The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 12: Little girl in purple

The blood knife alliance leader itself is a powerful Tianjun, and he is in charge of the four powers such as the Blood Knife League. Even in the entire Chiyun State, it is a well-known figure. - Uncle haha ​​- However, the little girl in the purple dress squatted in the square, and did not put the blood knife allies in the heart. The tone of her speech is even bigger, she really doesn't know if she is eating a daring leopard.

If you dare to say this, the little girl in purple is either bragging or has a big background. Situ was frowning, not knowing whether the little girl in purple was the former or the latter. Anyway, the whole of Chiyun Prefecture, he has never heard of the little girl like the purple girl, is it the above?

Whether it is Chiyun or Yanyun, it is actually affiliated to the Abandoned Cloud. The most powerful forces in Chiyun and Yanyun are just four products. However, the vast Yunyun House not only has three powers, but even has two powers. If the little girl in purple clothes comes from the forces of the three products or the forces of the second product, let alone Stuart can't afford it, even the blood knife allies are afraid to provoke.

"I don't know where you are from?"

Stuart asked carefully, if he was tempted to provoke the existence of blasphemy, then he did not know how to die. Killed by the strong forces of the three powers or the second power, the Blood Knife League cannot avenge him. The forces of the three products will walk out of a Tianzun, and they will be able to level the forces of the four products.

At the same time as the question, Stuart was able to explore the surroundings with will. With his seventh willpower, he can search for eight hundred feet. If there is no one, he can kill the little girl in purple, then take Xuelingyao and leave here as quickly as possible. The corpse was destroyed and fled from the scene. Even if the elders of the little girl of the purple dress had a heart to trace, they certainly did not know who the murderer was.

"The origin of the old lady is what you can ask? Hurry, don't get in the way!"

The little girl in purple said impatiently, the only person in the field who cares about her is Lingdao. Originally, she thought that Lingdao was so seriously injured and needed her to take care of her. But when she checked the situation of Lingdao, she was surprised and snorted. The self-healing ability of Lingdao 'meat' is much better than that of ordinary warriors.

"Things that don't face your face, kill you first!"

In the eyes of Stuart, the fierce light flashed and it was already killing. He held the sword and rushed to the little girl in purple at the fastest speed, and then he fell down. There is no turning arrow in the opening bow. He has already started to work on the little girl in purple, so naturally it is impossible for the little girl in purple to leave.

In his heart, Lingdao is already a dead person. As long as he kills the little girl in purple, there is Xue Lingya who is injured in his body, and naturally he can't escape his clutch. Even if he did not deal with Lingdao, he did not pull the knife. Now he is dealing with the little girl in purple. He not only uses the sword but also shows his proud knife.


The 100-meter radius is full of rich **** smell, and the fog of blood 'color' is the cover of the little girl and the snow Ling Yao and Ling Dao. The sword in the hands of Situ 劈 劈 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 斩 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血 血

Even the ordinary martial arts martial arts martial arts, can not stop the crossbow of Situ. It seems that only 12-year-old little girl in purple, even if the talent is higher, it is good to have a heavenly environment. How can her realm block Stuart’s fame?

"Be careful!"

Xue Lingyao hurriedly shouted, although she did not know the little girl in purple, but it seems that the little girl in purple is not malicious to her. It is a pity that Situ’s knife is too fast, even if it has a heart to block, it is too late. What's more, she couldn't stop the cross and could only be killed by the cross.


The little girl in purple is still standing with a negative hand, and there is no meaning for a little shot. However, what Situ’s actions have caused her dissatisfaction. She opened her mouth and shouted loudly, screaming 'waves', smashing the blood 'color' knife, rushing away the **** fog, and even flying Situ.


Situ screamed, as if there was a mountain, squatting in his ‘chest’ mouth, letting him breathe. Immediately after the pressure was loose, he was rushing out of the blood and squatting backwards. He was horrified to find that the situation in the body was extremely bad, and even the source stars were cracked.

His world of will is originally a **** sea, and now the sea 'waves' are not over. Fortunately, the little girl in the purple dress did not kill, or else the world of Situ’s will must be crushed, and the same is true of the original star. Just a word, you can take Situ 寇 ‘sex’ life, Situ 寇 even stupid, and understand that met a top strong.

"The younger generation has no eyes, the dog's eyes are low, and the eyes don't know Taishan.

Situ Wu did not continue to slash, nor did he escape, but squatted in front of the little girl in purple, begging for mercy. Now he finally understands that the little girl in purple is not talking big, but really powerful enough. If the little girl in purple wants to kill Situ, it is no different from killing a ‘chicken’.

"Rarely, you can get out of my sight now, remember, it’s rolling!"

The little girl in purple squinted and said in a very gentle tone. The more she is, the more she is afraid of Stuart, and the arrogance of such a strong person for no reason is really unfortunate. Originally he was going to win Xue Ling Yao, but did not expect to kill a top strongman halfway.

"They are the culprits of my blood knife alliance. The younger generation is daring to ask, what is their relationship with their predecessors? If it doesn't matter, can they be handed over to the younger generation?"

Situ's head has been attached to the ground, and even the body is shaking. He really wants to get the first beautiful ‘female’ Xue Ling Yao in Chiyun Prefecture, or else he will not talk at this time. What's more, Xueling Yao also has a weapon of blood weapons, which is worth taking risks.

"Well? Don't you understand what I said?"

The little girl in purple clothes added a tone, and Situ was snoring, and the whole person was lying on the ground. Previously, Situ Wu felt a force, pressed against him, causing his spine to be mostly broken. Stuart understands that he has already spurred the angry little girl, so he did not say anything, but he rolled to the distance.

Now Stuart is really afraid to talk too much. The little girl in front of her eyes is too horrible, not that he can compete. Even in the face of the king and even the heavenly king, he did not have such great pressure. Can it be said that the little girl in purple is even stronger than the ally of their blood knife alliance?

"No, it should be the Heavenly King of the Blood Knife League. It is not malicious to me, so I can't feel their terrible. How can a little girl in the district be more powerful than ours?"

What did Stuart think, the little girl in purple didn't know, of course she was not interested in knowing. Now that the inconvenient Situ is gone, the little girl in purple is naturally coming to Lingdao and pressing her hand on Lingdao’s wrist. I checked it a bit before, and she still has no peace of mind. Now I will diagnose it at close range.

"Please ask the seniors to save him, as long as the predecessors can save him, let me do the cows and do the horses!"

Everything that happened before completely exceeded Xue Lingyao’s imagination. When she was still worried about the little girl in purple, Situ was already hit hard. The realm of the little girl in purple is probably beyond her imagination. She is not interested in the little girl of purple, just wants to save the Tao.

"What is the use of the old lady who wants you to be a cow?"

The little girl in purple licked her mouth and was obviously not interested in Xue Lingyao’s proposal. Xue Lingyao stunned, and the previous things have made her understand that the little girl in purple has a very high realm. Even if she gave the blood knife to the little girl in purple, I am afraid that the little girl in purple will not care.

"I don't know what the predecessors told me, as long as the predecessors can save her, let me do anything!"

Xue Lingyao did not know how to make the little girl happy, but had to leave the purple girl to raise the conditions. The little girl in purple nodded, then walked to Xue Lingyao's side and reached out to lift Xue Lingyao's white chin. In the eyes of Xue Lingyao, there was a flustered flu, and this little girl would not have any special hobbies, right?

"Long, good, ‘very’ Peugeot, I like the beautiful woman like you!”

The words of the little girl in purple made Xue Lingyao’s pale face ‘color’ even more pale. In front of this little girl who doesn’t know how old she is, she really has that kind of goodness. If the little girl in purple dress let her give her a white body to save the road, how is she good?

"Hey, the old lady has the ability to conquer the ‘female’, but unfortunately she is a ‘female’!”

Let Xue Lingyao breathe a sigh of relief, the little girl in purple clothes took back her little hand. Unfortunately, Xue Lingyao did not know that the little girl in the purple dress had already opened the ‘flower’. As I did before, the little girl in purple is purely to tease Xueling Yao, especially the Xueling Yao **** 'color' panic, almost let the little girl in purple can not help but laugh out loud.

"You can rest assured that he is fine, as long as he has been recuperating for a while, he can heal!"

The little girl in purple dress has a healing ‘medicine’. If it is taken to Lingdao, Lingdao’s injury can be recovered in a short time. But she did not do this, because she found that when Ling Dao was healed, it was quite ridiculous that Xian Jin worked again and again, constantly transforming the body of Ling Dao.

For others, injury is definitely a bad thing, but Lingdao is different. Every time he gets injured, his ‘meat’ body will increase. It’s quite ridiculous, and the little girl in the purple dress is finally seen. She had already heard of the power of the wild, but unfortunately she had not seen it before.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

If it weren't for the appearance of a little girl in purple, Xue Lingyao would have blew himself up or was taken by Situ. The little girl in purple set her hand and then stepped out and disappeared into the field. Stuart has already solved the next thing, then ‘transfer’ to Xue Lingyao and Lingdao to solve it himself.

"Sure enough, it is the successor of the wild, but the realm is too low. I hope that when you see you next time, you have the ability to be alone!" -40503+dsuaahhh+25291322-->



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