The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 2: Xuan Ming Dao

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The sword **** alone stood in the heavenly swords and swords field, and displayed the light of the light. The young genius from the big forces of the heavens in the lower bounds has been bound by the chains of light. - Uncle haha ​​- It only takes a moment, and those young geniuses can all return to heaven. The major forces have sent powerful people to come and say that they are coming back to the juniors. The real purpose is naturally for the people.

In the past, they only knew that it was one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo, but after the birth of the Emperor's sword, they got the news. All major forces must have wanted to get the Emperor's sword, so all the strong people who came to it were Daojun. In the status of the great emperor, it is naturally impossible to compete with them for a soldier. In the various battles of the heavens, the emperor generally does not participate, otherwise the three thousand territories may have been confusing.

Their minds are on the sword of the emperor, and the sword **** alone is alone. The young geniuses will not be in any danger from the lower boundary to the sword **** domain. What they are going to guard now is the other princes who are present. Once they start to compete, they must be violent. After all, it is one of the top ten soldiers of the ancient times.

Ten thousand miles away from them, there is a peerless man who is shrouded in a black robe and is always staring at the sword god. His breath has completely converged, and even those who have the heart to probe, will not be aware of his existence. In the realm of theirs, the distance of 30,000 miles is nothing.

"The People's Palace was extinct from my family in the past. Have you ever thought of today? As long as my Xuan Ming Taoist is still alive, you should not think about it in your palace!"

At that time, when the People’s Palace extinct the ethnic group where Xuan Ming was, Xuan Ming was only eight years old. The strong within the family used the secret method to send Xuan Ming away, which saved the sexual life of Xuan Ming. He can never forget that the palace of the people was slaughtered, making his family blood flow into the river. He is alive, just to take revenge, but the palace is too strong.

Even if he is now, he is already a Taoist, and rushing into the Imperial Palace is also a dead end. This time, the Emperor's sword was born, and the People's Palace wanted to welcome the Emperor's sword. He naturally would not let the palace wish. The sword gods are those who want to **** the sword, and his purpose is to destroy the sword.

"I have stolen the Nether and the Death Wheel. Although I can't learn the ‘perfect' marrow, I can definitely give you a surprise to the Imperial Palace!”

Xuan Ming Dao’s face is full of cold ‘color’, and there is hate in a pair of scorpions. He used his own blood to sculpt the Xuan Ming life and death wheel. Once it was displayed, even Daojun could kill instantly. Nowadays it is used to deal with people's swords, and there is no problem. The Emperor's sword has long been broken, and the current soul of the sword is too weak.

The black lacquered Xuan Ming life and death wheel has been sacrificed by him. His hands are constantly hitting the Xuan Ming life and death wheel, causing a sharp spike on the surface of the Xuan Ming life and death wheel. He poured all his strength into the interior of the Xuan Ming life and death wheel, and then the Xuan Ming life and death wheel was like a rainbow of light, rushing toward the emperor.

"Don't blame me, blame the eccentric palace!"

The young geniuses of the major forces have crossed the barriers of the two borders and only need to blink their eyes to reach the Shenjian domain. It is a pity that Xuan Ming’s life and death wheel is too fast. When they are only one step away from the Shenjian domain, Xuan Ming’s life and death wheel hit the sword of the Emperor. The Xuan Ming Taoist has already counted the time, naturally knowing that the young genius will suffer, but he does not care.

Anyway, those young geniuses are not related to him, they are dead or alive, and they have nothing to do with him. What's more, among the young geniuses, there must be someone from the Royal Palace disciples, and even he also inquired that the imperial palace disciples of the lower bounds still have the blood of the people. It is not bad to kill the imperial palace now, and it is not bad to kill the queen.

"what happened?"


"Damn? Who dares to "chaos" at this time?"

One of the kings of the Shenjian domain, there is no time to stop the Xuan Ming life and death. The young geniuses who go to the lower bounds come from different forces, so they all think that no one dares to do it for those young geniuses. No matter which power, no big power will be offended. Even if you have the power of the great emperor, you dare not do it at this time.

The main character of Xuan Ming Road is more powerful than those who are arrogant, and it is unintentional to be mindful. Naturally, it is a successful attack to the soul of the sword. Even with that, those young geniuses were all embarrassed. The purpose of the Xuan Ming life and death wheel is of course not the people, but the sword of the people, but it is only the "wave", nor is it a group of heavenly people can afford it.

One powerful monarch, they have shot, and they are of course the young genius of their own power. Sword God is also the first time to shoot, can save a few is a few. The madness of the Xuan Ming Taoist, they all did not expect, panic under the "chaos" shot, it is really not necessarily able to save people.

What's more, not all Daojun are saving people, and some of them are acting on the Emperor Sword. The Emperor's sword has long been broken, and the soul of the Emperor's sword is even weaker. Now the sword of the Emperor's sword is attacked by such a terrible attack, and certainly can't block their capture. It is not that they are cold-blooded, but that they understand that the solitary family will certainly be responsible for saving people.

The huge Xuan Ming life and death wheel, full of hundred feet high, the person holding the sword of the emperor, the sword of the sword, in front of the Xuan Ming life and death wheel, it is very small. In the heyday, the sword of the Emperor and the sword can smash the Xuan Ming life and death wheel, but unfortunately he can't do it now. The Xuan Ming life and death wheel has been smashed on the sword of the emperor, and suddenly the emperor sword is torn apart.

"It seems that I want to go back to the palace, I can't do it myself!"

The soul of the Emperor Sword and Sword can't escape naturally, and it is crushed by Xuan Ming. This illusory figure, at this time has become a light spot, respectively, did not enter the various parts of the human sword. The Emperor's sword has not been repaired, and the crack is still there. Nowadays, it is so hard to be hit by the Xuan Mingsheng and the death wheel. Naturally, it will not work.

"You must leave, or the emperor will come, I will die!"

Xuan Ming Dao, even the Xuan Ming life and death wheel, did not want to tear the void directly and began to escape. He naturally knows the terrible things of the Great. If the Emperor is present, he will escape. It is simply impossible. Anyway, I have seen that the Emperor's sword is torn apart, and he is completely satisfied. The weak man, the sword and the soul of the sword, is scattered and more inferior than before the wake.

"The ‘door’ of the stars, give me now!”

The solitary family had a strong man, and he first opened the starry sky, all the stars 'doors'. Even if he personally shot, it is impossible to save all young geniuses. Therefore, he opened the ‘door’ of the stars, and each star ‘door’ is a different territory leading to the heavens. In this way, those young geniuses are at the most unaccounted for and will not die on the spot.

The Xuan Ming life and death wheel is still raging. Any young genius that has been crushed by Xuan Ming’s life and death wheel is directly broken into pieces, and the soul is scattered and scattered. The strongest of the solitary family opened the ‘gate’ of the stars, and let each star 'door' spurt the suction, and sucked the young genius into the ‘door’ of the stars, and finally saved their lives.

"It’s terrible, such an attack, if it falls on me, I am afraid I will die!"

Ling Dao and Qian Hui are witnessing everything that happened before. Any young genius who was touched by Xuan Ming’s life and death wheel died directly. There is no way to live. Fortunately, they are far away from Xuan Ming’s life and death. Otherwise, they will face the Xuan Ming life and death wheel, and they will not be able to save their lives. The Xuan Ming life and death wheel is the Xuan Ming Taoist sacred to the soul of the sword.

"It's over, we are finished!"

Qianhui suddenly screamed in horror. Xuan Ming’s life and death were indeed far away from them, but a Dao’s attack actually rushed over them. Because the distance is too far, Lingdao and Qianhui do not know who is going to deal with them, maybe it is accidental injury, perhaps it is intentional. Anyway, with the strength of both of them, it is certainly impossible to stop the Dao strike.

At the crucial moment, the Taoist imprint of Lingdao's eyebrows took the initiative to fly out. It’s just a stamp, and it’s very difficult to block the attack. The Taoist Lord is stronger than Daojun, and the seal can only be imprinted, not the Taoist personally. But now, Ling Dao and Qian Hui, there is no way, can only count on the Taoist imprint.

"Well? This breath..."

Previously, Qianhui used the symbol, Lingdao can feel the familiar atmosphere, and now the master imprints fly out, Qianhui naturally can also feel the familiar atmosphere. I can't think too much, and Daojun's blow has already slammed on the Taoist imprint. The violent roar, the shock of terror, is only the rest of the 'waves', neither Lingdao and Qianhui can resist.

The chain of light on Qianhui and Lingdao has completely disappeared. At the crucial moment, Lingdao pulled Qianhui behind him and took the initiative to block all the impact. Even so, Qianhui was smashed out, and his mouth was bleeding, and the first slap in the face was even worse.


Lingdao face ‘color’ is white, and one breathe out against the blood, and the breath of the whole person is weak. If it is just a normal injury, the effect of the lotus pond holy water has already healed. However, Daojun personally shot, unusual, even if it is the lotus pond holy water, can not recover his injury.

The tragedy is that Lingdao is so unfortunate that he flew in the direction of the Xuan Ming life and death wheel. Of course, he wants to stay away from the Xuan Ming life and death wheel, but unfortunately the previous 'waves' will continue to impact him. It’s like a big ‘wave’, pushing him to the Xuan Ming life and death wheel, even if he resists again, it’s all in vain.

"Killing the emperor of the Qing court of the Qing Dynasty, still want to live to heaven?"

The former Daojun who shot on Lingdao was from Mingyuan Daojun of the Qing Dynasty. What happened in the lower bound, Ming Yuandao Jun already knew. He can not grab the sword, but he must kill. Lingdao can't see him, but he can see Lingdao, and he can see for himself that Lingdao was crushed and killed by Xuan Ming's life and death wheel. He is also extremely happy.

"I didn't expect you to stand behind a landlord, but it doesn't matter. Which Taoist, dare to do it to me?"

Lingdao's eyebrows flying out of the main mark, blocking the strike of Mingyuan Daojun, it disappeared. Ming Yuan Daojun wants to know the identity of the Taoist, obviously it is impossible. --40503+dsuaahhh+25160597-->


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