The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 15: Swordsman crisis

The world of swords and gods, Dongjian domain. -

Lingdao walked out from the ten-powered slashing swords, and successively destroyed the forces of the epee ‘door’, the Daluo dynasty, the blood sword sect, and so on, step by step to the peak of Dongjianyu. Even if he left, he left Jianzong. In the past, the top ten forces in Dongjianyu were either recovered by Lingdao or dared not to provoke Lingdao.

Today, the strongest force in Dongjian is the Jianzong. Former arrogant swords, magic swords, Wan Jianzong and Long Jianzong are all affiliated forces of Jianzong. Even if Lingdao leaves Dongjian, the dominance of Jianzong can't be shaken. However, the Jianzong lacks one, and the real strong can survive the full disciple.

If it wasn’t before the departure of Ling Dao, the slain of the Swordmaster, the Swordmaster, the Swordmaster, the Swordless Gate, the Swordmaster, and the Swordmaster, I’m afraid they would have rebelled the sword. Zong. Even so, today's Jianzong is also internal and external. It is indeed impossible for their five lords to betray, but there is already a lot of sword repairs in their sect, and they are ready to replace them.

Before leaving Dongjianyu, Lingdao did leave a huge amount of wealth to Jianzong, but the development of Jianzong took time. Now, the strength of Jianzong's own strength, except for the major vassals of the vassal sect, can only be regarded as the six powers. It is normal for those vassals to have a rebellious heart.

"Let them make trouble, we all stay in our own hands and move!"

The Wan Jianzong lord, the demon sword lord, the proud sword lord, the swordless 'door' 'door' master and the dragon sword lord have been negotiating, because their five swords, there are already the king of the Qiankun, rushed to Jianzong, Ready to kill Ling Wu. As long as Ling Wu is dead, their slavery will disappear and they will not be restricted.

Anyway, they said that they were under house arrest by other kings of Qiankun, and Lingwu naturally had no reason to deal with them. Even if Ling Wu used slavery to kill them before they died, they also recognized it. To surrender to the swords, they are also unwilling, and if Lingdao is the sovereign, they can accept it at least.

Lingdao is killing a lot of Qiankun kings, but Wan Jianzong, Mo Jianzong, Ao Jianzong, Long Jianzong and Wu Jian 'doors, still have a powerful king of the Qiankun. They are not enough to see in front of Lingdao, but it is definitely enough to deal with Lingwu. Just like the Demon Swordsman, only one and a half steps of the power can be killed by Ling Dao, that is, the current Demon Swordsman, and the Demon Swordsman and the King of the Dragons.

Today's Lingwu is just the king of the late Qiankun. In order to kill him, a total of eight and a half steps of power and ten kings of the Qiankun Kingdom are dispatched. Among them are Wan Jianzong, Demon Sword, Proud Sword, Dragon Sword, and the sword-free ‘door’, and other swords.

The Jianzong family is the only one, and other forces have long thoughts. Now they are joining forces, in order to get rid of Lingwu and razed the sword to the ground. After Jianzong became the hegemon of the East Sword Field, it was recruited a large number of disciples. Unfortunately, those disciples did not become a climate, and the battle of the kings of the Qiankun Kingdom, they completely ‘plug’ and did not get started.

What's more, there are dragon swords, magic swords, arrogant swords, Wan Jianzong and the sword-free ‘door’ of the kings of the Qiankun, who led the way, and they easily arrived at the main hall of the patriarch of Jianzong. After Ling Wu seriously cultivated, the realm of the realm has been upgraded very quickly, but the strength of his late Kunming is still not the opponent of the eight-and-a-half-step power and the ten kings.

"I didn't expect that your five major ‘doors’ are still not willing to surrender!”

Ling Wu stood inside the hall and looked at the 18 swords in front of him. They are not in a hurry to do it, but they are still taboo. As long as Lingdao is not dead, they do not want to kill Lingwu by hand. Don't look at them all want to get rid of Ling Wu, when they really get started, they are afraid.

They are not far from Tongtianjing. Once they break through to the heavens, they have to go to the central territory. With the qualification of Ling Dao, now it must have been the peak of the Qiankun, and even the Tongtian martial arts. Lingdao wants to kill them, it is absolutely easy. Dealing with Ling Wu and killing Ling Wu by hand is definitely two things.

"Can't blame us, it's really that your swordsman is weak, and you are not qualified to become the overlord of the East Sword!"

"Yes, it is enough for Dongjianyu to have our top ten swords. Since Lingdao has included us in Jianzong, others have talked about the top ten swords, and it is not our Wanjianzong!"

"If you are willing to let go and declare that we are no longer affiliated with the swords, we will let you live!"

They did not put Lingwu in their eyes, and they really made them jealous. They were all Lingdao from beginning to end. The boy, who rises in the end, has the strength to sweep the entire East Sword Field. Their ages are not small, and they are far faster than the realm. As time goes by, the gap between them and Lingdao will only grow bigger and bigger.

If they were not worried about the revenge after the Lingdao, they would not be blameless with Lingwu, and they would have killed Lingwu with a sword. They all want other people to make heads, but there is no fool at the scene. Of course, if Lingwu does not cooperate at all, then they can only kill Lingwu. If they are not big, they will not go to the central territory.

"Unless I die, the sword will not compromise!"

Ling Wu said with a strong tone that he would not lose the foundation of Ling Dao. Staying in the green hills, not afraid of no firewood, but he is a military corps after all, even if he is dead, he will not give in. The eight-and-a-half-step power and the ten martial arts martial arts are all fascinating. They did not expect Lingwu to be so determined.

"Since you are not looking for death, then you can't blame us!"

"In any case, I may not be able to break through to the heavens in my life. Naturally, I don't have to go to the central territory. Even if I kill you, Lingdao can't help you revenge!"

"As long as the Lingdao breaks through the heavens, then don't think about coming back. You are dead when you die!"

In their view, Ling Wu really does not know each other, only to kill Ling Wu, the Wan Jianzong lord, the demon sword lord, the proud sword lord, the dragon sword lord and the swordless 'door' 'door' master can recover free. Already there are people who have won the peak of the Qiankun dynasty, even if they do not step into the main territory of the central government, they must kill Lingwu.

"You have already decided, then let's do it, kill one enough, kill two and earn it!"

Ling Wu holds a sword on the top of the sword, and he is the only one with eight and a half steps and eighteen kings. He had expected that there would be such a day, therefore, Shi Sanyi, Li Qing and Jiang Ren and others have long been widely supported by him. If he had an accident, then Shi San, Li Qing, and Jiang Ren would be hidden by the people he arranged.

"You still want to kill one or two, do you think it is possible?"

There is a 乾 巅 巅 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王At the moment, there is a king of the Qiankun dynasty, but unfortunately, only one person, not a Lingwu opponent, is only a ‘transfer’ front, and the one who is the king of the vicissitudes of the Kunming is slightly injured.

"I didn't expect that we underestimated you. Fortunately, we came early, if you let you become a half-step power, I am afraid we will not be able to cure you!"

There are also the kings of the Qiankun dynasty, and even the half-step powers are drawn. They first took Ling Wu, and finally killed Ling Wu by one person. When they said that it was the person who killed Ling Dao alone, no one knew the truth anyway. Of course, they will definitely give that person enough benefits, otherwise no one is willing to take such a big risk.

"I don't know how my brother has been in the recent period. I will be able to surprise my older brother this time!"

After going to the main territory of the central government, Lingdao first participated in the battle of the king, then went to the Tianjian Jedi, and then competed for the sword. Now I am finally able to come back and meet with Ling Wu, Jiang Ren, Li Qing, Shi Sanyi and others. His mood was very good, but when he perceives what happened in the main hall of the sword, the face 'color' is cold.

Fortunately, when he came back in time, if it was later, I am afraid that Lingwu would be killed by those who were in the middle of the peak and half-step. Ling Wu talent is also good, only in the late Qing Dynasty can defeat the Qiankun 巅 武 武 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Well, our swordsman is finished. If the lord is killed, we will probably only be killed by the massacre!"

"Our swordsman is the overlord of the East Swords. They are so bold and dare to dare to work on our swordsman?"

"I have known for a long time that the Wan Jianzong and the Demon Swordsmen's ‘doors’ are speculative, and now they have finally started!”

The movement in the main hall of Jianzong was too big. Naturally, the disciples of Jianzong saw the situation inside. Those who came to kill Lingwu's Qiankun dynasty and the half-step power were deliberately let the Jianzong disciples see them. They are the characters standing at the tip of the Dongjianyu pyramid. What is a martial arts in the district?

In particular, watching the swordsmen's disciples ‘thinking’ the desperate **** ‘color’, they felt extremely happy. The disciples of Jianzong have been too arrogant in the past few years. Even if they are disciples of the Ten Great Swordsmen, they have to be short on the swordsmen. They had long wanted to get rid of the swords, but they were worried that Lingdao would kill them.

When Lingdao left Dongjianyu, there was still a big gap from the peak of Qiankun. Now that they have got the news, Lingdao has become a martial artist, and they naturally let go of their hearts. As long as Lingdao can't come back, Jian Zong, how do they want to marry, how to marry.

"What is Jianzong? Is it also the overlord of Dongjian domain? Today, we have to level the sword and razed the sword to the ground!"

A king of Qiankun Jingfeng couldn't help but sneer, his voice was great, and all the disciples of Jianzong would have heard it. Similarly, Lingdao, who came back, is also clear. Lingdao originally thought that within a few years, Jianzong would not have any problems. I did not expect these people to start working on Jianzong now.

"I want to razed my swords to the ground, have you asked me?"

Now Lingdao understands that he was too soft and soft. It is not necessary to let Wan Jianzong, Demon Sword, Proud Sword, No Sword ‘Gate’ and Dragon Swordsman become the vassal forces of Jianzong, but they should be destroyed directly. The sword is the sword, and does not need any affiliated forces!

"You are really a big dog!" -40503+dsuaahhh+25301356-->



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