The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 64: Seventh cycle

Yan Yunzhou is just a state under the Aria, and there are not only three forces but also two forces. Normally, the most outstanding young disciples in Yanzhou are not comparable to the best young strongmen in the wasteland.

Under the reincarnation of the tree, it is the young disciple of the three major forces and the opportunity to fish the dragon. As for the ones that can be grasped, they can only see their own. With dreams, every cycle is an extremely precious experience.

It’s better to go through a reincarnation than to experience a reincarnation. The so-called enlightenment effect is good or bad, referring to the number of cycles of experience. In the past records, the best young disciple experienced the reincarnation of the seventh world.

A thousand years ago, the one with the best effect of enlightenment only experienced the reincarnation of the fifth world. It is too difficult to experience the reincarnation of the Seventh World. Even the excellent disciples like Zuo Jian and Jian Yi, the goal is the reincarnation of the Sixth World. The reincarnation of the Seventh World is definitely not their share.

"Beyond strength, I am not as good as Zhang Mingyuan, and not as good as Zuojian, but the number of reincarnations I have experienced must exceed them!"

The realm of yin and innocence is lower than that of Zuojian and Zhang Mingyuan. Even if there is no left-handedness and Zhangming distance from the reincarnation, the enlightenment effect should be better. However, his mood is not good at all, because Lingdao is lower than him, and he is still sitting on the reincarnation. The number of reincarnations he has experienced is certainly not as much.

Other young disciples looked at Lingdao’s eyes, not embarrassing or envious. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they work, they can't reach the height of Lingdao. They only want to be closer to the reincarnation, but Lingdao is sitting on the reincarnation. This is the gap.

"I don't know if Lingdao can experience the reincarnation of the Seventh World..."

The madman looked up at Lingdao, who was sitting on the reincarnation fruit, muttering to himself. The elders of the Silver Gun League and the Shuangjianmen wanted to laugh at the madman's words, but after thinking of the realm of Lingdao, they swallowed all the words they wanted to say.

Among the forty-eight young disciples, there is also a celestial person who is in the middle of the world. A realm like him can still sit on the reincarnation and realize the Tao. In any case, there have been no records in the history.

Every warrior who enlightens under the reincarnation tree will show a virtual shadow of a reincarnation flower every time he experiences a reincarnation. Now, forty-eight young disciples are already immersed in the dreams and enlightenment. The three major elders who come here are naturally interested in counting.

The first life of Ling Dao was born in a large gate and is the biological son of the sovereign. It is a pity that the talent is average, and many ordinary disciples in the sect are inferior. The dream of reincarnation of the tree has already made him lose his previous experience of martial arts, even without memory.

Fortunately, he is very hardworking, and he spends more time per day than others. The so-called diligence can make up for it. The Zongmen where he is located is only equivalent to the six powers. Even if the talent is almost, relying on hard training, it is also able to catch up.

Later, he inherited the patriarch's position, using the resources of the six powers, and hardened the realm to the realm of heaven. After that, he resigned from the position of the Sovereign, and he went out alone. Repeated life and death, so that his realm continues to improve.

His talent is average, but after spending three thousand and five hundred years, he will also be upgraded to the peak of the king. After that, it is impossible to break through, and it will stop at this end of the life. It is not that he is not likely to break through to Tianzun, but to reinvent the tree with a dream, not enough to support him to break through to Tianzun.

The enlightenment effect of the reincarnation tree is definitely not as good as the dream god. It is very difficult to let the warrior in the dream, to upgrade to the peak of the king. If you don't know enough, there is no way to reincarnate the tree. It is precisely because of this that the great forces of the Wasteland House did not send disciples.

The second generation of Lingdao was born in an ordinary family, but his qualifications are extremely high. At a young age, it has already emerged. After entering the Zongmen, the strength is even more rapid. Even the lord is very attached to him and regards him as the successor of the future.

However, Ling Dao did not inherit the lord's position, because he was promoted too fast, only twenty years old, it is already more than the master's cultivation. If he continued to stay in the Zongmen, he would only limit his martial arts, so he resolutely left the Zongmen.

He did not worship other sects, just as a solo traveler. After only a hundred years, he broke through to the heavenly kingdom. Compared to the first world, he did not know how much faster. However, even if his qualifications are good, he will eventually stop at the peak of Tianjun.

In the third world, he was a Fu Xiu, and all his thoughts were placed on the refining symbol. In reality, he couldn't successfully refine the Fu, and his dream of refining Fu Xi is extremely strong. He concentrated on the road and eventually became a famous master.

"Someone is finished, but unfortunately there are only three shadows of reincarnation!"

An elder of Wan Fuzong, pointing to a young disciple on a leaf at high altitude, whispered. That is a celestial warrior of the Silver Gun League. The realm is not low, and it is too far from the reincarnation. It is also expected to experience the reincarnation of the third world.

Not only is he one, but there are eight young disciples who are all awakened. They only experienced the reincarnation of the third world, and it also means that the remaining forty young disciples can at least experience the reincarnation of the fourth world. Although the number of cycles they have experienced is not comparable to those of the younger disciples who follow, the gains they have gained are already enormous.

The fourth life of Lingdao, born in Da Zongmen, is the great grandson of the four-powered elders. Grandpa, who has a peak of Tianjun, is naturally very smooth in his cultivation. In addition, his understanding is high, and when he broke through to Tianjun, he was only in his eighties. It is a pity that even if he breaks through Tianjun early, he will eventually stop at the peak of Tianjun.

"The four worlds are reincarnation. When they return, they will absorb all the reincarnation of the fourth world, and it will definitely be far superior to the past!"

Twenty-eight young disciples have been awake, they can only experience the reincarnation of the fourth world, and the fifth world reincarnation and they completely missed. A thousand years ago, the one with the best effect of enlightenment experienced the reincarnation of the fifth world. Now there are at least twelve young disciples who can experience the reincarnation of the fifth world.

"It’s awful, I didn’t expect their generation to have so many powerful people!"

"As long as they give them time, they can all become the strongest ones!"

Whether it is the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance, the elders of the Double Sword Gate, or the elders of Wan Fuzong, they are highly rated for the remaining twelve young disciples. The twelve young disciples have always been excellent, and with the opportunity of the reincarnation of the fifth world, they will certainly rise in the future.

Lingdao's fifth world reincarnation is a scholar. From a poor family, he was only able to study hard and was eager to be promoted in adulthood. However, the world is impermanent, he met a high-ranking person, abandoned the text from the military, and embarked on the martial arts.

The mind of a scholar has always been more, even if his talent is only in the middle, with his mind, it is also between the major forces, mixed with the wind. Even the masters of all major forces were played by him in the applause.

"The left is awakened, and Meng Yutang is also awake. It seems that they can only experience the reincarnation of the fifth world!"

Meng Yutang and Zuo Jian, have awakened, and the reincarnation of the fifth world is already their limit. Don't look at the height of Zuojian, it is nine thousand feet higher than Mengyutang, but the effect of enlightenment is the same. Woke up with them, there are seven young disciples.

That is to say, there is still no wake up, only three young disciples are left. They are Jian Yi, Yin Wuxie and Ling Dao. The three of them belonged to the Double Sword Gate, the Silver Gun Alliance and the Wan Fu Zong, respectively, but the double sword gate and the Silver Gun League did not mean to compare with Wan Fuzong. The number of reincarnations of Jian Yi and Yin Wu Evil experience, no matter how, can not be more than Ling Dao.

The sixth world reincarnation of Ling Dao was very miserable. The newly born family was destroyed. From a young age, he was carrying a **** sea. Later, he joined a killing gesture and became a killer. In order to revenge, he can only continuously improve his strength, and at the same time take on one task.

His enemies were assassinated by him one by one, honing his martial arts with the blood of the enemy. His murder is very heavy, his qualifications are good, and he eventually became a horrible killer on the rivers and lakes. There is no failure in all the tasks he has taken. Anyone who wants to kill will not be able to see the sun the next day.

"Sword is the limit!"

Sitting on the ninety-eight thousand feet high on the leaves of the sword, slowly opened his eyes. The reincarnation of the Sixth World gave him a higher level of understanding of the Kendo. As long as he is given him for a while, his strength will definitely be qualitatively improved.

"Do they both have to go through the seventeenth cycle?"

The best record of the record, that is, the reincarnation of the Seventh World, I did not expect that they could now witness the two young geniuses undergoing the reincarnation of the Seventh World. Unexpectedly, the height of 85,000 kilograms of yin and evil can actually experience the reincarnation of the seventh century. As for the Lingdao, it is natural to be able to experience the reincarnation of the Seventh World.

The seventh world reincarnation of Lingdao is the opposite of the 60th reincarnation because he is very lucky. He is not only noble, but also outstanding in appearance and talented. The most important thing is that his gas is very strong, and he can be called the Emperor.

He can get the weapons that others have worked hard to get. The martial arts that others can win by killing them, he can find a monument and get it. Even if the other powerful forces want to kill him, he will be lucky to escape every time.

"The seventh-century reincarnation, haha, from then on, the younger generation of Yanzhou, who can fight with me?"

After the sinful innocence wakes up, it is a big laugh. The reincarnation of the Seventh World, the inspiration for him, is too big. Only, soon he was silent, because he found that there is still one person who still does not wake up, not Lingdao, who else?


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