The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 4: The first beauty of Chiyun Prefecture

The five powers of the sword **** world, the strongest is the heaven and the human body. . Visit: щщщ. However, the five powers of the heavens, but there can be heavenly soldiers, even the heavenly warriors. The snow house in Chiyun Prefecture is a five-product force, and the owner of the Xue family is the Heavenly Warrior. If the Xuejia family breaks through to the next realm, it can make the Xue family become the four powers.

Unfortunately, the Xue family does not have any chance to advance now, because the Xue family has been destroyed, and even the Xue family have been killed. There are four forces to shoot, naturally it is to flatten the snow home. The people of the Snow House either surrendered or were killed, and only a few people escaped. Even so, they are still the strongest of the four powers, constantly chasing them.

Their task is to protect the only ‘female’ of the Xuejia’s family, that is, Miss Xuejia, Xuelingyao. The owner of the Xue family is such a ‘female’ child. In the past, she was a favorite of thousands. Fortunately, she is not a big lady, but she is very good to everyone in the snow house. Otherwise, they will not fight for Xue Ling Yao now.

"Miss, wait for us to use the secret method, then you try your best to escape. With the talent of Miss, you can become the core disciple of Wan Fuzong!"

"It is not important to be able to take revenge. As long as the young lady can live, our snow house is not a ruin!"

"We have escaped from the boundaries of Chiyun Prefecture. I didn't expect them to pursue them. Since they think we are dying, then we will do our best with us!"

At the beginning, they had a total of 21 people, and now there are only nine people left, and each one is wounded. Even Xueling Yao is no exception. She insists on killing with the four powerful forces, and naturally it is inevitable. She is only eighteen years old, much younger than others, and her realm is much lower. If she is not carrying a single sign, her injury will definitely be heavier.

"Zhou Shu, Li Shu, Zhang Shu, don't say this, if you want to use your life to change my life, then I am alive, and I have a heart in my heart. Anyway, the snow house has been destroyed, and my mother is dead. What does it mean to live alone?"

Xueling Yao, known as the first beautiful woman in Akane Prefecture, does not know how many young warriors admire. She is like a 'fine' spirit in the snow, a fairy in the painting, but also walks in the world, treats people kindly, gentle and watery. The blood-stained white dress not only failed to cover up her beauty, but also added a different style.

Her skin is better than snow, and her eyes are like a clear water. There is a holy and elegant atmosphere between her hopes. The red fluttering face is charming and charming, such as the new moon, such as the ‘flower’ tree, the snow, the beautiful ‘yan’. Full of black 'color' long hair, gently held with a white 'color' ribbon. She spoke like a bead, and the sound was crisp and twirling. It was like a big bead and a jewel.

"Miss, don't say this, we are entrusted by our family to protect your safety. If you have an accident, then what are we going to see under the nine springs?"

The remaining nine, except for Xueling Yao, the other eight are the soldiers of the Tianbing dynasty. If you use the secret method, they can upgrade their strength to the sky in a short time. It is only that once they apply the secret law, they will not have any way to live, and the secret law will exhaust their ‘precision’ blood.

"We have used the secret method, and we will definitely die. Miss, can you bear with us that we are all dead?"

The Eight Heavenly Soldiers are all without hesitation, and they use the secret method. Their breath is also skyrocketing in an instant. They are determined to hold mortal, because there are too many warriors who are chasing them. Thirty-six Heavenly Soldiers, plus seventeen Heavenly Warriors, are naturally not opponents.


Xue Lingyao is also panicked. She has never experienced such a thing since she was young. If she escapes, she feels sorry for the eight elders, but if she does not escape, she is equally sorry. The symbolism on her body has become less and less, and the strength of her natural world is not the opponent of the pursuers.

"You don't want to escape, I personally go out. If you let me escape, then how do I go back and wait?"

The head of the day sneer at the martial arts, with his and his abilities, to deal with the eight squadrons of the martial arts and the martial arts of a heavenly person, it is impossible to have an accident. Even if the eight Heavenly Soldiers use the secret law, they will force their strengths to the heavens, and the ending will not change.

"Except for Xueling Yao, all of them are slaughtered! Good is our first beauty ‘woman’ in Akane Prefecture. Naturally, we can’t just die. How can I enjoy it, oh...”

He looked at Xue Lingyao's eyes and was full of aggression 'sex'. In the past, Miss Xue Jia was not able to get involved. But now the Xue family is destroyed, and Xue Ling Yao is just being chased by him, then he will naturally miss Xue Lingyao. Such a beautiful person, if you kill directly, it is a pity.

"Big brother, wait for you to finish, do you let the brothers happy?"

"If you can play the first beauty of a woman in Akasaka, it will be worth a few hundred years."

A group of chasers screamed and laughed, and Xue Lingyao seemed to have been crushed by them. The first beautiful ‘female’ in Akane Prefecture has great appeal to them. It is a pity that Xue Ling Yao died, and they naturally did not dare to keep Xue Lingyao's life, but before killing Xueling Yao, they must be able to cool off.

"Missy, go!"


The eight warriors of the Snow House rushed to the group of chasers. They all looked at Xue Lingyao and naturally couldn't stand the words of the pursuers. Known as Xue Shu by Xue Ling Yao, he used the whole body strength to push Xue Lingya out. The eight of them are like the **** 'meat' wall, and they must also block all the chasers.

"If it is not dead today, I will avenge you for coming to Japan!"

The cold tears crossed the cheeks of Xue Lingyao, but now she can only clench her teeth and escape from the head. She took out a piece of the symbol that speeded up the speed, and flew in the direction of Yan Yunzong Wanyan in the fastest speed. Chiyun State is adjacent to Yanzhou, and Wan Fuzong is one of the strongest three major four-powers in Yanzhou.

The four powers of Yanyun Prefecture are naturally far more than three, but only two major four-powers can be compared with Wan Fuzong. The other four powers are not as good as Wan Fuzong. The owner of the Xue family and an elder of Wan Fuzong had a good relationship. The elder had been to the snow house and found that Xue Lingyao had a very high talent in the road.

The elder had taught Xue Lingyao for a period of time, and was shocked by Xue Lingyao’s talent. If it wasn’t for Xue Lingya’s reluctance to snow, I’m afraid it was a disciple of Wan Fuzong. Fortunately, the Xuejia family promised that after Xue Lingyao was 18 years old, she would allow Xue Lingyao to travel to Wan Fuzong. The symbol of Xue Lingyao was refining herself, and she was given to her by Elder Wan Fuzong.

"Miss Xue Jia, you don't want to escape, let's just let it go!"

There are eight Heavenly Soldiers who use the secret method to block the martial arts. The group of hunters also encountered great trouble. However, the head of the heavens will still catch up. The gap between the realms is too great, even if Xue Lingyao uses the acceleration symbol, he can't escape his clutch.

"I know that you have a symbol, but unfortunately your realm is too low, there is no possibility of defeating me halfway. There is no eye in the fist, if I hurt you, I will feel bad!"

His arrogant **** smile, a pair of eyes constantly aiming at Xue Lingyao's crisp 'chest'. In his opinion, it is easy to win the Xuelingyao. There are so many young talents in Chiyun Prefecture who want to get Xue Lingyao. I didn’t expect him to succeed. Even he himself did not think that there would be such a wonderful day.

"I will die if I am dead!"

Xue Lingyao took all the attacking symbols, all of them, and then all ‘sports’. Even if it is a heavenly soldier, I am afraid that she will be killed by her. It is a pity that the Heavenly Warrior did not care at all. It was just a palm shot, which shattered all her offensives. In front of the Heavenly Warrior, she really did not have a bit of resistance.

"Before me, if you want to die, I am afraid I can't do it!"

The Heavenly Warrior suddenly rushed to 'shoot' and immediately came to Xue Lingyao. His hands were shot in succession, even if Xue Lingyao continued to retreat, his palm prints were also photographed on Xue Lingyao. Full of eight palm prints, it is to completely control Xue Ling Yao, even if Xue Ling Yao wants to commit suicide.

Although the symbol of Xue Ling Yao has been unwrapped, it takes time. Moreover, the Heavenly Warrior has already come to her, even if she breaks the seal, the result is once again sealed.

"You don't think about biting your tongue, or you will die, I won't let go of your body!"

Xue Lingyao, who was originally prepared to bite his tongue, was a big change in his face. He did not expect that the Heavenly Warrior would be so abnormal. She is really desperate, with her strength, it is not the opponent of the Heavenly Warrior. Now that the snow house has been destroyed, no one will come to save her. Even if she died, she was not so afraid, but she did not want to be devastated before she died.

“How can there be a void storm?”

What surprised Xue Lingyao was that the head of the Heavenly Warrior had a cloud of emptiness. Whether it is the Heavenly Man, or the Heavenly Warrior, encountering a Netherstorm is a dead end. If the storm of the regiment falls, not only will the heavenly warrior die, but she will also die. Perhaps the best result is the same.

"Ah! Where is the Netherstorm? ‘Mixed’ eggs!”

The heavenly screamed in horror of the warrior, but unfortunately it was too late, and the Netherstorm had drowned him. Xue Lingyao smiled. She knew that the Heavenly Warrior was dead. Even if she was drowned by the Netherstorm soon, she didn't care. However, the Netherstorm did not drown her, but slowly dissipated.

At the same time, she saw a figure falling and fell heavily on the ground. She dared to go over, and if the Heavenly Warrior did not die, she would definitely make up a few knives! --40503+dsuaahhh+25197176-->



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