The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 6: This young master is watching her!

"You have recovered your ability to move now, then you will escape yourself. They want to kill me. It should not be embarrassing you!"

Xue Lingyao is only a martial artist in the natural world. He is naturally unsure of the escape from the hands of those who are in heaven and the heavens. . Visit: щщщ. If Lingdao is still in the fascination, she will definitely take Lingdao, because Lingdao will leave, and Lingdao will be eaten by what the beast is. However, Lingdao is able to move around, and in the realm of his early days, he is not afraid of ordinary beasts.

If Lingdao followed her and was treated as a child of the snow by the group of hunters, then Lingdao did not have a way to live. Xue Lingyao's body is less and less, especially the remaining Fuxi, only one symbol, which was left to her by the elders of Wan Fuzong, and the rest are her own refining. After all, she is only a natural person, even if the talent in the road is extremely amazing, the refining symbol is not as good as the elders of Wan Fuzong.

"I'm afraid not, there are strong people who have seen us!"

Ling Dao frowned, not because of the group of chasers, or because of Xue Lingyao. After being chased by a group of warriors, Xue Lingyao actually fired in the wilderness and even concentrated on cultivation. Isn’t Xue Lingyao aware that she is doing so, is it easy to attract chasers? They all say that ‘chest’ is big and brainless. Is it because Xueling Yao’s ‘chest’ is too big?

He couldn't help but look at Xue Lingyao's crisp ‘chest,’ Shuangfeng’s “right” and ‘wave’ turbulent. Xueling Yao, known as the first beautiful woman in Chiyun Prefecture, is naturally not bad. In fact, it is not Xue Lingyao who has no brains, but she is a Miss Xue Jia. She has been pampered since childhood and has never had an escape experience. She thought that she had escaped far enough, and as long as she recovered, she could continue on her way.

"Impossible, I have not seen it, how can you see it?"

Taking the peak of Xueling Yaotian's human condition as a peak, I only heard the footsteps, and Lingdao was only in the early days of the world, but said that she saw the chasers, she naturally did not believe. However, just a moment later, Xueling Yao saw that there were soldiers who had been robbed by the heavens. It is not the warriors in the day, but another batch.

The Blood Knife League slaughtered the snow house, and let the other five powers contribute to the pursuit of Xue Ling Yao. The five military forces were naturally attentive. The blood knife alliance wants Xue Lingyao's head. Before cutting down Xue Lingyao's head, they can do a lot of things, such as getting the body of Xueling Yao.

"Go, they are crowded, I am not an opponent!"

Xue Lingyao has not taken care of so much. He directly took the hand of Lingdao and flew up. Her speed, originally not as good as the group of chasers, now brings a Lingdao, naturally slower. However, Ling Dao is her savior. Even if Ling Dao is a rogue, she can't let go of Ling Dao.

"Can you tell me about the situation? Why are they chasing you?"

Woke up from the faint fascination, it was to see a beautiful female ‘girl’, I thought it was a good luck, I didn’t expect to start to escape in a blink of an eye. There are at least eight people in the group of chasers, and even the lowest in the realm are the heavenly regimes. Even if Lingdao can kill the enemy across borders, it is not their opponent.

"My family was annihilated by a group of four forces and a group of five powers. Now they have to smash the roots!"

Xueling Yao, naturally, Xue Lingyao will not tell Lingdao, after all, she and Lingdao are not familiar with, who knows whether Lingdao will not be worried. Now is not the time to talk, she is naturally a long story short, but Lingdao has already understood the general situation. The family Lingjia, where the predecessor Lingdao is located, is the four-power. He certainly knows how big the gap between the five powers and the four powers is.

"Right, where are you from, Chiyun State or Yanyun State, do you know Wan Fuzong?"

Xue Lingyao has not been to Wan Fuzong, she only has maps. In the past, there were other snow parents who took her with her. Now she is letting her go alone. She is really worried about the ‘迷’ road. If Lingdao knows the road, it would be better. Xue Ling Yao naturally cannot think that Ling Dao came from the world of Jian Shen. Of course, she did not know what the world of swords and gods is.

"I don't know, I am not in Chiyun and Yanyun, but I accidentally encountered a Netherstorm. When I wake up, I am here!"

Chiyun State and Yanyun State, Lingdao has never heard of it, naturally do not know what Wan Fuzong. In the eyes of Xue Lingyao, flashing a touch of disappointing 'color' seems to rely on the map. She has never been far from the 'door', and if it is a 'fascination' road, it would be terrible. Only when she arrived at Wan Fuzong, she and Lingdao could save their lives.

"When are you, you still have a mood to chat, really when we are furnishings?"

A Tianbing warrior appeared in front of Xuelingyao and Lingdao. The rear of the two of them was chased by eight heavenly soldiers. Nine Heavenly Soldiers have surrounded Xuelingyao and Lingdao. They can only survive if they defeat or kill nine Heavenly Soldiers.

Blocked in front of them is a late warrior in the Tianbing, and the other eight are in the middle of the three heavenly regimes and five in the early days. Xueling Yao and Ling Dao, a peak of heaven and earth, a predecessor of heaven and earth, how to see is not the opponent of their nine heavenly soldiers. In particular, the leader of the Tianbing dynasty in the late period, still masters the origin of the wind, the speed is a lot faster than Xueling Yao.

"Sorry, I am tired of you!"

Xue Ling Yao said with apology that if Lingdao is not with her, but is saved by others, it will certainly not be chased by this group of soldiers.

"Nothing, if you didn't save me, I'm afraid I am dead!"

Lingdao shrugged, indifferently said that he and Xueling Yao are not the same, as the palm of the snow, Xueling Yao did not suffer much. However, he has experienced the crisis of life and death again and again, and even the king has to kill him. Such a big squad has seen it, and naturally he is not afraid of the nine heavenly soldiers.

"Hey, I thought we were so sacred about the first beauty ‘female’ in Akane Prefecture. I didn’t expect it to be this time, even with a man!”

After the leader of the Tianbing dynasty in the late period saw Lingdao and Xuelingyao together, it was said that the yin’s yang was grotesque. Xueling Yao can be said to be the ‘female’ **** of many young warriors in Akane Prefecture. Even he is not surprised. Now he sees that Xue Lingyao is actually pulling with Ling Da Lala. Of course he is envious and hateful.

"Big brother, wait until we kill the kid, and then we will give you the first beautiful ‘girl’ in Akane Prefecture!”

One of the soldiers in the early days of the martial arts, erotic, said with a smile, and the martial artists in the late Tianbing period laughed happily. They worked hard to chase Xue Lingyao, isn't it just to get the body of Xueling Yao? It’s hard to meet Xue Lingya now. How could they directly kill Xueling Yao?

Xue Ling Yao looked at Ling Dao and then released the big hand of Ling Dao. Lingdao smiled unintentionally, and then secretly voiced, asking Xuelingyao what five forces have chased her. Anyway, it has been caught up, and it is obviously impossible to escape again.

"They are the Wang family, as well as Yan Wuzong and Han Binglou, all of which started with my snow house. I don't know the rest!"

Even when it was secretly voiced, when talking about Wang Jia, Yan Wuzong and Han Binglou, Xue Lingyao also bite his teeth tightly. The relationship between the Wang family and the Xue family was actually quite good, but they even helped the blood knife to destroy the Xue family. As for Yan Wuzong and Han Binglou, the relationship with Xuejia was not very good.

"I think you misunderstood, in fact, I am a disciple of Yan Wuzong, but my realm is not as good as her, I can only find a way to defraud her trust, and then wait for an opportunity to start!"

Lingdao hurried away from Xuelingyao, as if he was afraid of Xuelingyao to deal with him. Xuelingyao has no social experience, not really stupid. Lingdao had no knowledge of Yanyun and Akane. He specifically asked her which forces were dealing with Xuejia. Now Lingdao said that he is a disciple of Yan Wuzong, naturally to defraud the trust of the nine Heavenly Soldiers.

"You said that you are a Yan Wuzong disciple, can we believe? You are not a fool when we are?"

At the end of the day, the soldiers in the Tianbing dynasty sneaked a sneak peek at Lingdao, and did not put Lingdao in their hearts. A warrior in front of the heavens, he can kill at any time, the relationship between Yan Wuzong and Wang Jia has always been bad. Regardless of whether Ling Dao is a true disciple of Yan Wuzong or a fake disciple of Yan Wuzong, he will not let go of Ling Dao.

"My martial arts martial arts will soon arrive. If you kill me, I am afraid I will not live!"

At the same time of speaking, Ling Dao is the source of the fire from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The burning atmosphere is spread out, so that the temperature in the whole field is slowly rising. A strain of ancient trunks is dry, and even the ground is cracked. Since it is called Yan Wuzong, I want to come to the origin of the fire, then he can only try to hold the cat with a dead mouse.

"If you want us to believe in you, do you have to come up with some evidence?"

The nine of them are only the soldiers of the heavenly army. If the heavens come to the warriors, killing them is really no problem. Lingdao’s expression is calm, his eyes are not half-confident, and it’s not like lying. To be honest, even the head of the Tianbing dynasty in the late period of the war, there are dim sum, let alone the other eight heavenly soldiers.

"If you want to kill me, then let's do it!"

Xue Lingyao did not know what Lingdao should do, but she did not want Lingdao to wear a gang, so she directly directed the eight heavenly soldiers. The warrior who was originally headed by the Tianbing regime still wants to continue to ask Lingdao, but now, he can only take the snow Lingyao first. Anyway, it seems to him that only the ridges of the early days of the heavens can't play any ‘flowers'.

"This young master warned you that if I hurt her a sweat ‘Mao’, I will not be able to spare you if I rush Wu Zongtian to the strongest!”

Lingdao held his hands and stood up. In his realm, he should not come to chase Xue Lingyao. After all, in the eyes of others, he can't even play Xueling Yao, let alone the 'elder' with Xue Lingyao's elders. war. He can only be installed as a big man of Yan Wuzong, scaring the nine soldiers of the Wang family.

"You a group of idiots, only know that the rough, the young master wants to get her heart. Seeing success, I did not expect you to destroy my good deeds!" -40503+dsuaahhh+25225650-->



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