The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 1: Hold tight

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"Sword God must have known everything that happened here, and we will be able to return to heaven soon!"

Some young geniuses said that they could finally return to heaven, and they did not want to stay in the world of Sword God. , the latest chapter visit:. Anyway, there is no hope of getting a sword, and staying in the world of Sword God will only delay their entry. In the world of Sword God, it is obvious that there is no cultivation in the heavens.

The aura concentration and source concentration of the world of the sword **** are incomparable with the heavens. Fortunately, when they came down, they took a lot of Lingshi, or even if they had suppressed the realm before, the breakthrough was not so fast. Anyway, the elders have long promised them, even if they don't get the sword, they will reward them.

"You go back with me, or else you will not let go of the strong man of the Holy Court. I have a great emperor in the Ling family, even if the strong man of the Qing court is going to deal with you, you must measure it!"

A living emperor is naturally more powerful than the emperor. If Lingdao alone opened the two-lane passage and went to the heavens, he was discovered by the strong man of the Qing court. He must have died. Lingdao is the peak of the world, the realm is too low and too low, Daqing Holy Court can kill his strong, countless.

"Well, I am going with you!"

Lingdao nodded, anyway, there is a sword in the lower bound, he can naturally leave. Going to heaven a little earlier, there is no harm to him. Qianhui nodded. When they came down, the sword **** promised them. When the matter was over, they took the light and took them all back to heaven.

"You go to Heaven first. If it will take long, we will go to Heaven, and there will be opportunities to meet in the future!"

"I believe that with our talents, even when we reach the heavens, we will shine!"

"Unfortunately, now we don't have time to compare, we have to wait until the heavens, we must fight one!"

The big demon, the proud dragon and Cao Tian all spoke, and the butterfly dance just smiled. The proud dragon and the three knives are actually not low in talent, mainly the big demon, the lingdao and the butterfly dance are too dazzling. Waiting for the heavens, the proud dragon and the three swords are very likely to fish dragons. After all, the practice of the three-knife practice, even the emperor is not, can have the current strength, already very good.

"It’s ridiculous, a group of underworld people, and want to shine in the heavens? Are you a small place in the lower bounds?"

A young genius in heaven couldn't help but smile. Unfortunately, after Cao Tian and Ao Long glanced at him, he swallowed the rest of his stomach. It is really not suitable for offending Cao Tian and others. If the big devils join hands, they can kill him. After all, he has no symbol.

If the big devil and others will shoot him, the young geniuses of other heavens will certainly not save him. Even if he was in the power of the future, there is a strong person to avenge him, he did not know. Other young geniuses are also looking at the nose and nose. No one wants to be at this juncture, and they are against the swordsmen and others.

"I seem to be bound by something? Can't move?"

"It should be the light of the reception. The matter of the Emperor's sword is over. We should go back!"

The chains of the light of the road fell, and the young geniuses from the heavens were tied up. Sword God personally stopped and pulled them back to the heavens, naturally without any problems. The world of Sword God belongs to the Solitary family, and the Sword God is the owner of the Solitary family. Naturally, it can change the rules of the Sword God World.

"Catch my hand!"

Qianhui said to Lingdao that if he wants to take the Lingdao back, he will naturally rely on the light. If it weren't for the elder's orders, she wouldn't bother to take care of Lingdao. After all, when the sword was inside the Jedi, Lingdao tweeted her. She used to appreciate Ling Dao, but also because Ling Dao's achievements in Kendo are good, but now Ling Dao has abandoned the Kendo, which makes her really unhappy.

"no problem!"

Lingdao nodded, and then grabbed Qianhui’s left hand. The soft, boneless ‘Jade’ hand was caught by Lingdao, and in the eyes of Qianhui, it was also a bit of shame. From the first time she saw Lingdao, she understood that Lingdao is not an honest person. Sure enough, Lingdao grabbed her hand and was constantly approaching her.

"It seems like this is useless. Those chains of light are still on you. I am afraid I can't take me to heaven!"

After Lingdao’s reminder, Qianhui also found the problem. If the light of the light pulls her back to the heavens, she can't just squat on the ridge. She must let the chain of light lock the ridge. Unfortunately, the chain of light is not controlled by her, and the sword **** certainly will not specialize in the "door" to help them.

"I have a proposal, let me hold you, so that the chain of light will bind you and me together!"

If it is a sword magic, it will never say such a thing. After two points, the difference between the sword and the Lingdao is getting bigger and bigger. Sword repairing the body is like the cold side of Lingdao, and Wu Xiu's body is like the enthusiasm of Lingdao. In particular, the cultivation of wild singularity, the demand for Lingdao, is far from being comparable to that of ordinary warriors.


Qian Hui slammed Ling Dao, and then he no longer took care of Ling Dao. Not far from the proud dragon is laughing, did not expect this time, Lingdao is still thinking about taking advantage of Qian Hui. The butterfly dance snorted and didn't know what she meant. Lingdao can only smile with a sly smile, and I don’t know what to do for a while.

The light of the light has begun to work, and a young genius has risen up, and the chain of light will pull them all back to heaven. As long as they are young geniuses from the heavens, they are all bound by the chain of light, and one has not fallen. It is obviously impossible for Qianhui to pull Lingdao to go to Heaven.

"Hey, if you dare to move your hands, don't blame me for being polite to you!"

Qian Hui said coldly, and now, she can only do according to Lingdao’s previous proposal. If she does not take the Lingdao to the heavens now, then Lingdao will open up the barriers between the two borders. After the arrival of the heavens, I am afraid that it will be a dead end. The elders let her down, the most important task is to protect the Lingdao, the secondary task is to compete for one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo.

In order to work at a critical moment, she always pretends to be a stalker. Now that I have reached the last minute, I can help Lingdao, and she will naturally not help. Just holding it to Lingdao, as long as Lingdao does not move the manual foot, it can be tolerated. Anyway, the speed of the light is very fast, she should be a nightmare.

"If this is the case, then I will be respectful and obedient. You know, I am not deliberately taking advantage of you, it is really no way!"

Lingdao sneered, but he did not hesitate to hug Qianhui from the front. Even Qianhui did not expect that Lingdao would be so ‘color’. She just let Lingdao hold, but did not let Lingdao hold so tight, they are too close. Qian Hui is tall and tall, as long as Lingdao goes a little further, he will definitely be able to kiss Qian Hui's face.

“‘Mixed’ eggs!”

Just in the blink of an eye, Lingdao felt the temperature drop sharply around, and Qian Hui's entire face was cold. Even if it is Lingdao himself, he stayed for a while. He used to do this. Can it be said that there are drawbacks in integrating two points? Or is it quite ridiculous that Xian Jin has changed him deeply?

"Don't let go, hold it from behind!"

Lingdao deeply sniffed the aroma of Qianhui, and when Qianhui was preparing to pull the sword, he immediately released his hands. Qian Hui is full of anger, and if she is not an elder, she must protect her. She must definitely look good now. From small to large, no one dared to be so thin.

"‘Color' embryo!”

The butterfly dance took a sip, and it was no longer concerned about Lingdao. He turned and left Tianyuan City. In her heart, she sighed secretly, if Lingdao could be with Qianhui, because she and Lingdao were simply impossible. If it is to heaven, Lingdao and her come together, then Lingdao may not have a way to live.

"Let you always deal with me, even if it is installed, I have to take revenge!"

Lingdao naturally does not like Qianhui, but just catches the ‘thinking’. The key moments of Qianhui saved their lives, and he naturally could only take revenge in other ways. Fortunately, he is measured, his hands are only placed on Qianhui's clothes, and his body is not too tight. Qian Hui looks so loyal to Ling Dao, naturally it is not good.

To the satisfaction of Qianhui, the chain of light finally reacted, and she and Lingdao were tied together. Soon, Qianhui and Lingdao were vacated. Lingdao and the big demon, the proud dragon, the three knives, and Cao Tianyi did not, and then they slowly rose to the sky under their gaze. Disappear.

The butterfly dance also looked at Lingdao in the distance, and saw that Lingdao waved at her, she just nodded. It seems that Lingdao still hasn't forgotten her. If she hasn't been looking for her, Lingdao can't find her on the sky. It's still a bit of conscience. But she did not know that Lingdao had previously taken advantage of Qianhui, but also to test her, and the result also made Lingdao quite satisfied. It seems that the butterfly dance is not so indifferent to her performance.

"Are you looking for death? Believe it or not, I will throw you down?"

After reaching the endless height, Ling Dao suddenly tried hard, Qian Hui exclaimed, and then was tightly hugged by Lingdao. Even if she was irritated by Ling Dao’s actions, Qian Hui did not lose her mind. She just twisted her body and struggled a little. Lingdao is always her family, and she naturally cannot let Lingdao fall to death.

"Not me, it is the problem of the chain of light, I have not moved at all!"

Even if Lingdao catches the ‘thinking’ and has a bottom line, it’s really not his hand. After her reminder, Qianhui also noticed that the chain of light is constantly squirming, making her and Lingdao's body more and more close. Ling Dao was originally a **** Fang Gang, and now Qian Hui is moving in his arms. He naturally has a reaction.

"I didn't move the manual foot, really didn't!"

Before he even talked about Qian Hui, Ling Dao quickly pleaded. At this time, Qian Hui, her cheeks were red, and she had already regretted taking Lingdao to heaven. Although she is not personnel, the male ‘female’ is not completely ignorant. Qian Hui bit his teeth, can't wait to smash Lingdao, I didn't expect things to develop to this point.

"The more you wriggle, the bigger the temptation to me is. You are tempting to confuse me. Do you know?" -40503+dsuaahhh+25138791-->


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