The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 15: Win the battle

"The old man only used 30% strength, you don't want to be too self-righteous!"

The main body of the Dongjian domain is screaming at Lingdao and suppressing strength, just to make Lingdao recognize his own shortcomings. - Uncle haha ​​- If he comes up, he will go all out to overwhelm the temperament and defeat the ridge. Perhaps Lingdao will be greatly hurt, and nothing can be learned.

"You certainly don't know, the old man is from the solitude of the heavenly family. The inheritance is thousands of times stronger than you, and the realm is higher than you. Although the younger generation of the central main territory is not as good as you, but compared to the old man, you Still far away!"

Under the anger, the Dongjian domain owner directly used 70% of the strength, let alone to deal with the former warriors of the heavenly people, even if it is an ordinary heaven and humanity, it is more than enough. He has twice suppressed his strength, and he has been beaten by Lingdao. Naturally, he has also played a fire. In particular, Ling Dao’s words were rampant and he did not put him in his eyes.

Lingdao is more and more helpless. You said that you feel that you are strong, then you are going all out. It is necessary to suppress the strength, pretend to be a senior, to tell the truth, how do you think it is? Could it be said that if you fight with your strength, what does it mean?

The third sword, the East Sword domain owner uses 70% of the strength, even the void, is his sword opened. His sword, where it passed, the ground collapsed, and the swordsman pointed out, all broken. Although he only used 70% strength, but because of the arrogance of Lingdao, he directly used the sharp sword.

"You still go all out, otherwise it is not my enemy of a sword!"

Unexpectedly, the Dongjian domain domain master is still suppressing the strength. Lingdao shook his head and directly waved the man Wang Jian, shocking the swaying emptiness and squatting on the sword of the Dongjian domain domain master. The owner of the Dongjian domain only felt that the right hand was shaking, and the sword of the character almost came out. Not only did the sharp sword not hurt the Lingdao, but it turned back and made his face 'color' change.

"When did the central main territory appear such a powerful sword repair?"

The main surface of the Dongjian domain was shocked, but in my heart, it was a huge wave of waves. 70% of the strength even the ordinary heaven and humanity is not his opponent, but the former warrior of the heavenly world can beat him. Such a young genius, even in the Solitary family, is not much seen?

What he values ​​most is not the realm, but the combat power, a power like the ones in the solitary family, and some ways to let the children of the family raise the realm. In the early days of Lingdao’s talents, there was such a force. If he was promoted to the peak of the heavens, he was definitely not the opponent of Lingdao.

"Well, it’s the old man who stunned you. If that is the case, then the old man will stop holding it!"

Nowadays, the Dongjian domain domain master no longer regards Lingdao as a junior, but a person who can be equal to him. He took a deep breath, and then he no longer suppressed his strength, and the atmosphere of the heavenly world was completely released. Even if Ling Dao’s performance is ecstatic, he also feels that Ling Dao is not his opponent.

"Fantasy Thirteen!"

The swordsmanship of the main body of the Dongjian domain has a total of thirteen styles. One style is faster than one style, and one style is different from one style. From the beginning of his hand, he and Lingdao are within 500 meters of the circle, are covered by thick clouds, hehe, can not really cut. Even if it is a heavenly person, it will be greatly affected by being trapped in the clouds.

He did not kill Lingdao, so every sword is not a killer. The first type stabbed Lingdao's left shoulder, the second type stabbed Lingdao's right hand wrist, the third type stabbed Lingdao's left hand palm, the fourth type stabbed Lingdao right small 'leg', and the fifth type stabbed Lingdao left. foot……

One after the other, without any pause, the cloud covering a radius of 500 meters has no effect on him. He believes that after the thirteenth style, Ling Dao must be injured. Who makes Lingdao do not know the height of the sky, must give Lingdao a little ‘color’ 瞧瞧, let Lingdao know his power.

"Shock sword!"

In the hands of Lingdao, Wang Jian slammed out sharply, and the violent shock swayed, and even the void could not bear it, let alone cover the cloud of 500 meters. The cloud of the main body of the Dongjian domain can affect the sight of others, but it does not affect the Lingdao. His supreme gold 瞳 is not even open, nor is it comparable to other people's eyes.

The 13th style of the main sword of the Dongjian domain is blocked by Lingdao. No matter how fast his sword moves, no matter how different his sword moves, he can't escape Lingdao's eyes. It’s as if Lingdao had already known where his next sword would be stabbed, not to panic and resist, but to wait for him to stab.

"How is it possible? The old man has never seen you before, and you certainly haven't seen my magical fog thirteen styles. Why do you think that you know the magical fog thirteen styles?"

From the very beginning, I didn’t care, and then I took it seriously, and now it’s incredible. The owner of the Dongjian domain feels that Lingdao is like a mystery. The more he confuses with Lingdao, the more he can discover the power of Lingdao. He has displayed the Fantasy Thirteen, and still does not take advantage of it.

"Predecessors, it’s my turn to get out of the sword!"

Lingdao did not explain anything, but gathered all the power to the man Wang Jian. Most of the Heavenly Warriors who have seen the Dongjian domain are more tyrannical than those who have seen Lingdao. He naturally does not dare to care. The battle with the Lord of the East Sword domain is just to sharpen the kendo. It is not a life-and-death battle. Naturally, there is no need for shopping.

"Blasting sword!"

He held the sword in both hands, raised the sword of the king, and then slammed it down. A stunned sword, like the ancient swordsman in the sword, the sea into two, let the waterfall break into two. His momentum, rising, is like a young emperor, Huang Weihao swaying, high above, overlooking the world.

The most important thing is the imposing sword, which can crush all the momentum. The nine swords of meaning, at the same time attack, the sword of the East Sword domain domain, in front of the nine swords, can not stand a blow. Even if the Emperor's sword is born, the Dongjian domain domain masters are not ambiguous, his sword meaning, naturally no match for the nine swords.

“So strong?”

The main eyelids of the Dongjian domain jumped wildly. I did not expect to underestimate the Lingdao. Such a sturdy sword must go all out to be blocked. As a singer of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity, in the face of a sword in the early days of the sword, he naturally cannot retreat, otherwise what is the family glory?

The most important thing is that the collapsed sword crushes everything and sweeps the army. Even if he wants to avoid, it is inevitable, only to resist. He has seen Lingdao as high as possible, but he did not expect to underestimate Lingdao. In particular, the sword of Lingdao is stronger than his imagination.

"The fog shadow sword!"

Fortunately, the owner of the Dongjian domain is a child of the Solitary family. His inheritance is not comparable to the military of the central main domain and the Dongjian domain. The so-called fog shadow sword body is a cloud and sword gas, which condenses the body and resists the collapsed sword of Lingdao. With the current strength of the East Sword domain, you can condense two swords.

However, the battle with Lingdao made him play at a super level, and this time he even condensed the three swords. Every cloud blade can help him resist the attack of the opponent. Now the three swords are in the same position, and there is no problem in trying to block the sword of Lingdao. As long as he waits for an opportunity to move, he will certainly be able to defeat Lingdao.

I just used the collapsed sword style, and when the old force of Lingdao was just gone, when the new force was not born, the Dongjian domain domain master made the strongest attack sword, and Lingdao certainly could not block it. The idea of ​​the Dongjian domain domain master is good, but the reality is very cruel, and he is totally different from what he imagined. He still underestimated the collapse sword style.

It is a collapsed sword that breaks everything, crushes everything, destroys everything. Even if there are three swords blocking the road, the collapsed sword will completely destroy the three swords. The power of the collapsed sword has indeed weakened, but the momentum of Lingdao has not decreased. The king of the sword is like a broken bamboo, and even the owner of the Dongjian domain is shocked.

Originally, the East Sword domain owner also intends to use the strongest attack sword method, but unfortunately it is too late to have a cross sword in front of himself. He held the hilt in his right hand and pressed the sword in his left hand. However, after Wang Jianyi was on his sword, he made a huge shock in his arms and the tiger's mouth cracked.

The nine swords are strong and attacked, annihilating the sword of the Dongjian domain. The momentum of Lingdao is like a giant hammer, squatting in the 'chest' of the Dongjian domain, making the Dongjian domain main. Flying out. Lingdao did not pursue, but only fight, the victory and defeat have been divided, there is no need to continue to shoot.

"After life is awesome, afterlife is awesome!"

The owner of the Dongjian domain climbed up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, admiring it. He looked at Lingdao's eyes, there was no hate, and some just appreciated. Such a peerless genius, if introduced to the Solitary family, is definitely a great achievement. The major forces control one world, isn't it just to get more genius?

After all, the Solitary family is only a force, and it is very good to be able to master the world of Sword God. Like the world of the sword, the world of the gods is much bigger than the world of swords. Even the world mastered by the solitary family is bigger than the sword god. The forces created by the Great Emperor are not the same as the ones.

"I am lucky to win, the seniors have given in!"

It was found that the owner of the Dongjian domain was not angry, and Lingdao was relieved. It’s easy to see that he defeated the Dongjian domain owner before, but it’s just because he’s hitting the East Sword domain owner. If you want to kill the Dongjian domain domain master, it is definitely not an easy task.

What's more, behind the main body of the Dongjian domain is the one-of-a-kind family. With the current strength of Lingdao, it is definitely a dead end. It is absolutely very important to be able to have a good relationship with the Dongjian domain. Those who want to pick up the swordsmen come to the central territory of the central government, and naturally need the help of the Dongjian domain.

"I am willing to gamble and lose. Since you have won, you will go to Dongjianyu and take those people to the central territory of the central government. But you should pay attention to the fact that in Dongjian domain and others, try to suppress the strength, anyway, Dongjian domain does not Someone will be your opponent."

The owner of the Dongjian domain is refreshing, and Lingdao has not opened yet, he said. Lingdao hugged the main body of the Dongjian domain to show his thanks, and then returned to the Dongjian domain through the transmission array! --40503+dsuaahhh+25301355-->



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