The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 44: Dragon, Yu Yu

"Yeah, you are fighting, I just accidentally blew my breath."

The strong man in the red shirt has no shame, but he is proud of his strength. His strength is outrageous and his face is thick and speechless. He seems to have no strongman except the high level. However, Qiu Qichen did not dare to attack him, otherwise he would die even worse.

If you just breathe a sigh of relief, you can reinvent Qiuqiu Chen. It’s simply unimaginable. The strong one who can breathe the cracks, the death tower of Akane Prefecture may not be provoked. Even if Qiu Chenchen is angry again, he can only endure, fists. Big is the last word, who makes him weak.


Lingdao has been injured, but Qiu Qichen’s injury is much more serious than him. Qi Peng’s fists have been played again and again. Qiu Qiuchen can barely resist at first, and later, he can only be beaten and regressed. Qiu Qichen originally came. It is a very simple task to kill Lingdao. After all, Lingdao is so low.

But now, he was arrogantly hacked, punched to the flesh, and if he was to deal with others, even if he was injured, he also had the ability to kill each other, because he was poisonous, but he was poisonous, and all his poisons were It is impossible to cause any damage to the Lingdao.

"I am really reluctant, I will die in the hands of a heavenly person."

Qiu Qiuchen was roaring, but unfortunately he could not change the situation. His injuries were getting heavier and heavier. Lingdao’s punches were getting more and more fierce. In the end, Qiuqiu Chen was killed by Lingdao, and he took the road to the road. So, after he was hit hard, Lingdao did not hesitate to kill him.

If you don’t kill Qiu Qichen now, you will definitely start with him later. In a short time, he is not the opponent of Qiuqiu’s in the heyday. Only when he solves Qiuqichen, he is safe. The silver medal killer in the hall of death is actually dead in the hands of a heavenly man, and no one will believe it when he says it.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

If it wasn’t for the strong man in the red shirt, he sighed and smashed Qiuqiu Chen, then Lingdao was not the opponent of Qiu Qichen, let alone kill Qiuchen, Lingdao did not know the figure. The strong man in the red shirt, naturally does not know why he will help himself.

"Nothing is ok, I am also trying to facilitate myself. He is dead, I will fight with you."

The strong man in the red shirt said with a smile, but it made Lingdao's face a stiff, and Qiu Qichen's decisive battle, Lingdao is not an opponent, but also has the power of a battle, but with the strong able to breathe the crack, Lingdao has no resistance at all, and it is not a level at all.

"Predecessors, you are not kidding. Now, how can I be your opponent?"

Lingdao said with a wry smile, even his past life can not do the breathing crack, that is to say, the strong man in the red shirt, the worst is also a Tianzun, and such a strong opponent, no half-win, he sighed Can reinvent Qiu Qichen, and then blow his breath, can also reinvent Lingdao, and even kill Lingdao.

"My feathers have never been a joke, you can rest assured that I will suppress myself in the late days of the world and fight with you."

The strong man in the red robes claimed to be a feather, and instantly reminded Lingdao of the dragon. As everyone knows, the dragon is the surname, and the feather is probably the strongest of the dragon. The dragon is one of the hegemons of the wilderness, even if it is Now, it is also a famous big family in heaven.

Some forces, only the great emperor created, and later did not have any great emperor, but the dragon is not the same, from ancient times to the present, the dragons appear in the emperor, there are no hundred, there are dozens, such a strong race, even now, less There are forces to dare to provoke.

"Since the seniors want to fight, then I will accompany you."

In fact, Yu Yu said that the realm of repression, Lingdao is not assured, who knows whether Yu Yu will suddenly change his mind, and then does not suppress the realm, anyway, the feeling of Yu Yu to Ling Dao, is very unreliable, but only He couldn't resist, the realm of Yu Yu was much higher than him, and he had a life-saving grace for him. He could only promise.

"Good, happy."

When Yu Yu shouted, then he sealed his strength and turned it into a late stage. He did not use any martial arts. He just waved his fists and slammed toward Lingdao. He was physically strong and close. The war must not be underestimated, even if he and Lingdao realm, Lingdao does not dare to take it lightly.

When the fist of Lingdao and the fist of Yu Yu collide, it is the strength of the feather. If it is only the realm of suppression, the body of Yu Yu is definitely the original strength, but he has sealed himself. Even the physical strength of the body has become the same as in the late days of the heavens.

Even so, the body of Yu Yu is also strong and outrageous. It is worthy of being a strong dragon. The dragons are unparalleled in the wild. In the wilderness period, the people of the dragons are the most masculine. The feathers are not ordinary dragons, his body. It will only be stronger. If it is not ridiculous, it will be beaten by a fist.

The dragon body is born to be tyrannical, and the Lingdao body is tempered by the day after tomorrow. If there is no ridiculousness, his body does not compare with the feathers. Even if it is an ordinary martial art, it does not have any advantage. As the most advanced refining method, nature is extraordinary.

Lingdao and Yu Yu punched and punched, as if they were two tireless machines, they kept colliding, and the laughter of Yu Yu became louder and louder. In fact, he liked such a showdown, but unfortunately, the same realm There are few people who dare to fight with him.

Even if the other strong dragons are in the same realm as him, the flesh is not as good as him. Now he has finally found an opponent, and he has cultivated a ridiculously sacred sect. The physical body is not weaker than him. If Lingdao catches up with him later. The realm of the realm, can definitely hit him with a painful and fast.

"True dragons change."

Lingdao, who is fighting with Yu Yu, is a ghost that makes the gods show a real dragon change. Lingshen’s body is strong, and after the real dragon is changed, it will become stronger. The original and Lingdao are evenly matched. Now, it is actually falling in the wind, looking at the real dragon in front of you, Yu Yu is a strange face, in the end he is a dragon, or Lingdao is a dragon.

"You will change, can't I change."

The body of Yu Yu is the five-jawed golden dragon. When Ling Dao exhibits a real dragon, he can become a dragon. He only needs to restore the body. What makes Yu Yu surprised is that Ling Dao’s body actually exudes pure Longwei. In particular, the true dragon atmosphere emitted by Lingdao is even more confusing.

Lingdao’s feeling for Yu Yu is clearly a real dragon. It is reasonable to say that the real dragon can’t have such an effect. The reason is that this is mainly because Lingdao once absorbed a drop of blood from the princess of the wine, his Blood, has mixed the Dragon blood, so Yu Yu feels that he is a dragon.

There is no nonsense between the two real dragons. Immediately after the war, the destructive power of the two of them is already big. After the incarnation of the real dragon, the ground is ten miles away, and the destruction is not the same, but they are all unaware. Already fighting to the hustle and bustle, they are reluctant to stop.

Lingdao has memories of past life and rich experience in combat. The realm of Yu Yu is extremely high. He only seals his strength, and he has no seals. The battles that Yu Yu has experienced are numerous. On the battle experience, Ling Dao is in front of him, but it accounts for Not less expensive.

"Happy, happy."

Yu Yu shouted for a good time, and he fought for an hour. He stopped calling. He and Lingdao consumed a lot of money. If you hit it again, it didn’t make any sense. It’s a battle with Lingdao’s realm, making Yu Yu’s body comfortable. If Ling Dao is the same as his realm, he does not need to seal the strength, it will definitely be even better.

"Your boy is very appetizing to me, but I still have nothing to do, I will see you later, and, remember, don't call my predecessors in the future."

After that, Yu Yu was tearing the void and hurriedly left. He helped Lingdao solve Qiuqiu Chen, but just did it. It was just that it was difficult to meet Lingdao. He naturally wanted to help, then Lingdao If he is in danger, he will not care. Everyone has a way for everyone. If Lingdao can become a real powerhouse, he must look at himself.

"Not called your predecessor, then what am I calling you?"

Lingdao asked loudly, but unfortunately Yu Yu had left, there was no response. After he had rested for a while, he rushed in the direction of Wan Fuzong. If he met the killer like Qiu Qichen, he might still be small. Life is not guaranteed, so he deliberately changed the route, the detour is just trouble, and it is better to kill than the warrior like Qiu Qichen.

"Liu Qingmei is back alone."

Meng Yutang always sent people to stare at the door of Wan Fuzong. Now someone has informed that Liu Qingmei is a person who came back. He immediately let him breathe a sigh of relief. Liu Qingmei and Ling Dao left together. Now only Liu Qingmei came back. One person, I am afraid that Lingdao is already dead outside. He pursued Liu Qingmei for so long, not to mention Liu Qingmei knowing everything, and not much.

She has always been relieved. This time, he did not let him down. Last time he let Lin Jinfeng take the shot, but Lin Jinfeng not only failed to kill Lingdao, but also completely disappeared. I am afraid that he has already died. He originally guessed that Lingdao’s There must be a strong guardian around me, but now it seems that he guessed wrong.

"Although I did not grab the man who Xuelin Yao loved, but Lingdao is already dead, I am afraid that Xueling Yao will be very sad."

Thinking of this, Liu Qingmei is eyebrows and smiles. It is obviously quite happy. The death of Lingdao is definitely a big blow to Xuelingyao. Even if Xuelingyao will not be ruined, it will definitely be greatly affected. As a result, Xue Lingyao’s accomplishments in the future will definitely not be as good as her.

"Lingdao people."

What Liu Qingmei did not think was that the first one to ask this question turned out to be Fang Hanyu, Meng Yutang and Fang Hanyu all hate Lingdao, but they are different. The former wants to remove the Lingdao, the latter is If you want to defeat Lingdao in all aspects, if Lingdao is dead, then Fang Hanyu will go to see who is going.

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