The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 53: Get a place

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The original noisy square, silently quiet, and the birds are silent. , the latest chapter visit: . Elders or disciples can't help but look at Lingdao. To say that the foreign disciple is the most courageous, it is definitely not the Lingdao, and even the inner sect can not find it bigger than his courage.

The Wan Fuzong lord was even more sluggish for a moment, and he didn’t know how to pick up the words. Not to mention a foreign disciple, even the elders dare not talk to him. Of course, there are exceptions for elders, such as the madman sitting in the seat of the elders.

"That is, you are still finished? You are picking up the peaks of the heavens and bullying him. The realm is low. I will endure it, but you have to use the wheel battle. Is it necessary to continue to fight like this?"

The madman rushed to ‘plug’, and Lingdao’s courage was bigger than him. At least when he was a foreign disciple, he did not dare to speak with the lord. If Wan Fu Zongzong is in charge of the sin of Ling Dao, there is no way for Ling Dao. Because of this, the madman has only spoke up.

"The last one, if Tian Wenyao is defeated, then the lord will give Lingdao a place!"

In the final analysis, it is still the case that Wan Fuzong’s lord is in the first place. He has already let the three heavenly people smash the martial arts and Lingdao’s ‘hands’. The failure of Bai Lirui and Zhu Chengtai has already made him lose face. The attitude of Ling Dao and Duan Mengzi made him feel angry. It’s just his face, there is no performance.

Tian Wenyao is a true genius, and Bai Lirui and Zhu Chengtai can't match each other. If Tian Wenyao’s talent in the road is not as good as that of the martial arts, and the number of enlightenment in the tree is reincarnation, the Wan Fuzong lord really wants to give him one.

Zhu Chengtai, who is an arrow repairer, relies on luck to kill the soldiers in the middle of the day. However, Tian Wenyao is able to defeat the mid-Warrior of the Heavenly Boundary in an upright manner, that is to say, he is able to defeat the opponent in two small realms. Let him deal with Lingdao, it must be foolproof.

"Is this statement true?"

In the words of the madman, the poorly-stricken Wan Fuzong lord was born with seven cigarettes. Mu Zongze, the priest of Wan Fuzong, can you still say false words in front of all disciples and elders? In particular, Ling Dao still waited for his answer seriously. Could it be that he was not in good faith in the eyes of Ling Dao and Duan Mengzi?

Even if Wan Zongzong was angry at the attitude of Ling Dao and Duan Mengzi, he nodded. Three people have been dispatched to the peak of the martial arts, if they are defeated in the hands of Ling Dao, then he is really embarrassed to let other warriors take shots.

"If possible, marry him for me!"

As before, the task of the Emperor Wan Fuzong to Tian Wenyao is also to kill Lingdao. Lingdao has been accommodating with Baili Rui and Zhu Chengtai, and certainly consumes a lot. Now, the stronger Tian Wenyao shot, naturally there is the possibility of killing Lingdao. Tian Wenyao nodded and walked toward Lingdao.

"Your strength is OK, but the realm is too low, it can't be my opponent, defeat it!"

Tian Wenyao is overlooking the Lingdao, and even the middle-armed warrior of Tianbing can win. Naturally, he can not put a warrior in the Lingdao District in the eyes of the future. Four disciples like Wan Fuzong, who are able to cross the enemy in two small realms, are already the limit.

It is obviously impossible to say that Lingdao can kill opponents across three small realms. If Master Wan Fuzong knows that Ling Dao has cultivated a godless scripture, he will certainly not think so. The cultivation of the emperor itself can defeat the opponents whose realm is higher than their own.


Tian Wenyao's hands seem to be able to shine, turning into a light blade, and coming to Lingdao. What he masters is the origin of light, and the speed of shooting is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary Wushu. Moreover, he is very close to Lingdao and replaced with other people, certainly not too late to shoot.

Fortunately, Lingyuan’s Yuanyuan origin can be derived into the origin of light. Zhu Chengtai sneaked in the first, Lingdao nature has long been against Tian Wenyao. Tian Wenyao’s attack has just been played, and Lingdao has already raised his hand and displayed a large handprint.

Since the strength of Tian Wenyao is stronger than that of Baili Rui and Zhu Chengtai, then Lingdao intends to defeat Tian Wenyao by crushing the advantage of 'sexity'. Tian Wenyao is also Wu Xiu, and Fu Xiu, there must be enough cards. Instead of letting Tian Wenyao use a single card, it is better to defeat Tian Wenyao as soon as he comes up.

In general, the first move of the ‘hands’ between disciples is temptation. The brilliance of Tian Wenyao is only fast enough and the power is not great. What greeted him was the splendid mountain river, and Ling Dao’s big hands slammed into him.

Only in an instant, Tian Wenyao is a big change in his face. Tian Wenyao shouted in his heart, but unfortunately it was too late, and the light blade that he had made into his hands broke in a blink of an eye. Tian Wenyao wants to resist desperately, but unfortunately he can't succeed because the bombardment of his palms is strong and he can't understand.

The power of the majesty, the martial law of raging, in the blink of an eye is to let Tian Wenyao fly like a cannonball. Tian Wenyao’s body hit a disciple, causing a large disciple to fall to the ground. Tian Wenyao himself was kneeling on the ground, numbing blood and hurting the lungs.

"I am going, is this over?"

"The strength of Tian Wenyao is not very strong?"

"The two of them will not be acting?"

Just a trick, Tian Wenyao was severely wounded. Don't say that those disciples and elders don't believe, even the Wan Fuzong lord is not convinced. Master Wan Fuzong put all his hopes on Tian Wenyao. He is counting on Tian Wenyao to kill Lingdao. How did Tian Wenyao lose like this?

Wan Fuzong’s lord thought about many possibilities. The worst result was that Tian Wenyao wanted to kill Lingdao and was stopped by the madman. But now, Tian Wenyao does not say that he has killed Lingdao, and he has no ability to shoot Lingdao again. He valued Tian Wenyao and let him down to the extreme.


Tian Wenyao wants to explain two sentences, but unfortunately he just opened his mouth, it is to spurt again, and then he passed out. It is not that his strength is not strong enough, nor that he is too careless, but the strength of Lingdao is already stronger than his imagination.

He even suspected that the realm of Ling Dao was simply disguised. Now even if the Emperor Wan Fuzong told him that Ling Dao was in the late days of the heavens, he would not believe it. How can the military in the late days of the heavens have such a stalwart power? How can the military in the late days of the heavens show such a trick?

"Sovereign, you said good before, Tian Wenyao is the last one!"

Before the end of the Wan Fuzong sect, the madman was hurriedly whispering, as if he was afraid of the rebellion of Wan Fuzong. Lingdao is already back in the seat of the elders of the foreign sect. For three consecutive battles, for him, it is just a warm-up, and there is not much consumption.

For today's Lingdao, Wan Fuzong's celestial beings, even one by one, have no chance to defeat him. He is not afraid of wheel battles, just don't want to bother. Of course, he does not want to violently "show" too much. Who knows if Wan Fuzong will take him to study it.

Fortunately, the madman limited his opponent to the heavens. Although Tian Wenyao claimed to be able to defeat the mid-Warrior of the Tian Bing territory, Ling Dao’s victory over Tian Wenyao was absolutely different from that of defeating the Tian Bing territory. Now all the disciples only think that the Ling Dao's combat power is amazing, far surpassing the border warlords.

Wan Fuzong’s lord stunned a madman, but the madman just smiled carelessly. Anyway, as long as you win the quota for Lingdao, even if you offend Wan Zongzong, it is indifferent to the madman.

"You can win them three, which is enough to prove that your talent is very good. Whether it is a disciple of a sect, or a disciple of a foreign sect, it is my disciple of Wan Fuzong. Now, with 16 places, I will give you a place for a foreign disciple. You are a lucky one, you can enlighten under the reincarnation tree, I don’t know how many military people dreamed of.

In fact, the realm is low, and the effect of sitting under the reincarnation tree is better. Tianjun, like me, sitting under the tree of reincarnation, could not understand. Of course, there will be no effect on the king's going, even if it is a heavenly warrior, the effect will be much lower.

It is precisely because of this that the three powers of the Wasteland House do not have the meaning of occupying the reincarnation tree. If the reincarnation tree has an effect on Tianwang on Tianjun and even on Tianzun, then the forces of Yanyun State may not qualify for the reincarnation tree! ”

In order to find a step for himself, Wan Fuzong’s lord stood on the top and talked. Lingdao and Duan mad are happy, and Tang Elder and ‘Mongo’ are not happy. In the previous paragraph, the madman’s name was to make the ‘Meng’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’

"The sovereign, the ancestral hall's talent in the kendo and the sects are all good. If you lose the opportunity to enlighten the tree under the reincarnation, it is a huge loss for me."

The elder Tang made an initiative to let the ‘Mongolian’ sigh of relief. The ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall is not a ridge, and naturally does not dare to smash the lord of Wan Fuzong. He is only a scholastic scholastic disciple of the inner sect. At such a conference, there is no right to speak at all. He said that one hundred sentences did not have an effect on the elders of Tang.

"This lord understands that the previous test, who ranked tenth, will go on!"

The patriarch of Wan Fuzong said slowly that the former sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect was stunned. The ‘door’ of the city’s fire and the fish, the vengeance of Lingdao and the ‘Mongolian’, and the battle between the madman and the elder Tang, why should he let him bear the consequences?

In fact, the tenth-ranked sect of the sect is also not only because he is at the end, but also because his master is only an elder, and his position in Wan Fuzong is not enough. The master of the ‘Mongolian’s ancestral hall is the elder of Tang in the late Tianjun period. Behind Lingdao is the lawless madman.

“Why is it going to go down? Is it better to exclude the ‘Mongolian’?”

Ling Dao looked at the ‘Mongolian’ hall and said with a sneer. Lin Jinfeng and Qiu Qichen killed him. He didn't know who was instructing it, but the suspicion of the ‘Mongolian’ was so great. What's more, the ‘Mongolian’s ancestral hall still wants to start with Xue Lingyao. Now, there is an opportunity to deal with the ‘Mongolian’ ancestral hall. How can he miss it? --40503+dsuaahhh+25904336-->


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