the blood of the demon. For him, even if it is the inheritance of the demon emperor, the attraction is not as strong as the blood of Lingdao.

Kim has no way to run the magic power, in order to absorb the blood of Lingdao. It is a pity that there is no reaction at Lingdao. Not to mention the blood power of Refining and Chemical Road. Even he has not been able to sense the blood of the demon. Can it be said that for such a long time, is there any progress in the **** magic of the son of Lingdao?

Of course, this is not the case. Ling Dao’s son-in-law’s **** magical power was only simulated by the wild and singularity, and it was not really cultivated. At the beginning of his time, he was able to use the ridiculous genius to simulate the next martial arts. With his understanding of the ridiculous genius, even the simulation of the child's blood magic is no problem.

"Damn, it seems that this move can only be used later!"

The eyes of Kim’s lifeless flashed, and then he quietly retreated. He didn’t want to pay attention to Lingdao. Anyway, with the talent of Ling Dao, I will definitely go to heaven, and maybe they will be able to meet again later. If Lingdao is more powerful, will he refine the blood of Lingdao and get the benefits?

"I still can't fight? Didn't you want to kill us before? Do you know now?"

Those young geniuses have no signs, and Aolong naturally has no jealousy, directly provoking the young swordsmen who had previously wanted to shoot them. As long as they don't go to the strongest group of young warriors, they will not have any danger at all. The big devil and others will naturally toss him.

“Why didn’t you see the young genius of the Dragon, the Pengpeng, and the Phoenix?”

There are a large number of warriors gathered in Tianyuan City, but until now, Lingdao has not discovered the demon geniuses such as the Dragon, the Phoenix, and the Peng. Even the enchantress and the demon are not coming. It stands to reason that when the Emperor's sword is born, the young genius of the Yaozu should also come to compete for it.

Taikoo's top ten soldiers, the power is very strong, the Yaozu can not be tempted. However, if the geniuses of the demon people of the Dragon, Phoenix, and Peng Peng are present, it is sure to make a great noise. What is the reason, so that the genius of the Yaozu, did not come to Tianyuan City?

The gold of the Dapeng family has been hiding in the dark, and Lingdao has not found it. If it is not for the refining of the blood of Lingdao, I am afraid that Jin will not come. The demon genius that Lingdao saw, only Qingxu, but what Qingxu wants most is not the sword of the emperor, but the inheritance of the demon emperor.

It is a pity that Ling Dao is not clear about the situation of the heavens. Even if he wants to break his head, he does not understand. Naturally, there is no need to ‘wave’ time to guess. Qian Hui said that he would take him to the heavens. He naturally would like to, if he left the world of Jianshen in the eyes of the public, there must be someone who would deal with people related to him.

As long as those enemies in the dark jump out, it is their death, because the swordsmen will continue to stay in the world of Sword God. With the strength of the sword magic now, looking for the entire world of swords and gods, not many people can win him. And as time goes by, the swordsman will only get stronger and stronger.

"Two bodies are good, I can safely leave the world of Swordsman now!"

If there is no one-in-one, Lingdao will definitely not leave the world of Jianshen. There are still things left in the main territory of the central government. Dong Jianyu has his big brother, as well as Jiang Ren and Jian Zong, all of which he can’t worry about. But he is also anxious to go to heaven, because there are too many doubts in his heart.

"The juniors, the Tianyin of the Daqin Holy Court is really powerful, but unfortunately, your realm is too low!"

The battle between the swordsman and the princes of the people was finally coming to an end. If it weren’t for so many bombardments, the sword of the Emperor’s sword would have broken the Sky Seal. It is the weakness of the soul of the sword and the soul of the sword, and it is possible to step by step to force the sword and soul of the sword. Unfortunately, he still failed. After all, it is because he does not know enough about the soul of the sword. After all, he is only a heavenly person.


The Emperor Sword and the Sword Spirit hold the Emperor's Sword and draw out eight swords in succession. Each sword is aligned with an ancient character. "I was ordered to live in the sky and live in Yongchang". The eight characters were smashed by the emperor's sword. The whole day was killed and it was also disintegrated. It is naturally impossible for the government to get the soul of the sword.

Even if the government can easily defeat the heavenly martial arts, even if the sword of the emperor is weak, it is not the one that can be dealt with by the government. Other young geniuses also understand this truth. They have no hope of getting them. However, the Emperor’s sword wants to return to the People’s Palace, and it will never be so smooth.

They can't take the sword of the emperor, but the heavens must have been strong and waiting for the sword. The realm of those who are strong is not comparable to the young geniuses present. In the current state of the sword, the soul of the sword is definitely not the opponent of those who are strong. Therefore, it is still unknown whether the Emperor’s sword finally fell on which big force.

"Since I can't take the predecessors, it means that I have no chance with my predecessors. I hope that my predecessors don't mind the disrespect of the younger generation!"

The ruthless talk said as if the previous things were not what he did. The plan to deal with the people's swordsmanship failed, he did not care at all. The Emperor Sword and the soul of the sword shook his head and smiled. There is nothing wrong with the ruling, that is, he really does not care about a junior in the government. The ‘sex’ of every emperor has a great connection with his master.

"He will definitely go to heaven in the future. When his demon emperor inherits, isn't it my own solitary family?"

A young sword repair stood in the distance, carefully looking at the sword magic, he must remember the spirit of the sword. The sword devil breaks the barriers between the two worlds, and it will definitely appear in the site where the Solitary family is located, and the Solitary family can only be regarded as a branch of the Solitary family. With the means of the solitary family, it is natural to be able to inherit the spirit of the sword demon.

"But it, I can't get the sword of the emperor. Anyway, the sword of the emperor has awakened, and the elders should not blame me!"

"The lower bound is too boring, or go back now!" -40503+dsuaahhh+25138790-->


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