The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 39: Old soul


The leftmost little ‘female’, the two ‘Jade’ hands are pinched, the left hand is the sun king seal, and the right hand is too ‘yin’ king seal. <, the latest chapter visit:. The two kings are printed together, the ‘color’ changes, the sun’s seal is extremely hot, the hot ‘wave’ rolls, and the air seems to be steamed. The sun king is frozen in the cold, and it is like a thousand miles to transform the mountain of destruction into an iceberg.

Her hands pushed forward, and the two kings rolled forward, like the sun and the moon, falling from the endless starry sky. The starry sky of the heavens is far more than a round of the sun, and the number of moons is more than the sun. The Sun King Seal and the Taiyin Yin Printing are as if they can absorb the sun and the moon.

"Ha ha..."

In the middle of the middle-aged ‘female’ ‘female’, the two palms were shot in succession, and they even condensed an ancient chariot with their own strength. She stepped out and stood on the old chariot. The chariot slowly moved forward. Two huge wheels were pressed from the ground, leaving two long ruts.

The ancient chariot seems to have come from the ancient times, and it is necessary to crush the Lingdao into a broken ‘meat’. Lingdao can see that the middle-aged ‘female’ ‘female’ actually holds two sources of origin, one is the origin of gold, and the other is the origin of the wind. The ancient chariots must weigh in weight and speed.


The rightmost old man is also unwilling to lag behind, basically the same as the previous two. All three of them can only make laughter, and they want to speak like normal people, obviously not. They can have the present skills, naturally they are swallowing up a lot of magical souls. There are not many wills remaining, but now it is more confusing.

The old man shot, the momentum is bigger than the previous two, and her big hands cast the seal, and there are two black clouds on the top of the head. Every black cloud is constantly getting bigger, and later, it covers the square kilometers, as if it has become a night.

Hey, a burst of ghosts and screams, and the voice of the old man, there is a magical soul. It is just a demon soul, and it does not pose any threat to Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei. But when the number of demons reaches tens of thousands, everything becomes different.

Both Liu Qingmei and Lingdao feel that the scalp is numb, the ants are biting dead, and thousands of demons are not only threatening them, but also taking their ‘sexual life. The means of less ‘female’ and middle-aged ‘female’ ‘female’ have already caused Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei to be a headache, and with the killing of the old man, the two of them are in jeopardy.


Lingdao has not taken care of so much, even when using the nine-turn dragon, Jin Shiquan. He is like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, punching out with a punch, as if he doesn't know how tired he is. However, his fists, even the Sun King Seal and the Taiyin Yin Seal can not be broken.

The three demon souls in front of you are obviously strong in strength, and Zhang Mingyuan, who is in charge of the heavens, is more than enough, let alone deal with the late warriors in the area. Liu Qingmei's ‘sports’ live 篆, also can not break their three attacks. Only when they truly confessed their hands, did they understand how powerful the three evil spirits in front of them were.

"Since it is the demon soul of the Desperate Mountains, then their attacks should be the most targeted to the will world!"

At the crucial moment, Lingdao is a bright eye, and the attack of the three magical souls is indeed tyrannical. But after all, they are not martial artists, but the devil's soul. It seems that the massive attack is actually directed at the will world of Ling Dao and Liu Qingmei. If they can't hold the world of the will, they may die in the mountains of the Desolation.

The previous black shadow, the display of the thousand-tone magic hand, let Ling Dao, Liu Qingmei and Zhang Mingyuan are all in a hurry. If they hit later, they must understand that holding the world of will is the key. Unfortunately, the appearance of the girl, scared away the shadow.

If you want to live in the mountains of the Desolation, you will be strong, and your will will be equally effective. Normally, the higher the realm, the stronger the will. The Heavenly Warriors have mastered the ninth will, and they have more than one grade than the Heavenly Warriors and Heavenly Soldiers.

The stronger the will, the stronger the world of the will, and it is naturally difficult to be broken. However, there is no way for a warrior with a low realm. If the will of the warrior is firm enough, the impact will be smaller, which is equivalent to weakening the attack of the demon. The realm of Ling Dao is not comparable to Liu Qingmei, but his will is firm enough.

Lingdao practiced Jingang’s prison, and also cultivated nine-night magic. Even if the realm of will does not have Liu Qingmei’s high, the attack of the three great souls only makes him the world of the will. In his world of will, there is a huge fox tail that gently shakes, making the world of the will slowly return to calm.

Liu Qingmei is a natural warrior and a fuss. He has mastered the eighth will. Even so, the attack of the three major devils still caused her to bleed, and her injury was obviously heavier than Lingdao. Now is the first ‘wave’ attack of the three great devils. If you fight again, Liu Qingmei is alive or dead, all unknown.

"It’s awkward, no one can beat it!"

When encountering Zhang Mingyuan, Lingdao is not an opponent and can only escape. Now the three great devils are shot, Lingdao is still no match, want to live, can only escape with Liu Qingmei. If it weren’t for the appearance of a girl, in the face of the shadow, he and Liu Qingmei could only escape.

He and Liu Qingmei did not know that the three great devils were only trying to test the ‘sexual’ attack. The really powerful means have not been displayed. When the three great devils attacked them for the second time, he and Liu Qingmei knew how powerful the three great devils were. Among them, any one of the devils can defeat him and Liu Qingmei.

In the world of Sword God, the sword repairs the road, it can be said that it is invincible, and the eight wilderness can not find an opponent. However, Wu Xiu Ling, who is in the heavens, is poor in strength. Jian Xiu Ling Road and Wu Xiu Ling Road are simply two extremes. This is actually beneficial, on the one hand tempering his invincible heart, on the one hand to ensure his awe.

It is a pity that Lingdao and Liu Qingmei have not escaped. The three evil spirits have formed an encirclement, blocking the route they may have escaped. The three great devils just can't talk as normal, and their wisdom is not low. Even if they want to escape, they may have to pay the price.

The old man's shot is the most hot, and has already condensed a magical soul into a black lacquered magic knife, and he is coming to Lingdao. She doesn't like the smell of Lingdao, and naturally has to deal with Lingdao. She can ignore Liu Qingmei, but she must kill Lingdao. She has not been so eager to kill a person for a long time.

Lingdao naturally does not know where to offend the old man, anyway, he is already suffering. The old man shot more than once, even the fox tail in his will world, one after another. If he always plays like this, he will lose half his life if he is not dead.

Suddenly, in his body, he flew a symbol. Even he didn't know where he came from. He has seen the true solution of the Tao, and has studied some of the symbols. Naturally, it can be seen that this is a stored energy symbol, which can store the power of a warrior.

At the beginning, the geniuses of the great forces of the heavens were in the lower bounds, and they were carrying the energy storage. It’s just that the energy storage they use is not comparable to the one in front of them. The energy storage that flies out of him is only a local product. It is certainly not enough to store the power of the king, let alone the Taoist.

"The breath of the madman is absolutely right!"

How to say that Ling Dao has been with the madman for a while, he can be sure that the ‘ 活 活 活 活 活 活 活 活 活 活 活 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 The paragraph madman is not a Fu Xiu, will not refine the symbol, this energy storage symbol is still Wan Fuzong other elders refining.

It’s just that the madman’s hands and feet are moving. This symbol does not require a spur of the road, but an old attack of ‘salvation’. As long as Lingdao encounters the old soul, when Lingdao is in danger, Fuxi will absorb the power of the old soul, and then prompt all the power.

A large handprint slammed out, like a mountain, squatting on the soul. The girl told me that the old man is the old man and he will only be jealous. The madman came to the Mountain Range, and he also moved with the old man. It is a pity that his realm was too low to kill the soul.

Even then, he still caused great damage to the soul, or else the soul would not be so disgusted with Lingdao, want to remove the Lingdao. She does not really reject the breath of Ling Dao, just because Lingdao and the elders of the section have more contacts. She wants to kill Lingdao, also because of the madman.

The old soul was hit hard, and the bright red blood turned into a demon soul, going all the way. She is not a real person, just a devil, and naturally there will be no real blood. Today's madman is much stronger than her, just a blow, it is her hard work.

The madman makes Lingdao kill the soul, and naturally it is already ready. Use the energy storage symbol to injure the old soul. If Ling Dao is not stupid, you will be able to kill the soul when you are old. Unfortunately, the madman underestimated the soul, his own power is to reinvent the soul, but not as serious as he thought.

Now the soul is old, there are still 60% of the remaining strength, and it is more than enough to deal with Lingdao. The laughter in her mouth is getting more and more 'yin' cold and getting colder. Her hands seemed to be two ghost claws, and she grabbed it toward Lingdao. Her eyes were twinkling with blue faint light, and it looked like a yin horror.

"Nine-tailed magic!"

Lingdao will not sit still, no matter whether he can beat the old man, he does not hesitate to display the nine-tailed magic. A huge fox tail was manifested in the field, and then it was like a whip, and it was slammed on the old soul.

The nine-tailed fox is the wildest, the most temperate race. Even if it is old, it is constantly tumbling by Lingdao, and her laughter is more like crying. It is a pity that the soul is quickly adapted to the next time, and once again, the means of demonizing one of the devils into a magic sword, squatting on Lingdao!


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