The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 5: Xueling Yao

"You kill so many people in the snow house, if you don't die, I will kill you!"

The former Xuelingyao was very kind and rarely murdered, but now the snow house is destroyed, letting her see the cruelty of reality. - Protecting her elders in the family, one after another being killed. The previous eight Heavenly Soldiers were the elders of the peaks. They also used the secret method to create opportunities for her to escape.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of a Netherstorm, her end would be extremely tragic. Death, for her, is probably a luxury. The dialogue of the previous group of chasers, she naturally heard clearly, not only the head of the heavens will want to get her body, the other chasers also want to get her.

She has used the scorpion to break the seal of the body. Although she only has the peak of the heavens, there is absolutely no problem in dealing with an unconscious genius. The reason why the snow family destroys the family is related to a piece of land. The owner of the snow family and other five-powered heads went to the ancient ruins to explore and got a **** knife.

Later, I didn't know who it was and sent the news to the Blood Knife League. The blood knife allies sent people to the snow home, saying that the Shaomeng mainly greeted Xueling Yao, and the blood **** knife was a dowry. The blood knife is the owner of the League of Nations. The owner of the Xue family has long heard of it. He certainly will not agree. Originally, the Xuejia family still wanted to ask for help from other forces. Unfortunately, the blood knife alliance was moving too fast. He just refused, and the Blood Knife Alliance united with the other five powers to razed the snow home.

As a four-product force, the Blood Knife League naturally does not lack the Heavenly Warriors. Want to be promoted to the power of the four products, the worst have to have the king of the king. The Blood Knife League is not a weak four-power, because the Blood Knife League has a strong Tianjun. There are four forces in Tianjun and Tianjun, which are completely two levels, not to mention the blood knife alliance is more than one Tianjun.

For the Blood Knife League, the Snow House is only a small force. It is nothing to kill the Snow House. The reason why the other five forces are united is that they are too lazy to send so many warriors to go. The reason why the elders of the Xue family let Xue Ling Yao not avenge is because the blood knife alliance is too strong, not Xue Lingyao can deal with it.

Now the blood **** knife is in the hands of Xue Lingyao. Although she can't play the full power of the weapons of the land, but only the sharpness of the blood knife, killing the fascinating genius, will not What will be the problem. In the future, she will definitely kill a lot of people. So many people in the snow family can't die in vain. Now it is the first step of her revenge.

"What happened? Who is he?"

Just as the blood **** knife was only a foot away from the man on the ground, Xue Lingyao stopped the action in his hand. Lying on the ground is a teenager. He is covered in blood and his clothes are broken. It is like a piece of rag stuck to his body. It is not the previous Heavenly Warrior. The Netherstorm has already smashed the body of the Heavenly Warrior, and there is no residue left.

"He fell out of the Netherstorm. Did he say that he accidentally broke into the Netherstorm and was alive?"

Although Lingdao's injury is very heavy, but he is still alive, Xue Lingyao can feel his strong heartbeat. Lingdao’s age should be small, and the realm is only in the early days of the heavens. Xue Lingyao really does not understand why Lingdao can survive, knowing that the former Tianshi martial arter died in a moment.

The reason why Xue Lingyao can see the realm of Ling Dao is that Ling Dao has broken through the early days of the heavens in the faint fascination. It was also when he was fascinated, the heavenly aura and the source of the heavens, and his body was thoroughly baptized. Generally speaking, the warrior from the world of Sword God to the Heavenly Kingdom will slowly transform its own heaven and earth aura and its original power into heaven.

The heaven and earth aura and the source power of the sword **** world are naturally inferior to the heavens. Because of this, the strength of the young genius has dropped after the sword **** world. The aura and origin of the heavens are of very high quality. It took a while for this transformation process, and Lingdao was also a blessing in disguise, so it was so confused.

"Would you like to save him? My speed is slow. If I bring him, do I still hope to escape to Wan Fuzong?"

Ling Dao was hit hard. According to Xue Lingyao’s estimate, if he did not recuperate for half a year, he might not be able to recover. She is now escaping. If she is so cumbersome to take Lingdao, she will certainly be easily caught by the group of warriors. However, if she does not save the road, in the wilderness, Lingdao may only have one dead end.

"In any case, you can save me a life indirectly, just be repaying it!"

In the end, Xue Lingyao bit his teeth, regardless of the dirty "chaos" on Lingdao, directly carrying Lingdao back. If there is no Netherstorm, the Heavenly Warrior will not die, and she must suffer from all sorts of ravages. The previous Netherstorm, the momentum is too small, I am afraid that because of the fall of the Lingdao, only a small part of the Netherstorm is brought down.

Xue Lingyao did not find that the wound on Lingdao was healing at the speed visible by the 'meat' eye. She now only wants to escape, and rushes to Wan Fuzong as soon as possible. If even her is dead, then the snow family's great hatred, no one can really report. Wan Fuzong's comprehensive strength should be higher than the blood knife alliance. If he becomes the core disciple of Wan Fuzong, he will still be able to take revenge in the future.

"No, you have to take a break!"

Always running at the fastest speed, the infuriating consumption is extremely amazing. It is a pity that the source of the ice she has mastered cannot speed up. The void of the heavens is much more stable than the sword god. Even if it is a heavenly person, it can only fly to the ground. Fortunately, the same is true of the Heavenly Soldiers and the Heavenly Warriors. In this way, Xue Lingyao does not have to worry, some people stand on the sky and peep at them.

She put down the ridge, let him lean on the big tree, and then fed a remedy for a cure for Dan 'medicine', which was cultivated. When she wanted to come, Lingdao would not wake up in a short time, so she did not pay much attention to Lingdao. When is it to Wan Fuzong, when is it safe, she naturally does not dare to slack off. Now she is not living for herself, but living up and down for the snow.

In the middle of the night, Xue Lingyao in the cultivation did not notice that Lingdao’s eyes trembled a few times. In the Netherstorm, Lingdao’s body was seriously injured again and again. However, due to the effectiveness of the lotus pond holy water, his body recovered again and again. Of course, his ‘meat’ self-healing ability is itself extremely strong.

Confused, he has already reborn, and the strength of ‘meat’ has been doubled at least. Even when he was fascinated, it was quite ridiculous that Xian Jin was running on his own. Whether it is the heaven and earth aura, or the source of power, even the energy in the Netherstorm, his body absorbs.

"I broke through to the heavens and humans?"

It’s luck to be able to die. I didn’t expect to wake up and found that all aspects have improved. Naturally, it’s a happy thing. Although this time he went to heaven to make an accident, he is still alive. As long as he is alive, everything is fine. Only when he opened his eyes and saw Xueling Yao sitting not far away, he was obviously stunned.

“Don't I wake up? I am dreaming?”

Under the moonlight of silver ‘color’, Xue Lingyao sits cross-legged, just like a squat. There have been many beautiful women in Lingdao, but he has to admit that Xueling Yao is no worse than Qianhui and Butterfly Dance. Especially the kind of sacred atmosphere, which set her off like a ‘female’ god, can be seen from afar.

Anyway, dreaming, Lingdao naturally do not have to worry about anything, go directly, and reach out and pinch on Xue Lingyao's face. I have to say that the resilience of Lingdao is really too abnormal. If it is another heavenly person, he will be hurt like him, and he will not want to move freely within half a month.

"It feels good!"


Xue Lingyao in the cultivation suddenly woke up and directly extended the palm of the hand like ‘Jade’ and took it to Lingdao. Lingdao did not care, even if he was hit, he did not have much trouble. However, soon Lingdao knew that he had misunderstood, and Xue Lingyao’s palm hit his ‘chest’ mouth, which made him feel a tearful pain.

After all, his injury has not fully recovered, and Xue Lingyao is also a martial artist. Even if it is a hasty shot, it is not to be underestimated. Lingdao’s body flew out and broke the old tree behind him before he stopped. After Xue Lingyao saw that it was Lingdao, it was confused and seriously injured into that way. How did it recover? She is feeding Ling Dao's healing ‘medicine’, the effect can't be so good?

"Isn't it a dream? What is going on?"

Lingdao ‘touch’ the ‘touch’ ‘chest’ mouth, and then he asked Xue Lingyao. Even he himself doubted whether he used dreams as an excuse to deliberately 'touch' the face of Xue Lingyao. Fortunately, Xue Lingyao still wondered why he was able to recover so quickly, and did not notice his guilty expression.

"Can you walk on your own? How can you recover so quickly?"

Whether it is Xuelingyao or Lingdao, there are many questions. Lingdao explained that he had taken Tianbaodibao, and the ‘meat’ body was much more resilient than ordinary warriors. Xue Lingyao did not go deep into it. After all, she and Lingdao were not familiar with the secret of Lingdao. She naturally would not ask more.

"I don't know what happened to you, anyway, you fell from the Netherstorm!"

Xue Lingyao did not say that Lingdao had saved her. Before Lingdao ‘touch’ her face, he felt that Lingdao was a rogue, not a good person. If Lingdao 挟恩图报, help the grace, she really does not know how to repay, after all, the Xue family has been destroyed, she is not what Miss Xue Jia is now.

"Oops, someone came over, forgot to tell you, I am being chased by others, and not one or two, a group of warriors higher than my realm!"

Just as Lingdao wanted to ask where they were, Xue Lingyao's face was changed because she had already heard footsteps. She didn't have time to explain too much with Lingdao, she could only signal Lingdao to escape. Ling Dao is even lower than her realm, naturally it is impossible to be the opponent of the group of warriors! --40503+dsuaahhh+25197363-->


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