The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Shishi Tianjun

"I have already experienced the reincarnation of the Seventh World. He has not yet recovered. Is it necessary for him to break the previous record?"

"Crap, there was no warrior in the middle of the heavens who could sit on the reincarnation of the reincarnation. He was able to transcend the reincarnation of the seventh world. It is also reasonable."

The elders who came to Wan Fuzong, you said a word, excitedly said that from then on, the record of reincarnation under the tree will be rewritten, and after the VIII reincarnation, Lingdao’s understanding of the martial arts is probably more than they Deep, they are just a heavenly king, and Lingdao is already the Eight Heavenly King.

The elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen also looked at Lingdao. This time, the dream is the most beneficial. It is undoubtedly Lingdao. It can be experienced in the seventh world. It is already the past. The highest record, but he encountered a Lingdao, stealing his limelight.

The **** gun is innocent, and it is the pride of the Silver Gun Alliance. I wanted to shine in the funeral mountain range. I didn’t expect it to be suppressed three times by Lingdao. For the first time, Lingdao beat him up. For the second time, he Climbing to 85,000 feet, the result is still standing above his head. For the third time, he experienced the reincarnation of the seventh world, and Lingdao surpassed the seventh-century reincarnation.

If you say that any young disciple hates Ling Dao most, it must be yin and no evil. Even if it is Meng Yu Tang and Fang Han Yu, there is no Yin and no evil hate Ling Dao. Unfortunately, Yin Yin has no way to take Ling Dao, even if Ling Dao sits there. Innocent and evil can not attack him, after all, distance is 15,000.

Lingdao’s eighth world reincarnation has become an ordinary person. He has a natural talent and a general understanding. Fortunately, he has spent a thousand years on his own hands. It has also made Tianjun and spent thousands of years. Become a peak of the king, devote yourself to cultivation, do not ask the world.

"Why haven't you been awake?"

The sword frowned, and the closest to Lingdao was him. After the VIII reincarnation, it should be at the limit of Lingdao. However, there is no sign that Lingdao is waking up. It is only the reincarnation of the Sixth World. The understanding of kendo has improved several levels. It is really hard to imagine how much benefit Lingdao experienced in the VIII cycle.

"I think you have to be very sad, he must have been lost in the cycle."

In the past, there has been a record that a warrior’s will is not strong enough, lost in the dream of enlightenment, when he wakes up, can not tell the reality and dreams, and finally collapsed completely, became a madman, Gongsunxiong has been gloating, even It is through the reincarnation of the Eighth World, and Lingdao should wake up.

"I don't really have an accident. After all, he is only in the late stages of the world, and his will is not strong enough."

Generally speaking, in the latter part of the world, the sixth will is mastered. It is not enough to support the warriors to experience the reincarnation of the Eighth World. The worry of the elders of Wan Fuzong is not unreasonable. It is a dream, and every reincarnation seems to be true. lifetime.

Normally, after waking up, you will understand that all previous experiences are all dreaming. However, if you are lost in your dreams, even if you wake up, you will be confused and even mad. Now, the situation of Lingdao is like There was a problem and I could not wake up in a short time.

The dream of the dream **** can not only help the disciple to enlighten, but also to deal with the enemy, he can let the enemy, lost in the illusion, the reincarnation tree inherits the ability of the dream god, naturally can also let the young disciple get lost, and thus the will collapse .

"Laughing at the dead, I thought you would have a genius in Wan Fuzong. I didn't expect a fool."

"The things that are not self-sufficient, the realm is so low, so flying is so high, but also choose to sit on the reincarnation fruit, this is a miserable one."

The young disciples of the Silver Gun League and the Shuangjianmen were all schadenfreaked. The performance of Lingdao was too dazzling, and they all became dull. Now it is found that Lingdao may be lost in the dream, they are very Happy.

Duan madman stared carefully at Lingdao, Leichi Hell, and the Mountain Range, and Lingdao all came over. The madman did not believe that Lingdao would fall on the reincarnation tree. Fortunately, Lingdao did not let him down because he Far from seeing, Ling Dao’s head once again showed the illusion of a reincarnation flower.

"The ninth cycle."

Even if it was a madman, he did not think that the reincarnation of the eighth world was not the limit of Lingdao. It is no wonder that Lingdao has not yet awakened. It is not that he is lost in a dream, but that he is experiencing the ninth world reincarnation and fighting for Lingdao. A quota is really right.

Not every young disciple can achieve the heavenly king in every reincarnation. Some young disciples, who have experienced the reincarnation of the world, may only be able to live forever, and may die in the hands of other powerful people, like Ling. This way through the ninth reincarnation, every reincarnation can achieve the heavenly king. Since ancient times, he has also been one.

"how is this possible."

The highest record in the past, that is, the reincarnation of the Seventh World, the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen, did not think that Lingdao could still experience the ninth reincarnation, the silver gun alliance and the double sword gate that were still gloating. The disciples are now silent one by one.

After the illusion of the ninth reincarnation flower appeared, they were like being slap in the face, and they didn’t even have to continue to talk, especially those who looked at them, and they were full of irony. You are not saying that Lingdao will collapse, now it’s stupid.

However, after the reincarnation of the ninth century, Lingdao still did not wake up. This time, the elders and disciples of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen did not speak. With the previous lessons, they certainly would not talk more, lest they wait for another Was beaten.

"Damn, he won't have to go through the tenth world reincarnation."

The yin and the evil are extremely unscrupulous. He is born with a **** gun. He is not as good as a foreign disciple of Wan Fuzong. It really makes him unacceptable. He has completely retired him in the reincarnation of the ninth century. Reincarnation, the future Lingdao, what will become enchanting.

They once again guessed that Lingdao did not experience the tenth world reincarnation, but absorbed the energy of the reincarnation. He sat on the reincarnation fruit. After the ninth reincarnation, he unconsciously reinstated the power of the fruit. Refining is gone.

The reincarnation fruit that still grows on the reincarnation tree contains more than ten times more energy than the reincarnation fruit after the harvest. Unfortunately, the reincarnation fruit is too high. Even if other young disciples want to absorb it, they simply cannot do it. And you can only look up.

Today's Lingdao is already in the late stage of the heavens and humans. After absorbing the energy of the reincarnation fruit, after a while, it will become the peak of the heavens and the human world. Moreover, his realm is still growing. If it continues, it will break through to the heavenly regime. No trouble at all.

After the ninth reincarnation, every world is a heavenly king, plus his past life, but also a heavenly king, that is to say, although he is only the peak of the heavens, he is already the tenth heavenly king, the ninth heavenly king in the dreamland. It must not be comparable to the Heavenly King of his previous life, but it must not be underestimated.

Tian Bingjing has no bottleneck for him at all. Just after a moment, his realm is to easily break through to the heavenly dynasty. Not only that, his realm is still growing rapidly, and the Tianbing is in the middle and late stages. The peaks are like water.

Such a rapid improvement of the realm will definitely lead to unstable foundations. Even if he has the experience of Shishi Tianjun, there may be problems. If his goal in this life is only Tianjun, naturally he does not care, but his goal is far. Far higher than Tianjun, so I have to pay attention to every realm.

"Insane, it’s crazy, and it’s broken through to the peak of heaven.”

Fang Hanyu exclaimed that after so many years of cultivation, he was only the peak of the heavenly dynasty. However, from the late days of the heavens, Lingdao broke through to the peak of the heavenly dynasty, only spent a fragrant time, so the speed of cultivation is simply shocking.

"I thought you were a personal thing, but I didn't expect it to be so greedy, and my future achievements are limited."

In the innocent heart, snickering, from the end of the natural world to the Tianbing territory, the promotion is fast, but it will certainly bury hidden dangers, can not see in a short time, but in the future will definitely have problems, the goal of innocence, It is not just Tianjun.

"Oops, it's too aggressive."

Duan madman has a headache, even if the reincarnation can help the warrior to improve the realm, it can be so excessive improvement, certainly not a good thing, but unfortunately, even if he wants to improve Lingdao now, it is too late, it seems that in the future, Help Lingdao to consolidate the realm.

Fortunately, Lingdao was awake in time. His past life was Tianjun. Naturally, he was not very concerned about the peak of Tianbing. He was not busy consolidating the realm. Instead, he reversed the ridiculousness of Xianxian and suppressed the realm of previous ascension.

Reversing the practice is very dangerous, but now, he can't care so much. He is already the peak of the heavenly dynasty, but the next moment, it becomes the late period of the Tianbing, and the next moment, it becomes the middle of the heavenly regime until the fall to the Tianbing In the early stage, it stopped.

However, Ling Dao is still reversing the ridiculously ridiculous genius, and it has taken a fragrant time to let the realm retreat to the peak of the heavens and humans. Until this moment, he is relieved to run the wild and continue to absorb the reincarnation. energy.

He was originally in the late days of the heavens and humans, absorbing the fruits of the reincarnation, screaming and leaping forward, all the way to the peak of the heavenly dynasty, but fortunately he did not stabilize in the realm of the realm, reversing the wild and singular power, and suppressed the realm to the peak of heaven and earth.

In other words, his realm is only from the late stage of the heavens to the peak of the heavens and human beings. It is only a small realm of improvement. Naturally, it will not cause instability. The energy of the reincarnation has been stored by him. The source is inside.

It is also the experience of the ninth reincarnation, and refining a reincarnation fruit, raising a small realm, reincarnation under the tree, and the benefits of other young disciples, and he has no way to compare, even the other elders of Wan Fuzong I feel that the number of places that Wan Fuzong has given to Ling Dao is really too much.

"How did he do it in the end, just after the peak of the day, how did it become the peak of the world?"

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