The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 72: End of test

Wan Fuzong’s elders lineup is not comparable to the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate. If Lingdao has no scruples, he will directly kill the innocent, who knows whether all the elders of the Silver Gun League will go crazy. Yin and innocence is not only the direct descendants of the silver gun alliance, but also the most talented disciple of the younger generation of the Silver Gun League.

Breaking the source of the stars is enough to make the yin and evil spirits fall. If it is impossible to reunite the source stars in a short period of time, then the realm will continue to decline until the original source will stop. Lingdao can not be said to be unscrupulous, it is equal to the half of the evil.

"He didn't admit defeat, why should I stop?"

Lingdao responded unceremoniously. Gongsunxiong is an elder who is too old, but he is an elder of the Silver Gun Alliance and has nothing to do with Lingdao. What's more, Ling Dao Lian Wan Fu Zong's face is not given, Gong Gongxiong wants to press him by his status, can only be said to be delusional.

Before the yin and evil want to kill him, Gong Sunxiong did not stop, now he wants to kill the yin and evil, Gongsunxiong shouted his hand, it is simply shameless. If there is no scruples, I am afraid that the elders and disciples of other Wan Fuzong will be a dead body.

"Why, do you want to intervene in the battle between the juniors? The Tianbing dynasty is not in the late stage of the Tianren, and your silver guns are too wasteful?"

"In this way, it is also said that the Heavenly Boundary is invincible. Are you still shameless in your silver gun alliance?"

Xue Yi will not give Gongsunxiong a face, first to say irony, and then the madman is also a merciless question. The two of them are not afraid of Gong Sunxiong, and the other elders of Wan Fuzong did not have them open. Xue Yi’s status and strength are similar to those of Gong Sunxiong, and the madman is a pair of barefooted shoes.

All along, the madman is not married, has no children, no apprentice, no wife, and is alone. Even the elders of Wan Fuzong have no way of taking a madman. If you annoy the madman, a madman does not talk about the rules, directly to their apprentices or younger generations, then they cry too late.

"No evil, let's lose!"

Gong Sunxiong understands that Yin is innocent and arrogant, and that it is indeed a very difficult thing for him to be soft in front of a heavenly person. However, the rules are placed there, as long as the yin does not admit defeat, Lingdao can always shoot. Innocent before, I still want to kill Lingdao, and whoever I switch to will not be merciful to him.

"Let me admit defeat? Dreaming!"

The yin and evil face is pale, and even the station is not stable, and there is still no meaning to admit defeat. The stun gun was in his hands, and it was bleak and there was no power. His voice just fell, and there was a scream in his mouth, because the heavy foot of Lingdao kicked on his stomach.

"You don't want to kill me? How can I step on my feet now?"

Lingdao's right foot, stepping on the innocent head, let the innocent face and the ground tightly stick together. From small to large, yin and innocence have not been so insulted, but he is unable to resist, even if the nail is deeply embedded in the palm of the hand, the blood is flowing, it is unconscious.

"If you kill, but nod, why bother?"

The young disciple of Silver Gun League couldn’t help but say that he had not dealt with Meng Yutang in the past. After defeating Mengzitang, the battle ended. Unlike Lingdao, it also shattered the innocent source of stars, and even in front of everyone, shame and innocence.

"What do you know, if he didn't want to kill me before, I will treat him like this now?"

It’s just a test between young disciples. Lingdao never takes a heavy hand. However, once his opponent wants to kill him, he will certainly not be soft-hearted. To be soft to the enemy, it is cruel to yourself. It is like a poisonous snake. It will not abolish him. Sooner or later, he will bite himself.

"Then you can kill him, why bother him?"

Zuo Jian is really a rectum. Even if he said this, even Gong Xiong couldn’t help but glance at him. The elders of Wan Fuzong and Shuangjianmen all laughed. The martial arts like Zuo Jian is the most direct and has nothing to say. Fortunately, Meng Yutang did not show his intention to the left, otherwise Zuo Jian will definitely be slaughtered.

"If I killed him, would the elders of your silver gun alliance let me go?"

Lingdao’s words have just been finished, and Zuo Jian is trying to refute. However, Zuo Jian did not say anything after all. He is only a Wu Chi, not an idiot. He naturally knows what the elders of the Silver Gun League are. Originally, he still wanted to teach Ling Dao. Now he can only sigh and not say anything.

The elders of the Silver Gun League all wanted to kill Lingdao alive, but unfortunately, the elders of Wan Fuzong and the elders of Shuangjianmen were present. They can only put anger in their hearts, even if they have to deal with Lingdao, they can find a chance to shoot. Anyway, as long as Lingdao is in Yanyun, they can always find an opportunity to deal with Lingdao.

"Last time you let me go, I will spare you a life this time, let's go!"

There is no way to resist the evil spirits. If you fight again, nothing will happen. Simply, Lingdao will kick the fly in the innocent, and the eyes will not be seen. Abandoning the innocence, his troubles will certainly not be less, and even the silver guns will not let him go.

Anyway, taking a step and taking a step, it’s a big deal to leave Yunyun. The heavens are too big. The Silver Gun Alliance is nothing more than a force of four. It is naturally impossible to find him in the world. Silver Gun League also dominated the king in Yanyun Prefecture. When it came to the wasteland, nothing could be counted. If it was placed in a territory, it would be nothing more.

"It is really prestige. Only when the heavens are at its peak, you can reinvent the silver gun alliance and claim that it is invincible."

An elder of the Shuangjianmen said ecstatically, on the surface, it is praised and ridiculed, and it is actually provoked. If the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and Wan Fuzong couldn't help but fight, they would be able to take advantage of the fishermen.

It is a pity that Gongsun Xiong and Xue Yi are all stunned at him. If there are no elders with double swords, they may be able to play a big game. It is obviously impossible to start. The next thing to do is to host the battle below.

"You have refining a reincarnation, and now it just offsets!"

Xue Yi is already satisfied with the extremes. Originally, he also planned to let the reincarnation of the other disciples of Wan Fuzong to offset the reincarnation of Lingdao. With the potential of Lingdao, it is entirely worthy of his focus. Unexpectedly, Lingdao unexpectedly missed everyone's expectations, and he won a reincarnation with a strong victory over Yin.

Lingdao nodded, and Wan Fuzong’s practice as an elder did not have any problems. The reincarnation of his refining, the energy contained, is ten times better than the reincarnation of other young disciples. The reincarnation of other young disciples was taken by the elders. Originally a boat-sized reincarnation, after it was taken down, it was only the size of the palm.

The comparison between young disciples is still going on, but the most exciting battles are over. The next test is unremarkable and there is no place for any color. Forty-eight places, twenty-seven reincarnations, that is, they need to go through twenty-seven battles. If you don't play, you will automatically lose the possibility of getting a reincarnation.

After the end of the 27-game test, Shuangjianmen received the most reincarnation, with a total of eleven, and the silver rifle won the second round of reincarnation, and Wan Fuzong received the least reincarnation, only seven. . In addition, Lingdao has refining a reincarnation fruit, and Wan Fuzong's young disciples have also received six rounds of palm-sized reincarnation.

The first round is effective, and the second one has no effect. Even if Xue Yi wants to cultivate Lingdao, he also understands that it is not useful to give Lingdao reincarnation. What's more, the six reincarnations were all won by young disciples themselves, and Xue Yi naturally could not let them turn over.

"It seems that the younger generation is the strongest of my double swords. If it is more than a thousand years, perhaps you are the silver gun alliance and Wan Fuzong, not as good as our double sword!"

Eleven reincarnations represent 27 battles and the Double Swordsmen won eleven games. To say that Shen Tugang is not willing, it is impossible. Shen Tuo’s mouth was laughing and he’s coming to the ear. Other elders with double swordsmen are obviously in a good mood, especially those who have received reincarnation.

"Our silver gun alliance is not bad, anyway, there is Wan Fuzong bottom!"

Gong Sunxiong said unwillingly, in fact, he is also a hard mouth. This time, the silver gun alliance master will certainly not have any good looks. The most important direct descendants of the silver gun alliance lord are innocent, and they are absolutely unacceptable by Ling Dao breaking the source star.

Fortunately, Gongsunxiong is an elder of the elders. Even if the silver gun allies want to get angry, they must only vent their anger to other elders. However, Yin Yin is abolished, Gong Sunxiong also has a responsibility, even if the silver gun alliance leader does not find him trouble, he is also awkward.

"Bottom? We have a disciple sitting on the reincarnation of the disciples. Do you have a silver gun alliance? We have a disciple who has experienced the ninth reincarnation. Do you have a silver gun alliance?"

Even if he only gets seven reincarnations, Xue Yi is not annoyed and even proud. The Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate are obviously joined together to target Wan Fuzong. It is very rare for their young disciples of Wan Fuzong to get seven reincarnations. What's more, he also witnessed the rise of a peerless genius, can he feel bad?

Yin is innocent, it is the pride of the Silver Gun League, but now it is defeated by Wan Fuzong’s Heaven and Man. From then on, Lingdao will certainly be able to name the whole of Yunzhou, even the top three forces of the four major forces will notice him. Moreover, he also experienced the ninth reincarnation, surpassing the previous record.

After the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate had the same goal, it was to grow up in Lingdao and wipe out the Lingdao. If Lingdao is not dead, after thousands of years, who is in power, who else can compete with Lingdao? Who else can stop the footsteps of Lingdao?


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