The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 52: Endless?

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Lingdao can defeat Baili Rui in one stroke, and he must have the power to defeat the former warriors in Tianbing. . Update is fast. You must know that he is only in the late stage of the human race. If he is allowed to grow up, he may be a madman again. No, it should be more terrible than a madman, because he is not crazy at all.

After all, Mu Zongze has been a sovereign for so many years. On strength, he is indeed not as crazy as a paragraph. However, on the eyesight, he is absolutely not bad. If it is the late stage of the heavenly world, he can still accept it. However, in the late period of the Tianren, the defeat of the Tianbing regime was different. It was also a small realm, but the latter crossed a big realm.

Since it has been seen that there is a threat to Lingdao, then Mu Zongze will naturally not retain Lingdao. If Lingdao is a disciple of the inner sect, he will not kill his heart. Lingdao is only a foreign disciple. For him, it does not matter. When the madman is strong, he dares to disrespect him. Lingdao has no rules now. I am afraid that it will be similar to the madman after growing up.

The reason why Emperor Wan Fuzong chose Zhu Chengtai was because Zhu Chengtai was an arrow repairer. Since Lingdao 'meat' is tyrannical, he will arrange a distant opponent for Lingdao. If Lingdao can't be close, ‘meat’ is stronger, and it can't be played out. It can only be beaten by Zhu Chengtai.

Anyway, the sword has no eyes, even if Zhu Chengtai uses the arrow to shoot "death", it can be said that it is unintentional. There is a patriarch of Wan Fuzong who supports Zhu Chengtai, and Zhu Chengtai is not afraid of nature. Zhu Chengtai is not the same as Bai Lirui, because Zhu Chengtai is the grandson of the patriarch of Wan Fuzong.

Zhu Chengtai is not only an arrow repair, but also a repair. His talent in the road is not outstanding. The talent on the arrow is not good. But his power is that he can portray the array on the arrow. As a result, his strength has been qualitatively changed.

The specific strength of Bailiru is unknown, but Zhu Chengtai, who used to slay and kill the former warriors in the Tianbing regime, and even the middle-armed warriors in Tianbing died in his hands. It is not that his strength is enough to kill the mid-Warrior of the Heavenly Boundary. Luck is also very important.

If a military martial art in the middle of the martial arts is not working, the speed of movement is not good, and it is impossible to get close to Zhu Chengtai, then it may be slowly consumed by Zhu Chengtai. The arrow feathers that characterize the array are ‘shot’, and the power is very large. Even if it is a medium-armed warrior in heaven, it is impossible to resist.

Zhu Chengtai nodded to the master of Wan Fuzong, and then took out a black ‘color’ big bow and put on an arrow feather. The battle between Ling Dao and Bai Li Rui, he all looked in the eyes, Ling Dao's strength can not be underestimated. Therefore, even if Lingdao is still sitting in his seat, he has already shot.

Now that Lingdao is far enough away from him, he is not ready to take the shot, and Lingdao has already fallen behind. Sitting in front of an arrow repair, if Zhu Chengtai did not give Lingdao enough lessons, he was sorry for his identity.

"call out"

An arrow feather ‘excited’ ‘shoot’ came out, and Zhu Chengtai’s peak of the celestial being was “shot”. The speed of the arrow that he’s ‘shot’ is still accelerating. He has already calculated it, and Lingdao has not stood up yet, and he will definitely be shot by his arrow.

"Shameless, as an arrow repair, even sneak attack!"

Xue Lingyao said indignantly that she couldn’t see why the madman and the elder Tang had fought. Zhu Chengtai is only the peak of the natural world. She has already broken through to the heavenly dynasty. Naturally, she can see how powerful Zhu Chengtai’s arrow is. Even if she came to cope, it was a bit of a hassle.

"Quickly fast, but unfortunately useless!"

Lingdao said without hesitation, his **** have already caught the arrow feathers that Zhu Chengtai ‘shot’. His fingers are like iron tongs, and the arrow feathers are far from his throat, leaving less than three inches.

"how is this possible?"

"Can this be taken?"

"Are you sure you are teasing me?"

Whether it is a disciple of the inner sect, or a disciple of a foreign sect, all who are swaying, they feel that they are about to collapse. Lingdao first defeated Baili Rui with a move, and now it is the arrow that Zhu Chengtai’s ‘shot’ is caught. How powerful is his strength? How strong is his ‘meat’?

The most angry person is Zhu Chengtai. Lingdao not only took the arrow he was proud of, but he did not stand up from beginning to end, still sitting in the seat of the elders. Ling Dao is simply despising him, and does not put him in his heart.

"court death!"

Zhu Chengtai took out three arrows and feathers and put them on the black ‘color’ big bow. I only listened to three broken sounds, and the three arrows feathered out at the same time. The speed of the three arrows is not as fast, because the characters on each arrow are different.

The first arrow feather is portrayed in the fire, which is like a fire, and instantly floods the road. The second arrow feathers portrayed the Yanlongfu array, as if there was a fire dragon colliding, and the entire square seemed to tremble under Longwei.

The third arrow feather was even more powerful. It reached the front of Lingdao and turned into a full fire sword. Every sword of fire is like the ‘meat’ of the martial arts of the heavens. Just in a flash, the sky above the head of Lingdao is red.

"Use your arrow to break your moves!"

Ling Dao’s hand was the first arrow Zhu Chengtai had previously shot. He is not an arrow repairer, nor will he ‘shoot’ the arrow, but his ‘meat’ is powerful and scary. He simply used the arrow feather in his hand as an iron rod and slammed it out.

He doesn't know what archery is, just attacking with brute force. The arrow in his hand screamed, the fire dragon screamed, the fire sea split into two, and the fire sword collapsed. He still sat in the seat of the elders, but Zhu Chengtai's three shots were shot and all were broken.

"How could this be?"

Even Zhu Chengtai was surprised. The strength of Ling Dao was stronger than his imagination. He took a deep breath and forced to calm down. As an arrow repairer, when fighting, the heart must not be 'chaotic.' Otherwise, his archery must be weakened.

"Nine arrows are in line!"

Zhu Chengtai screamed, and his body climbed to the peak, and then he took out nine arrows. On each of the arrows, it is a symbol of his own hand. He is now continually 'shooting' nine arrows. Is it impossible for Lingdao to block it all?

As a natural person, Zhu Chengtai also mastered the sixth will. Now he uses his will to lock the ridge. The nine arrows are like nine phoenixes, and they are coming toward the ridge. Every arrow feather is enough to ‘shoot’ to kill a heavenly person.

"It’s not Zhu’s brother, the nine arrows are all in one, and even the warriors in the early days of the dynasty must be killed in an instant!”

"I have to look at it, how to block Lingdao!"

"I must blame him for being too arrogant. If he rushes to Zhu Chengtai earlier, he will not be so miserable!"

Nine arrows have come to Lingdao, Lingdao is still the same as before, holding an arrow feather, and as an iron stick smashed out. This time, he used the origin of the Yuan and derived the origin of the water. Zhu Chengtai masters the origin of fire, water and fire, and Lingdao certainly uses the source of water.

It is like a waterfall that flows down the river and instantly floods nine arrows. Originally a volcano, now it is * the sea, Lingdao is still superior. Don't look at Ling Dao, who is still sitting in the seat of the elders. The nine arrows that Zhu Chengtai ‘shot’ have all collapsed.

"Already let you shoot three times, but unfortunately you take my helplessness and play with you, it doesn't mean anything!"

Ling Dao stood up fiercely, and then he showed up eight steps to chase the stars and rushed toward Zhu Chengtai. Every time he took a step, his feet seemed to be a star. Behind him, it is like growing a pair of 鲲鹏翼, pushing him forward, the speed is amazing.

"I just want to come over now, is it too late?"

Zhu Chengtai stepped back and took out the arrow feathers and slammed it toward Lingdao. In his Qiang Kun ring, there are many arrows and feathers. In order to defeat Lingdao, even if he uses more arrows, he will be willing. Because the Emperor Wan Fuzong asked him to kill Lingdao, if Lingdao is really dead, Wan Fuzong will definitely have a big reward.

"Is it late?"

Lingdao said undecidedly, and then it suddenly accelerated. Zhu Chengtai's speed is not comparable to him, let alone the speed of retreat. As for the arrows that Zhu Chengtai ‘shot’, don’t say that he hurts him, he can’t even stop him from advancing.

Just a moment, Lingdao came to Zhu Chengtai's side. Lingdao unceremoniously put the arrow feathers in his hand as a gun, and smashed toward Zhu Chengtai. Zhu Chengtai was in a panic, and had to use the black ‘color’ big bow to resist.

Now that Lingdao is close, Zhu Chengtai can't ‘shoot’ the arrow. Naturally, he can only use the black ‘color’ big bow as a weapon, and it is together with the Lingdao war. It is a pity that Zhu Chengtai is not a Lingdao opponent at all. It is only three strokes, that is, the hemoptysis that was hit by Lingdao is retrogressive.

"You are not a bow repair, but also take a bow and fight with me?"

Ling Dao smashed the arrow feathers in his hand and stabbed Zhu Chengtai's little ‘legs’. Zhu Chengtai suddenly grimaced, because the arrow of the arrow had already plunged into the ground, and the tail was still on the other side of his little 'leg'. The battle between Zhu Chengtai and Ling Dao has been divided.

Originally, Zhu Chengtai still wanted to kill Lingdao. As a result, Zhu Chengtai realized that he was not the opponent of Lingdao. Those disciples who hate Ling Dao are silent. If they are in the same realm as Ling Dao, they are definitely not the opponents of Ling Dao.

"Tian Wenyao, you play!"

Wan Fuzong’s singer said that Bai Liru failed, he could accept it, and he did not expect Zhu Chengtai to fail. Zhu Chengtai’s strength was originally stronger than Baili Rui. In addition, he was an arrow repairer. Wan Fuzong’s lord also expected him to kill Ling Dao. He did not expect it to be so unbearable.

"Are you still finished?"

Ling Dao looked at the lord of Wan Fuzong and said unceremoniously. First, Bai Li Rui, then Zhu Chengtai, and now is Tian Wenyao. The practice of Wan Fuzong’s lord has already caused Lingdao’s impatience. Only his words made the entire square quiet.

A foreign disciple in the district dared to face the disciples of Wan Fuzong in the presence of all the disciples and elders of Wan Fuzong. Lingdao’s courage is too big, right? Has he still put the lord in his eyes? --40503+dsuaahhh+25904334-->


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