The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 28: Oh, haha, oh

Lingdao and Liu Qingmei jointly deal with Zhang Mingyuan, and the problem is still on Lingdao. <- As long as Liu Qingmei is enough distance, enough time, ‘stimuli’ is alive, then she can play the fighting power, definitely not to be underestimated. However, Lingdao, who is close to Zhang Mingyuan, is very dangerous.

Zhang Mingyuan is the Heavenly Warrior, and Ling Dao is only a late stage. Even when the Emperor was in the late days of the heavens, he could not rely on his own strength to kill the Heavenly Warriors. Fortunately, Lingdao is not a life and death with Zhang Mingyuan, but is doing everything he can to resist Zhang Mingyuan’s offensive.

As soon as you come up, Ling Dao is showing his true dragon illustrations and guarding his body. He squeezed his fists in both hands, and he was like a singer, and the black gold ‘color’ ray’s 交交, 斑 spot. In the face of the Heavenly Warriors, Ling Dao naturally did not dare to slack off, and every punch is all-out, without reservation.

Now he can't use the nine-turn dragon strength without limit, and naturally he won't use it. Only at the crucial moment, Zhang Mingyuan has no defenses, and suddenly give him a look, which will definitely have amazing results. It’s natural to have a good deal with Zhang Mingyuan’s confession. If one step is wrong, it will be lost.

Now he and Liu Qingmei are standing on a boat. If he is killed by Zhang Mingyuan, Liu Qingmei will definitely not have any good end. Regardless of the purpose of Liu Qingmei, she is all for the Lingdao, the soul-killing mountain that came, and Lingdao naturally does not want Liu Qingmei to have an accident.

"Not self-reliant!"

Zhang Mingyuan sneered aloud, even if Lingdao and Liu Qingmei teamed up, he still has a 90% chance of winning. The reason why I dare not say 10%, just because he does not know Liu Qingmei's hand, is there a very powerful symbol. Wan Fuzong’s core disciples have always been rare, and each one is like a baby. To say that Liu Qingmei has no life-saving symbols, Zhang Mingyuan absolutely does not believe.

The broken gun slammed out, like a **** gun, and slammed toward the Lingdao. Just in the blink of an eye, the real dragon illustrations are a series of cracks. The gap between the heavens and the heavens and the heavens is finally reflected. Even if it is Lingdao, it cannot break the rules.

The Heavenly Warrior has mastered the power of the dragon, and the power alone is the one who can explode the heavenly man. The power of 10,000 dragons can be condensed into a force of the dragon. However, the power of 10,000 dragons is not comparable to the power of a dragon. Even if Lingdao uses nine turns of dragons, the strength is not as good as Zhang Mingyuan.

Fortunately, Liu Qingmei has been ‘stimulated’ to live an attacking plaque, and the bright knives, suddenly appearing, and reached the front of Zhang Mingyuan. Zhang Mingyuan wanted to kill Lingdao with a bang, but Liu Qingmei’s Fuxi had to guard against it. The guns were bombarded on the knives, and a burst of loud noise broke out. Then the knives were broken.

Zhang Mingyuan, who holds the broken gun, is reversing. The symbol of Liu Qingmei’s use is itself a character, and with her own strength, the power that can be exerted is enough to threaten the Tianshi. Zhang Mingyuan stunned Liu Qingmei and then rushed to Lingdao at a faster speed.

There is Lingdao blocking in front of Liu Qingmei. If you don't remove Lingdao first, Zhang Mingyuan is very difficult to get close to Liu Qingmei. Originally, Zhang Mingyuan had dealt with Ling Dao and did not make every effort. It was not worthy of his seriousness to be a warrior in the late days. However, in order to win Liu Qingmei, he had to take a serious shot.

The gun was fierce, like a dislocated wild horse, rambling. Lingdao's real dragon illustrations, let alone stop the broken guns, even slow down the speed of the broken guns, can not do. Zhang Mingyuan seems to be mad. Every step forward, the power of breaking a gun is to increase one point.

Zhang Mingyuan himself has the power of two dragons, which is even more powerful than the power of 20,000 dragons. Even if Lingdao uses nine turns of dragons and cockroaches, and casts a smashing punch, it can only resist the moment of breaking a gun. Fortunately, Lingdao has already won time for Liu Qingmei, and it is also an attacking 篆 激 激 激 活.


A large drum emerged, as if the drums of the ancient times sounded, and one of the world's most famous people smashed into the stars. It is Liu Qingmei's "exciting" live gongs and gongs into a battle drum, just like thunder, even Zhang Mingyuan feels that the ear bones are painful. It seems to be an iron ride, going toward Zhang Mingyuan.

The drums hit the broken gun, making Zhang Mingyuan's face ‘color’ white, and a blood spurting out. Liu Qingmei's own strength is indeed not as good as Zhang Mingyuan, but the symbol she used now is the refining of the emperor of Wan Fuzong. Even Zhang Mingyuan, a little collision, has suffered a boring loss.

"let's go!"

Originally, Lingdao also planned to take advantage of Zhang Mingyuan’s injury when he was injured. If he could kill Zhang Mingyuan, even if he could not kill Zhang Mingyuan, he would be seriously injured. Unfortunately, Liu Qingmei’s anxious voice made Lingdao aware of the serious ‘sex’ of the matter.

Lingdao did not ask anything, and he and Liu Qingmei fled to the distance. The effect of the banned sign is getting weaker and weaker, and it is impossible to trap Lingdao and Liu Qingmei. The two of them left and left, only Zhang Mingyuan was roaring. The core disciples of the Tang dynasty silver squad, even one of the heavenly martial arts and a heavenly martial arts did not win.

"I have just seen a core disciple of the double sword 'door'. If the person and Zhang Mingyuan teamed up, you and I can't escape!"

It’s just Zhang Mingyuan’s one. Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei have joined forces to be able to cope. If you add a core disciple of a double sword ‘door’, even if they join hands, it will have no effect. After all, it is because the realm of Ling Dao is too low. If Ling Dao is also a Heavenly Warrior, who is he afraid of?

"The soul-killing mountain is not a long-term place. We will quickly find the old soul, then kill it and leave here early!"

In the words of Ling Dao, Liu Qingmei very much agrees. In fact, her heart has already regretted it. If she does not accompany Lingdao to destroy the mountains, she will not encounter so many dangers at all. Now, with a little carelessness, she will die in the Mountain Range. She is the core disciple of Wan Fuzong. The ‘sex’ life is much more precious than a foreign disciple of Lingdao.

The old soul may be the old man of a certain force in Yanzhou. I don’t know what the reason is, but I live in the Valley of the Dead. Most of the warriors who enter the Desperate Mountains are young people who want to sharpen their will. Lingdao wants to find an old man. In fact, the goal is not big, and there is still hope for it.

The problem is that the more dangerous the mountain is, the more dangerous it is to the inside. With his current ability, there is no way to come and go in the mountains of the Desolation. He is now in the interior of the Desperate Mountains, but the soul is not in the inside, it is still unknown. What is the plan for the madman, Lingdao can not guess.

"The soul is old, the soul is old, how are you so familiar?"

The girl is squinting with big eyes and trying to think back to the old things. She clearly knows who the soul is, but she can't think of it. This feeling is very uncomfortable, so she has been thinking about it. Her temper is coming up, and she doesn't want to know who the soul is, and she will never give up.

"Ah, I know! Isn't the soul old?"

Suddenly, she took a big ‘leg’ and her face was full of excitement. She finally knows who the soul is, no wonder she thinks the soul is very familiar. The three demon souls she captured, one of them, is the old man. Lingdao thought that the soul is always the old man of other forces in Yanzhou. If he continues to look like that, he will not find the soul when he finds death.

In the first place, the soul is not the warrior of other forces in the Yunzhou, but the demon soul in the Valley of the Dead. Second, the soul is not an old man, but an old woman. The three demon souls captured by the girl are the ones with less ‘female’, the haha ​​of the middle-aged ‘female’ ‘female’ and the embarrassment of the old man.

"This girl is in a good mood, just tell the kid!"

The girl went back in a hurry, but unfortunately, Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei had left, even Zhang Mingyuan was not here. She searched around and still couldn't find clues. Lingdao and Liu Qingmei chose which direction to leave, she could only rely on guessing.

Lingdao naturally does not know that the girl is looking for him, but she does not know that the girl has already known who the soul is. He and Liu Qingmei have to avoid Zhang Mingyuan’s pursuit, and they have to look for the soul and the busy one. What's more, the dangerous mountains are dangerous, the more powerful the demon, the higher the intelligence.

"Sister, I seem to have an ominous premonition, or do we change direction?"

Liu Qingmei and Lingdao walked side by side. Suddenly, Lingdao stopped and Liu Qingmei naturally stopped. Lingdao closed his eyes and carefully sensed it, but unfortunately nothing was sensed. However, intuition tells him that if you move on, it will definitely be dangerous.

"Which direction are you going to take?"

She came to destroy the soul mountain, this is to accompany the road, naturally let Lingdao take the lead. Anyway, she and Lingdao are not familiar with the Mountain Range, no matter which direction, for her, there is no difference. However, before they changed their direction, they heard three different laughs.


"Ha ha..."


In front of Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei, three figures appeared. The leftmost figure, it seems that it should be a little ‘female’, the voice is tender and tender. The figure in the middle should be a middle-aged 'female' son with a loud voice and full of enthusiasm. The rightmost figure, presumably an old man, has an old voice and a trembling voice.

The three figures represent the three great devils. They are the ones that the wonderful girl originally caught. It’s a pity that the girl was not careful and let the three of them escape together. It’s not easy to find them because of the Soul Mountain Range.

"A strong breath, we are afraid of bad luck!"

In the eyes of Liu Qingmei, a flash of sorrow ‘color’, every figure, brought great pressure to her. Three people came together and it seems that they are not good. They did not say anything, it was the shot of Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei. The means of the three great devils are different. They are certainly not from a force during their lifetime!


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