The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 45: No interest at all

Fang Hanyu believes that in all aspects, it must be far superior to Lingdao. - He is the core disciple of Wan Fuzong, and Lingdao is only a foreign disciple. The reason why I care about Ling Dao, or because of Xue Ling Yao, or else he even Lingdao is who, certainly do not know.

The ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall used to want Liu Qingmei, because he needed to join forces with Liu Qingmei to defeat Fang Hanyu. The battle between the sects of the sects is not just to look at the strength. Even if the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall is strong, the position is not as good as Fang Hanyu.

Now that she has a Xueling Yao, the ‘Meng’ 霁 Hall feels that she is the most ‘sexual’ of the next lord, and he hit the idea of ​​Xue Lingyao. From the beginning to the end, Fang Hanyu did not think about getting Liu Qingmei, or Xuelingyao. In fact, in the identity of Fang Hanyu, it is more feasible to be married with Liu Qingmei or Xuelingyao.

If Fang Hanyu is willing to be with Liu Qingmei or Xuelingyao, Wan Fuzong’s top management will definitely work hard. Unfortunately, Fang Hanyu's triumph is too strong. He had to defeat Liu Qingmei before, but now he is going to defeat Xuelingyao. What he wants is to win other people. The ‘Mongolian’ is to pass the ‘female’ and control the entire Wan Fuzong.

"It should be dead!"

Liu Qingmei sighed, and said sadly. Qiu Qiuchen is a martial artist who is more arrogant than Zhang Mingyuan’s strength. Even if she and Lingdao teamed up, Lingdao is inevitably dead, and relying solely on Lingdao alone is definitely not an opponent.

"Is it? It's a pity!"

Fang Hanyu shook his head and then turned and left. Lingdao is dead, for him, it is not good news. There is Lingdao, the possibility of getting the snow Ling Yao from the ‘Mongolian’ hall is very small. Liu Qingmei and the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall joined forces. He was not afraid. But if the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall and Xue Lingyao came together, his odds would be lost.

"Is that kid dead?"

"I just want to say that it is good to die!"

Soon, the news of Lingdao’s death was spread. Xuelingyao and Lingdao are intimate, and Liu Qingmei and Lingdao also have unclear relationships. Many of the disciples of Wan Fuzong are hostile to Lingdao. Now Liu Qingmei said that Lingdao is dead. They all feel happy.

Some of them are inner disciples, and some are inner sects of 'fine' English disciples, which are much higher than the identity of a foreign disciple. However, they have no qualifications to talk to Liu Qingmei or Xueling Yao. Why is Lingdao so good luck?

"How did you die? Is it in the mountains of the Dead, or somewhere else?"

No one thought that the death of Ling Dao had alarmed the madman. Even if Liu Qingmei stood in front of the madman, she felt terrified, but Liu Qingmei knew that the madman would not be "chaotic". Anyway, except for Qiu Qichen, no one else is present. What she said is definitely different from the facts.

The paragraph madman seems to be extremely concerned about Lingdao, Liu Qingmei naturally dare not say anything that he can't help. In her description, Ling Dao and her teamed up to deal with Qiu Qiuchen, but unfortunately Qiu Qichen was too strong, and finally Lingdao desperately let her escape, she survived.

"I understand, wait until I know who the black hand is behind the scenes, he will die!"

First, there is Lin Jinfeng, and then there is Qiuqiu. The madman naturally understands that some people are secretly dealing with Lingdao. If Lingdao died in the Mountain Range, then forget it. I didn’t expect Lingdao to kill the soul and be killed by others in the middle.

Whether it is the Thunder Pool Hell or the Desperate Mountain Range, Ling Dao is a success. Duan madman has not encountered such a good young genius for many years. He could hardly hope to cultivate a peerless powerhouse. He did not expect to be killed by others. His anger can be imagined.

However, he did not go crazy because it was just the side of Liu Qingmei. After all, Liu Qingmei did not see the Lingdao being killed. The madman was expecting, and the kid who created a miracle could still come back alive.

When Duan madman just saw Lingdao, Lingdao only had a predecessor. Even with those disciples who have been trained before, the level of Ling Dao is low. However, Lingdao stubbornly survived, and the realm is a breakthrough.

Sure enough, Lingdao did not let the madman disappoint. After an hour, he returned to Wan Fuzong’s big ‘door’. The disciples of all the people are like ghosts. Liu Qingmei said that Lingdao is already dead. How do they see Lingdao now?

The first person who knew that Lingdao was back was not the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall, nor Liu Qingmei, but Xue Lingyao. Because, Xueling Yao has long been standing at the 'door', quietly waiting for Lingdao. She knows Lingdao more than ‘Mongo’ and Liu Qingmei, and now Lingdao is already in the late stage of the heavens and humans. Even if the Heavenly Warriors want to kill him, it will not be so easy.

At the beginning, Ling Dao was born in the early days of the people, and he dared to throw a fist to kill the heavenly soldiers. Now Lingdao, if he is willing to escape, even if he is a natural warrior, I am afraid he will not be able to kill him. What's more, Xue Lingyao also secretly gave Lingdao a symbol, which can be seen thousands of miles away.

Lingdao didn't escape at the beginning, he was planning to fight with Qiuqichen. He really couldn't beat it, he would use the transmission symbol. Later, when Yu Yu appeared, he made a "chaos" of his plan, but Yu Yu was helping him. Otherwise, even if there is a transmission symbol, it can't be used in front of Yu Yu.

"you are back?"

Xue Lingyao said with a smile, since the snow house was destroyed, her face rarely smiled. No matter how much Wan Wanzong disciples please her, she is indifferent. Even if she is facing Nie Elder, she doesn't laugh much. Only Lingdao is different, there is no Xuejia, in her heart, Lingdao is already her closest relative.

"Well, I am worried!"

Lingdao said with apologetic saying that after Liu Qingmei came back, he will definitely bring back his death. Otherwise, Xue Lingyao will not stay here. Fortunately, the destruction of the Xue family has made Xueling Yao extremely strong, and Xue Lingyao believes that he is definitely alive.

"Liu Qingmei said that you are willing to resist the killer for her, and you seem to like her very much, anyway, I don't believe it!"

What Lingdao did not think was that Xue Lingyao was most concerned about this. He knew that Liu Qingmei would definitely be nonsense when he came back. After all, Liu Qingmei’s actions were very disgraceful. If other people knew the truth, they would definitely despise Liu Qingmei.

"Don't worry, I don't have any interest in such a 'female' person!"

If Liu Qingmei is willing to deal with Lingqiu with Lingdao, even if it expresses such meaning, Lingdao will not have any opinions on Liu Qingmei. However, life and death, Liu Qingmei turned a blind eye to him, it is really shameful.

However, after all, Qiu Qichen came to kill him. Even if Liu Qingmei could not be saved, he would not blame Liu Qingmei for anything. Anyway, he has already recognized Liu Qingmei, and will definitely not come together with Liu Qingmei in the future. His words are to let one of the Wan Fuzong disciples next to them turn their eyes.

In the past, Liu Qingmei was the first beautiful woman in Wan Fuzong. I don't know how many people admired Liu Qingmei. But now in Ling Dao mouth, Liu Qingmei is like the cabbage on the roadside, it is not worth mentioning. Lingdao and Xuelingyao are intimate, and they are not good at saying anything.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Xue Lingyao’s smile on his face was even stronger, and he took the initiative to pull up the big hand of Lingdao. Liu Qingmei’s appearance is only a bit less than her, but Liu Qingmei’s ability to seduce and confuse men is much stronger than her. Now Lingdao mentions the expression of Liu Qingmei, so Xue Lingyao understands that Lingdao is really not interested in Liu Qingmei.

The Wan Fuzong disciples who stood not far away, could not wait to kill Lingdao’s “chaos”. The ‘female’ gods in their hearts have now taken the initiative to pull the hand of Lingdao, and they still look sweet. On the status of the theory of identity theory, which ones are not as good as ridges?

"What are you talking about? Is Lingdao back?"

The ‘Mongolian’ 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可 不可Lin Jinfeng’s assassination of Lingdao failed. He has already told the pastor, so the killer sent by the pastoralist, the worst is the Heavenly Warrior.

The current Lingdao is also the only warrior in the late days of the heavens. There is no possibility to defeat the heavenly warriors. ‘Mongo’’s speculation, Ling’s side, there must be a strong protection. He believes that after the failure, the pastoral will carefully investigate.

"What? Is he back?"

The person who believes that Lingdao is alive is not someone else. It is Liu Qingmei. She didn't want to live in Lingdao, and she felt that Lingdao could not escape under the hands of Qiu Qichen. In fact, she also has a transmission symbol, but unfortunately there is only one, she can not be used for Lingdao. Lingdao simply does not know how precious the transmission symbol is. Even if it is the core disciple of Wan Fuzong, it is only one person.

If Lingdao is back, just let Liu Qingmei be shocked, then what Lingdao said is to make Liu Qingmei angry. What is the interest in a ‘female’ person like her? Can she still be interested in Lingdao? If it is not Xue Ling Yao, will she look at Lingdao more?

"Interesting, really interesting!"

After Fang Hanyu got the news, he couldn’t help but laugh. The ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall pursued Liu Qingmei and almost succeeded. However, the emergence of Xueling Yao, let the ‘Meng’’s ancestral hall put the mind on Xue Lingyao’s body. Then, Liu Qingmei hit her mind to Lingdao. It seems that neither of them really likes each other.

Liu Qingmei said that Lingdao is desperate for her and willing to fight with the killer. Now it seems that it is just a joke. If Lingdao really likes Liu Qingmei, how can he say that he has no interest in Liu Qingmei in public? Wouldn't it be that Liu Qingmei couldn't help but angered Lingdao?

"Bad boy, it really didn't disappoint me!"

In fact, the paragraph madman is also concerned about the situation outside, after seeing Lingdao safely returned, he was relaxed. Thunder Pool Hell, the Mountain Range, can be said to be a test. Now that the Lingdao has passed, then he is going to really cultivate Lingdao.

"Reincarnation tree, the millennium opened ‘flower’, the result of the millennium, the calculation of time, the reincarnation fruit should be mature?” -40503+dsuaahhh+25791868-->



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