The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 73: Give up the road

"Shen Tu brother, is it just that the kid can't leave the mountain of the funeral."

Just when the three forces were ready to go back, Gongsun Xiong secretly passed the sound to Shen Tugang. With the cultivation of the peaks of the heavens and the human beings, he could reinvent the innocence of the late Tianbing, and Lingdao also experienced the ninth reincarnation. If you let him grow, then you have to.

Looking for the entire silver gun alliance, but also can not find in terms of potential, can be comparable with the Lingdao, the double sword door and the silver gun alliance situation is similar, naturally can not find such a young disciple with unlimited potential like Lingdao, Gongsun Xiong wants In addition to Lingdao, Shen Tugang did not want to.

Originally, Shen Tugang had the meaning of killing Lingdao. Now Gongsunxiong has offered to take the initiative. He is naturally silent. In fact, Shen Tugang wanted to take Gongsunong’s shot, and then the silver gunmen and Wan Fuzong’s elders fought, and he Opportunistically, the elders who came to the Silver Gun League and Wan Fuzong were wiped out.

"Even if you and my two forces join forces, I am afraid I will die a lot of people."

How important is Lingdao, the elders of Wan Fuzong must be clear that the silver guns and the elders who came to the double swordsmen together must be more powerful than the elders of Wan Fuzong, but if they really fight, they will inevitably flow into the river, silver guns. The elders of the League and Shuangjianmen must have been killed.

The elders who came to come, all of them are Tianjun. It is not worthwhile to use a few days of the life of a monarch to change the life of a martial artist who is a martial artist. Lingdao only has the possibility of becoming a peerless prince. For a possibility, It’s really worthwhile to let the elders who have become Tianjun’s life.

"The elders who lost our two forces are less than Wan Wingzong."

The meaning of Gongsunxiong is already obvious. Even if several elders are killed, they must kill Lingdao. Anyway, the elders of Wan Fuzong’s death must be more than the silver guns. They will also have more than the double swordsmen, since their losses. Less than Wan Fuzong, why not fight one.

"Okay, then do it."

Shen Tugang solemnly nodded, as long as the loss is smaller than Wan Fuzong, or even less than half of the Fuzong, it is completely acceptable. In the past, the reincarnation of the tree was only a test of the younger generation, and there was very little chance that the elders would fight.

This time, it is also because of the performance of Lingdao, too dazzling, the silver gun alliance and the elders of the double sword gate, do not want him to live out of the funeral mountain range, so they can join hands, there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests, kill Death is good for both of them, and they can naturally put down their hatred.

"Xue brother, the younger generation has tried more than a group of old guys."

Gongsunxiong took a sneer and walked over to Xue Yi. If he couldn’t kill Lingdao, then he would personally take it, or else he would return to the Silver Gun League. The gun ally leader did not dare to treat him, but other elders who came together would inevitably be punished.

It is precisely because of this that against the Lingdao, the other elders of the Silver Gun League have no opinion, as long as they kill the murderer of Lingdao, the silver gun allies are ignited at most, after all, like the four forces of the silver gun alliance, It is completely capable of regaining the treasures of the original source, but the price paid is certainly not small.

"You want to fight in the wheel, or together."

Xue Yi knows Gongsunxiong. Since Gongsunxiong has put his words on the bright side, Shen Tugang must have promised to join hands with Gongsunxiong. Before he came, Xue Yi did not think that Lingdao would behave like this enchanting, Wan Fuzong came. The elders lineup, whether it is on the silver gun alliance or the double sword door, self-protection is more than enough.

However, once the silver gun alliance and the elders of the Shuangjianmen teamed up, their strength is not enough to watch, only the genius, the silver gun alliance and the double sword door can be tolerated, the peerless genius can also accept, however, Lingdao is too enchanting, already Beyond the range they can accept.

If it weren’t for the presence of a group of elders in the Silver Gun Alliance, it’s definitely dead in the hands of Ling Dao. Only when the heavens are in the peak, there is the strength to kill the soldiers in the late days of the Tian Bing, and it is still able to counter the Tian Bian’s realm in the early days. Late warriors.

If Lingdao becomes Tianjun, is it the early days of Tianjun, you can defeat the late Tianjun, if he becomes the peak of Tianjun, can he compete against Tianzun, and at that time, the silver gun alliance and the double sword gate, who are looking for and Lingdao decisive battle.

Tianzun, for the four powers, is the strongest who can only look up. Tianjun Peak and Tianzun are just one step difference, but it seems to be separated by a scorpio. If Lingdao breaks through to Tianzun, Silver Gun Alliance and Double Sword The door is in front of him, is not a blow.

"The wheel battle is really too shameful, I think it is more appropriate to work together."

Shen Tugang’s first half of the sentence also won the recognition of many people, but his second half of the sentence almost made those people spurt out of the old blood, and all the elders of Wan Fuzong were afraid to swear by Shen Tugang. Shameless, shameless.

"Two too, what do we do."

An elder of Wan Fuzong asked with concern that the number of their elders could not match even the silver guns, not to mention the fact that there was a double sword. If it was a real **** battle, they would not say that the whole army was annihilated and could alive and leave. It is also a minority.

Tianjun’s thoughts and escapes are indeed possible. However, the young disciples of Wan Fuzong who are present will definitely be wiped out by the whole army. Twelve inner elite disciples and three inner core disciples can be said to be the future of Wan Fuzong. Hope, how can you die in the mountain of the funeral.

Even if Ling Dao uses the transmission symbol, it is useless to look a thousand miles away. For Tianjun, the distance between miles and miles is really too short. Fang Hanyu and Liu Qingmei have the same symbol, but they also understand that even if they use The transfer symbol is just a waste of a symbol.

"They just want to get rid of Lingdao. It's better to give them to Lingdao. It's not my heart, but I can't be alone because of Lingdao."

Meng Yutang said gloomyly, Ling Dao’s talent has completely surpassed him. If there is a day when Ling Dao is in, it will be difficult for him to control the entire Wan Fu Zong. If Ling Dao died in the hands of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuang Jian Men’s elders, For him, it is a good thing.

Elder Tang frowned, and originally wanted to swear by Meng Yutang, but when you think about it carefully, Meng Yutang said that it is correct. It is true that you cannot be alone because of Lingdao, and all the young disciples who came to Wan Fuzong died, even even The elders will die most of them.

Some young disciples have the same idea as Meng Yutang, but they dare not say that even the elders have nodded secretly. In the end, it is because Lingdao is only a foreign disciple, even if the performance of Lingdao is dazzling, in a certain In the eyes of some elders, they are still inferior to the inner elite.

"Funny, restless."

Xue Yi brows upside down and slams the monk into the hall. If the monk does not clarify the words, the other elders of Wan Fuzong may have a full battle with the silver guns and the elders of the double swords. Now some Elder Wan Fuzong, certainly not willing to sell for Lingdao, who makes Lingdao is just a foreign disciple.

"Two too, I think Meng Yutang said yes, not that I am afraid of death, but there are three core disciples present, younger generation, we Wan Fuzong only have their three core disciples, if they are all dead Here, what will we do in the future?"

Elder Tang first said sorry to Lingdao, and then he persuaded Xue Yi. He was selfish, but also for Wan Fuzong, the loss of three core disciples, they could not afford it, and Lingdao was more powerful. It just has potential, in case he will be amazed in the future.

"Let's open the skylight and say something, don't you just want to get rid of the threat of Lingdao? If we put Lingdao here, can you let us go?"

Another elder of Wan Fuzong directly asked such a saying that he was a foreign elder, but in his heart, the foreign disciples were not as good as the inner disciples, not to mention the elite disciples and cores. disciple.

"If only Ling Dao stays, our older generation will not shoot, let them exchange with younger generations."

Shen Tugang said with a smile, it is best not to fight with Elder Wan Fuzong, so that the elders of the two swordsmen will not have any death. Anyway, his purpose is to remove the Lingdao and not lose one day. Jun did not know what to do.

However, Gongsunxiong is different. He not only wants to kill Lingdao, but also wants to remove all the young people and elders of Wan Fuzong who are present. Unfortunately, the elders of Wan Fuzong are too decisive and even throw away Ling. Dao, the alliance between him and Shen Tugang was instantly disintegrated.

"you guys."

Xue Yi has a temper in his heart, but nowhere to vent. He wants to protect Lingdao, but the three core disciples do not have to lose. If he is impulsive, he loses three core disciples and twelve elite disciples. He is again What are you seeing the ancestors of Wan Fuzong under Jiuquan?

"But let's leave, I will stay."

In the end, Xue Yi sighed for a long time and made such a decision. He is the peak of Tianjun, but Gongsunxiong and Shen Tugang are also the peaks of Tianjun, plus the other elders of Silver Gunmen and Shuangjianmen. He stayed in fact only one dead end.

"For the inheritance of Wan Fuzong, I can only give up on you, because you, losing a group of Tianjun, three core disciples, and twelve elite disciples are not worth it. However, we have not abandoned you. Even if it is dead, my old bones will walk in front of you."

Xue Yi went to Lingdao and patted the shoulders of Lingdao. He didn't want to protect Lingdao, but he was really powerless. As Wan Fuzong was too much, he couldn't just consider it for Lingdao alone. Young disciples are equally important.

"Two too, I understand, you also leave, anyway, you stay, it is just white death."

The performance of Wan Fuzong's other young disciples and elders really made Ling Dao very disappointed. However, Xue Yi, who was too elder, made him feel the care of the older generation's younger disciples. He understood the difficulties of Xue Yi, regardless of How, he has no reason to blame Xue Yi.

"As long as they don't shoot for the older generation, then I will die if I die."

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