The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 11: Mysterious girl

"I have not read it wrong. You are just a natural world. If you want such a realm, you dare to do it with me."

Lingdao is ready to stop Situ Yu, naturally releasing his own breath. Situ Tuo still thought that Ling Dao was unpredictable, but when he sensed the realm of Ling Dao, he first stunned and then smiled unscrupulously. When they get up, the warriors in the predecessors of the district, he can shoot to death.

"It seems that the nine warriors of the Wang family are really killed by Xue Lingyao's Fuxi."

Stuart finally put down his heart. Before Xue Lingyao fought with him, he took out the blood **** knife directly, which means that Xuelingyao has nothing to offer. He can even defeat the warriors of the blood knife alliance. Lingdao and Xueling Yao, naturally no problem, let alone kill a Lingdao, even if it kills ten kills a hundred, he thinks it is a piece of cake.

"Come on, I am sure I can't beat him. If you don't go, what is the meaning of my sacrifice?"

Lingdao picked up the blood **** knife and put it in the hands of Xue Lingyao. Then he pushed Xue Lingya out. Even if he broke out the ultimate fighting power, he couldn’t beat the Heavenly Soldiers. He can do it now. It is a painful and quick fight with Situ, even if you die here, it does not matter.

Anyway, the sword demon is alive in the world of Sword God. After he dies, the sword can resurrect him. When he breaks through enough realm, he can go to the Akasaka blood knife league and find Situ avenge revenge. The four forces have unscrupulous murder, it is best to become Tianjun first.

"The real dragon illustration."

"Nine turns into dragons."

"Idol fist."

Defending with the real dragon, using the nine-turn dragon strength to enhance the strength, and finally the display of the idol fist, Lingdao is based on the evolution of the idol, and so far, Lingdao has not succeeded in cultivating the idol. He has already learned a boxing method based on the idols. The idols are rough and may give the most out of his boxing.

His double fists are like two young elephants. In an extremely fierce situation, they are attacking toward Situ. Even if they use nine turns of dragons, the power of Lingdao and Situ will not compare. The ultimate strength of the Fengwu Warrior is 9,999 pieces of the power of the dragon. After the Heavenly Warriors have the power of 10,000 dragons, they can be condensed into a dragon.

The ultimate strength of the Tianbing martial arts is the power of the nine dragons. Situ is not a martial art, nor is it a physical repair. The power of mastery is only the power of seven dragons. Even so, it is much bigger than the power of Lingdao. The power of Tianlong is even more terrible than the power of 70,000 dragons. How to resist Lingdao.

Just like an adult, bullying a three-year-old child, there is no comparability at all. Even if Lingdao’s martial arts is so powerful, it can’t make up for the huge gap between the two. Because of this, Situ’s sword has no meaning. Just a vertical palm for the knife, with a hand knife, swaying toward the Lingdao.

Knife Mang was on the double fist of Lingdao, and suddenly his blood was splashing. His fists were full of flesh and blood, and even the white bones of the forest were exposed. The knife and the man’s bones were unrelenting, and they were squatting in the real dragon. On the top, the real dragon seems to be mournful, and the smoke disappears. Even an old text is bursting.


Being smashed by the knife, it was like the sound of the drums on the battlefield. The body of Lingdao flew out and broke the old tree. Finally, he squatted on the ground, even the ground. There was a crack in the road. It was just a move. He was defeated, and the injury was extremely serious. There was a crack in the organs.


Situ sneer, sneer, a hand knife, is able to hit Lingdao, he wants to kill Lingdao, naturally not a problem, the reason why there is no killer, but he wants to torture Lingdao, as Xue Ling Yao, want Escape is simply impossible. Don't say that Xue Lingyao is hurt. Even if Xueling Yao is in full bloom, it is impossible to escape under her eyelids.

"Come back."

Lingdao slowly stood up, although his mouth was still bleeding, but his look was firm and there was no fear in his eyes. The power of Stuart would only inspire his war, let him have endless power, he can fight. To die, but not to fail, or to be killed by Situ, or to fight with Situ.

"Things that are not self-sufficient."

As before, Situ was also a hand-knife, Lingdao still lost, determination is determination, strength is strength, even if Lingdao’s determination is big, there is no way to ignore the relationship between the early days of heaven and the peak of heaven. After the gap was once again hit, Lingdao did not say a word, it was to climb up and rushed to Situ.

Situ Wu felt so fun, so every time there was no killer, Lingdao did not die. Even if the injury was heavy, he did not stop the attack. He punched again and again, and fell again and again. Even if Lingdao walked, he trembled. There is no meaning to stop, the lotus water in his body is getting less and less, and there is no way for him to heal in a short time.

Lingdao is now relying on his own ability to recover. He cultivates a wild and sacred spirit. He is a perfect refining practice, and he also has extremely strong blood power. He is like an undead phoenix. He has extremely strong The power of life, even Situ, is frowning.

"I have already played enough, I will send you on the road."

This time, although Stuart did not pull the knife, he had gone all out, and the huge palm knife slammed into Lingdao. However, at this time, Lingdao had blurred eyes and could only use his instinct to punch. Still the idol fist, the power is not as good as before, the origin is not as good as before, the infuriating is not as good as before, but the momentum is far more than before.


Lingdao's hand bone fracture, arm bone fracture, sternal fracture, leg bone fracture, the whole person is like no bones, flew out, behind him, there is no old tree, some is just a broad blood His consciousness is blurred and replaced with other people. I am afraid that he has long been screaming, but he has ignored the pain.

"Fighting me, you are still far away."

Situ was proud of his face. In his opinion, Ling Dao was already dead. It was such a serious injury. Unless he was able to save his life and bones, he could save him, but now he only has him and Xue Lingyao. He will not save the road, Xueling Yao does not have such treasures, then Lingdao can only die in pain.


Xue Lingyao took up the blood knife and rushed to Lingdao. He helped Lingdao. Now Lingdao seems to be worse than the original out of the Netherstorm. Even so, Lingdao has not shouted from beginning to end. A pain, she really does not understand why Lingdao sacrificed so much for her.

She and Ling Dao are not related to each other, and they have just met, but Ling Dao is thousands of times better than the young people in Chiyun who can only speak a lot. The young people in Chiyun are either sending her natural treasures, or She has never ignored the martial arts. Originally, Lingdao just woke up and pinched her face. She thought that Lingdao was like the young people.

If Lingdao did not save her life indirectly, I am afraid that she had shot on Lingdao at that time. However, what happened next made her understand that Lingdao is not the same as those young, very different, completely different. Ling The Tao has never said that she likes her, and she does not even praise her beautiful, beautiful and fairy.

However, Lingdao did her enough to make her feel moved for a lifetime. For her, Lingdao can fight with eight Heavenly Soldiers. I want to know that Lingdao is only in the early days of the heavens. For her, she knows that she is not the opponent of Situ. Lingdao resolutely decided to fight with Situ, even if it was not an opponent, Lingdao did not give up.

What kind of belief is it that can support Lingdao to climb up again and again.

Is it true that it is the power of love?

Lingdao has been in a coma, naturally I don’t know what Xue Lingyao is thinking about, but he can still feel it. A drop of cold tears falls on his face. It’s the tears of beauty, across his mouth, sour. The sly, Xue Lingyao thought that Lingdao was dead, so she did not intend to live alone.

"Since there is no way to live, then you and I will die together."

Xueling Yao has already prepared herself for self-destruction. With the previous experience, she will naturally not talk nonsense with Situ. If Situ is aware of it, Situ will certainly prevent her from exploding. Unfortunately, she is still blocked. It’s not Situ’s shot, but another person.

"The ants are still stealing, why do you want to blew yourself?"

A little girl who seems to be only twelve or three years old, appeared behind Xue Lingyao and held Xuelingyao. She held her hand and stood up. It seemed to be just a loli, but it was a majestic It looks very calm, if it is not her face, she really thinks that it is a big man who has been in the high position for a long time.

The smart eyes flashed and flickered, the elf was weird. When she spoke to Xue Lingyao, she was still smiling. A pair of small dimples were evenly distributed on both sides of the cheeks. The white teeth were crystal clear and translucent, like white jade. Her height, less than one meter five, always looks like a child who has not grown up is mature.

"Which child are you, if you have nothing to do, you should leave quickly."

Don't say Xue Lingyao, even Situ, didn't realize the arrival of the little girl, and didn't know what the little girl had. It could appear silently behind Xueling Yao. Fortunately, she The age is too small, and Stuart naturally did not put her in her eyes.

It’s just that Situ’s parents worry that the little girl’s parents and elders are nearby. It’s better to have more things. Situ’s will not do anything with her. Unfortunately, he doesn’t want to do it. It doesn’t mean that the little girl doesn’t want to do it, especially The tone of the little girl is even more scary.

"Do you want to talk to your mother? Do you dare to teach you politeness? You are a **** knife disciple. Even if your lord is in front of me, you have to have a grandson. What do you count?"

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