The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 71: Deity

The innocent momentum is too sultry, and the nine bloods are extremely terrible. The young disciples present are all thinking that his strength is enough to counter the Tianshi martial arts. Look, it is not an innocent opponent.

The black gold light and the rich blood light are intertwined, blocking the sight of young disciples. They can't see the specific situation. They can only guess by delusion, and the silver guns and disciples are both disciples. I hope that Lingdao will be killed.

However, the older generation of strong people are silent, yin and evil, and they can see very clearly. The nine punches that Lingdao has continuously played are enough to smash the mountains, especially the power contained in the Wu Peng boxing. It is beyond imagination. Why do you have such a strong force in the area?

Normally, the limit of the martial arts of the heavenly people is the strength of the 999 dragons. However, every punch of Lingdao has the power of 35,000 dragons, even the Tianbing dynasty Without his tyrannical physical strength.

"He must have a great education to improve his strength, otherwise he would not have such a great strength."

Both Shen Tugang and Gongsunxiong have guessed that martial arts, which can enhance strength, are also available in the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate. However, the martial arts of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gates enhance the power, far from the martial arts used by Lingdao. Powerful, the force of 35,000 dragons, how many times to increase the power of Lingdao.

When all the glare of the glare is exhausted, the sinister and sinister figures are clearly visible in front of all the young disciples, and the yin and the evil are armed with guns, without any damage, in their expectation, however Lingdao is unharmed, but it is a surprise to them.

"what happened."

Some young disciples asked the elders, and then the elders told the young disciples that the strength of Lingdao was beyond their imagination. Can it be said that after the ninth reincarnation, will the strength of the warriors change dramatically? .

Even the elders of Wan Fuzong found that they couldn’t see through the road. The former Lingdao was genius, but they were still acceptable. The current Lingdao is strong and outrageous. His strength seems to be completely unaffected. Limits of the realm.

It’s not the general martial arts in the late days of the celestial warrior. He used the scorpion gun to fight against the martial arts of the predecessor, and even won the battle. Ling Dao can compete with the sinister war, not to say that he also Can defeat the predecessor of the war.

The peak of heaven and humanity overcomes the predecessor of the heavens. It is just like a myth. Even if they say it, there is no younger generation of smoke and clouds in Yunzhou. They will not believe that even if they are geniuses, they can overcome their opponents across the realm and cannot directly cross each other. A big realm.

"It’s awful, what kind of enchanting we have in Wan Fuzong."

Xue Yi has been unable to conceal the joy of his heart. Now Ling Dao is in his heart, higher than the position of the elite disciple of Nei Zong. It is enough to be comparable to the core disciples. Among the foreign disciples of Wan Fuzong, although there are geniuses, no one Can compare with Lingdao.

Wan Fuzong has never seen such an outstanding young disciple. Xue Yi seems to have seen that after a hundred years of Lingdao, sweeping through the scenes of the whole cloud state of Yunnan, in fact, Lingdao wants to sweep the smoke cloud state, it does not need a hundred years, After all, only need to achieve Tianzun, you can dominate the cloud state.

"Come back."

Yin sinlessly screams, holding a stun gun to kill again, can enhance the strength of martial arts, certainly can not be used without limit, especially Lingdao will also increase the power so many times, he does not believe that Lingdao can always maintain So powerful combat power.

In fact, there is no guess in the innocence. In a short period of time, it is indeed impossible to use the nine-turn dragon strength again. However, Lingdao is not afraid of challenges. Previously he relied on absolute strength. In the next battle, he It is the subtlety of martial arts.

Covering the sky, he has already cultivated to the fifth style. Now he plays one after another. Each style is like the ability to turn into a magical, seemingly unremarkable one, but it can block the invincible and powerful. A shot.

Lingdao’s footsteps are eight steps of chasing stars, constantly avoiding the strongest attack points of yin and innocence. His eyes are always staring at the stun guns, looking for the flaws of the ancient gunfare, the real ancient gunfare, even if there are flaws, it is not now He can see it out.

Fortunately, the ancient gunfare used in Yin and innocence, the flaws are very obvious, other young disciples can not see, but he is able to find, his every type of big handprints, are in the flaws, or else he wants It is impossible to compete with the evil spirits.

Long time to stand, the innocent face is more and more ugly, he is three times higher than Lingdao, not to kill Lingdao, even defeated Lingdao can not do, the last battle, he can say great Under the dark loss, this time is an upright battle, if it is spread throughout the Yunzhou, how he is based.

Whether it is the first person in the sky, or the invincible title of Heavenly Boundary, it seems that it is not praise, but shame, ridicule, and even the people of the heavens and the kings will not kill, the same title will change.

"Blood sacrifice."

In the innocent eyes, flashed a touch of crazy color, then he was a palm on his chest, the internal organs vibrated, a blood coughing out, sprayed on the stun gun, he used his own blood Sacrifice in exchange for a powerful power of blasphemy.

Don't say that Lingdao is a man of heaven and earth, even if it is a mid-term warrior in the middle of the world, once it is hit by the power of the gods, it must be broken and the soul flies. He is ironic to kill the Lingdao, even if it is paid At a certain price, it is also at all.

"Too impulsive."

Gong Sunxiong wants to stop, but unfortunately it’s too late. However, when he thinks about the enchantingness of Lingdao, he also feels that even if he pays a certain price, as long as he can kill Lingdao, it is worthwhile. After using the blood sacrifice, it will be It becomes very weak, but there is no danger to him if he is protected.


The stun gun trembled fiercely, and the picture on the gun was actually flying out. When the blood was innocent and sprinkled on the gun, a **** in the picture actually came out, not to mention the young disciple. Even the elders are as if they are watching.

"What a different weapon, what a very good rifle."

Both Xue Yi and Shen Tugang are staring at the stun guns. With their eyesight, they are unable to judge the grade of the stun gun. However, the gods that emerged from the picture exude the pressure to make them feel. To oppression.

Both of them are the peaks of the peaks. They are just the shadows of the blood. They all have such terrible pressure. If the real people are present, I am afraid that they will be able to crush them by virtue of the momentum. Heavenly Kings are like this, let alone The young disciples who were present were all kneeling on the ground.

The shadow of the gods formed by the blood, holding a spear, striding toward Lingdao, he has no consciousness, no thoughts, just the equivalent of a move, the power of the gods in exchange for the evil blood sacrifice, It is turned into a virtual shadow of the gods, no matter who is going to kill the evil spirits, the gods and shadows will kill the past without hesitation.

"Well, my body can't move."

Ling Dao is bold and fearless. Even in the face of the illusion of the gods, he still wants to punch out. Unfortunately, his body is imprisoned, let alone show his Peng Peng, even if he wants to raise his hands. It is impossible to do it at all.

What he can do now is to run wild and ridiculous. Even if it is a god, he is not afraid, because it is a ridiculous sacred genius that is a godless man, creating a great sacred empire, even among all the great emperors of the past and present. Standing at the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, it was quite ridiculous that Xian Jin did not let him down. Without the power of God, with the power of his blood, he broke through the imprisonment of the gods, and behind him, there was a silhouette of a stalwart, with a blurred appearance. Tall and straight.

He is only the peak of the heavens and the human world. Even if he is going to the extremes, he will not be able to call out the shadow of the emperor. The shadow behind him is the result of the bursting of the blood. The virtual shadow is obviously stimulating his blood. .

"How the gods are shaking."

What makes Yin innocence unacceptable is that the shadow of the gods is scared and trembled. The shadow behind Ling Dao is even more stalwart than the gods. It is even taller and more horrible. It is like the Taoist encounters the Great, not at all. One level.

The virtual shadow behind Ling Dao slowly raised his palm and hit the shadow of the gods. Don’t say that the young disciples, even all the elders present, could not see how the shadows were shot behind Lingdao. Anyway, it was a moment. The time, the gods and shadows dissipated.


The innocent and unwilling swearing, using the blood sacrifice, summoning the power of blasphemy, did not kill the lingdao, he naturally could not accept, the illusion of the **** disappeared, the scent of innocence was weakening, after the blood sacrifice, he It will become very weak.

After the disappearance of the gods and shadows, the stalwart figure behind Lingdao disappeared without a trace. However, Lingdao did not entangle in the figure. Anyway, the blood variability of the two times made his blood more powerful than before. The secret of the blood, he does not know now, and then consider it later.

Now that Yin is innocent and becomes weak, Ling Dao naturally will not be merciful. He will display eight steps of chasing the stars. In a flash, he will come to the side of Yin and innocence. Then he will use the Wu Peng, punch and punch, and hit it. On the body of innocence, the fists to the flesh, the blood splashed.

Yin couldn't accept the facts, and didn't even think about admitting things. All the elders were in shock, and they didn't slow down. When Gong Sunxiong reacted, Yin Mou has been labeled as a pig's head by Lingdao. All the bones have been scattered.


Gong Sunxiong’s angry martyrdom, unfortunately, Lingdao not only did not stop, but shattered the original source of the innocent body. Lingdao knew that Gongsunxiong wanted to intervene, naturally not wasting time, first abolished Yin and no evil. ,

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