The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 79: Let's go together!

A drop of blood destroys the immortal punishment, a drop of blood kills the will of the immortal, a drop of blood to save the Tao and the madman, it sounds dreamy, not to mention the eye, whether it is Lingdao, or other warriors, it seems to be dreaming .

Strong as Gongsunxiong, in front of the power of Huaxian, there is no resistance. If there is no such blood, the madman will definitely die under the power of Huaxian, Tianjun Peak, already Yanyunzhou IV The power of the product, the highest repair, however, is not as good as the blood.

Now that the drop of blood has disappeared, the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen can stand up. They are still in deep earthquakes. They can’t be calm for a long time. Even Shen Tugang, the most powerful person he has ever seen, is the wasteland. Yunfu’s Tianzun is gone.

"Before the elders, let's kill the kid."

An elder with a double sword came to Shen Tugang and whispered, and the madman had come back to save the road. If Shen Tugang did not shoot, the other elders were alone, not the opponent of the madman. The madman could compete with Gongsunxiong. Naturally, you can't be small.

"Kill, of course, to kill, now he has been offended to death, even if he does not kill him, he will resent us, if he becomes Tianzun, will let us go."

What happened before, beyond the understanding of Shen Tugang, he is too lazy to think about it, there is no need to go deeper, the silver gun alliance elders are jealous of mad, as long as he is willing to shoot, block the madman, even if the elders of the double swords do not shoot, Lingdao does not I want to leave here alive.

"But we will shoot at him, will there be nothing?"

Gong Sunxiong shot on Lingdao, and turned into a pool of blood. The unknown thing is the most fearful. The elder’s words obviously made other elders shrink, and they watched Gongsunxiong from hand to foot to body. Finally, I went to my head and slowly disappeared, naturally feeling scared.

"Don't talk about it, it was just an accident. It won't happen now."

Shen Tugang has a well-thought-out saying that the earth-shattering war has ended, and the **** rain has fallen, which means that the previous surprise has ended. In order to stabilize the hearts of other warriors present, he took the initiative to throw a sword at Lingdao.

Even if it is just a sword, it is also a blow to Tianjun’s peak. Don’t say that the heavens and the earth are at their peak. Even if the king is to be killed by his sword, the attention of other elders is placed on Shen Tugang’s body. Just turned into a pool of blood, they must no longer control the road, turn around and leave.

"Don't be a monk, even a shot to a junior, but also a face."

The madman suddenly came to Lingdao, and a pair of fists hit him, blocking a sword that Shen Tugang had pulled out. He was able to counter Gongsunxiong and resist Shen Tugang’s swordsmanship. Naturally, there was no problem. Shen Tugang was a double-sword gate. Too elders, only with the use of double swords, can show all his strength.

"This is too much to know that you will shoot, the sword for the juniors, just to guide you, you and I will fight at high altitude."

As long as Shen Tugang can contain the madman, entangle the madman, other elders and disciples, want to get rid of Lingdao, easily, the madman will certainly not agree, anyone knows the intention of Shen Tugang, the silver gun alliance and the double sword The doormen have a lot of people, and they have made it clear that the bully is a madman and a fist is hard to beat.

"The elders of the paragraph promised him, and others can handle it."

To the surprise of the madman, Lingdao even said to him that in addition to Shen Tugang, there are more than 30 elders in the Yinmeng League and Shuangjianmen, and a person in the Lingdao District is a martial artist. How is it handled?

Not to mention the elders, just so many young disciples, are enough to kill the Lingdao, Zhang Mingyuan forced Lingdao to use the transmission symbol, if Zuo Jian and Jian Yi shot, Lingdao certainly can not beat, however, the paragraph madman is still the choice I believe that Lingdao, because Lingdao can not die.

"Okay, then it's a win."

The answer of the paragraph madman is obviously to make Shen Tugang very surprised. Shen Tugang was surprised to see a madman. Is it true that the madman is not going to save the Tao, or is the other elders of Wan Fuzong already back?

It’s not Shen Tu’s doubts, but the performance of the madman. It’s too unexpected. It’s just that Shen Tu didn’t know that the madman himself was thinking about how Lingdao should deal with so many elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate.

Whether it is a madman or a Shen Tugang, they are not flying too high. They all want to see what happens next. Although the madman believes in Lingdao, he still worried that if Lingdao has Danger, he will definitely go on rescue.

"If you want to kill me, let's go together."

After that drop of blood into Ling Dao’s body, Ling Dao felt that he had the power to make ends meet. What surprised him even more was that his cultivation had been promoted for a short time. Now he is already the peak of Tian Jun. The realm is no worse than Shen Tu.

"The lord really worked hard, not only let the young masters through the crisis, but also let the young master first feel the realm of Tianjun."

Really understand all the circumstances, only the old man hiding in the dark, now Lingdao can become the peak of the half-time Tianjun, after half an hour, Lingdao will restore the original shape, the old man would like to see, the peak of the Tianjun How is the strength?

He has not seen Lingdao, and he does not understand the past and present life of Lingdao. He does not even know about the reincarnation of the tree. In his view, Lingdao’s own realm is only the peak of heaven and earth, even if it rises to the peak of Tianjun. It’s good to be able to play the mid-term.

Just like a junior high school student, he suddenly sent him a high school diploma. He couldn't master the knowledge of high school. Lingdao only has the peak of heaven and earth. Even if it is cultivated to skyrocket, it is impossible to use the Tao.

"A big tone, do you have to deal with it, I am enough."

The strength of Lingdao should be weaker than Zhang Ming. The double sword gate and Zhang Mingyuan are the same as the predecessor of the warriors. The younger generation of Shuangjianmen, except Jianyi, is his strongest.

When he applied the swordsmanship and attacked Lingdao, he clearly saw the disdain in Lingdao’s eyes. Even if he used the swordsman he was good at, he was also full of loopholes in Lingdao’s eyes, let alone The current Lingdao is already the peak of Tianjun.

Just a palm of your hand, the majestic palm power is enough to smash all the swords. It is impossible for Lingdao to maintain the current cultivation for a long time. Naturally, it will not waste time. After his palm crushes all the swords, it is a bomb. In the body of the former warrior.

The Heavenly Warrior’s former warrior was dead or alive. Lingdao didn’t look at it. The elders of the Double Sword Gate and the Silver Gun Alliance refused to take the shot. Then he took the initiative to go to the elders and forced them to shoot. Now his The realm is even higher than those elders, and there is naturally no problem in dealing with them.

In fact, for the realm of Tianjun, Lingdao is familiar with all the Heavenly Kings present. He is the Tenth Heavenly King, and every world is the peak of Tianjun. Now even if Gongsunxiong is in front of him, he is not his opponent. Moreover, these are not the peaks of the king.

"A big handprint."

Lingdao’s domineering shot was very arrogant, because his palm prints, covering the sky, and shrouded all the elders of the Sword Gate and the Silver Gun League. He did not have to deal with an elder, nor did he have to deal with the two elders. It is to fight with more than 30 elders.

After becoming the peak of Tianjun, his large handprints were much stronger than the previous powers. The huge palm prints included the splendid mountains and rivers, which obscured the sun and the moon, and gave birth to the stars and smashed thousands of miles. Void...

"How could he suddenly become so powerful."

"Whoever wants to tell me that he only has the peak of heaven and earth, I can't kill him. Is this the strength of the heavenly people?"

"Just kidding, I clearly think that he is like the elders in the realm of the elders. Is it that I have an illusion or that the world is crazy?"

The silver guns and the elders of the Shuangjianmen were all at a loss, and Lingdao only had the peak of the heavens. It was the consensus of all people, but now, the big handprints of Lingdao’s display are enough to kill Tianjun, Tianren. Even if the martial arts martial arts are enchanting, it is impossible to kill Tianjun, and even the anti-balance Tianjun can't do it.

Not to mention the Emperor, even when the Emperor met the Heavenly King in the peak of the heavens and the humans, he only had the means to escape, and he couldn’t escape. It’s still two different things. Now Lingdao only uses a martial art, so he is present. All the elders feel the threat, and his fighting power is naturally outrageous.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's take it together."

"This kid is too evil. Before the grandson and grandson took the shot, he was transformed into a pool of blood by the invisible power. Now he is using martial arts to threaten us."

Even the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen are eagerly awaited. The young disciples are naturally dumbfounded. They can feel the terrible power of the big handprints. If they let them resist, even if all the young disciples join hands, it must be Will be beaten into powder, even the body can not be left intact.

The elders of the Silver Gun Alliance took out the long guns and displayed the guns of a low level. The elders of the Double Sword Gates were also unwilling to lag behind. They held their swords in both hands and applied the swordsmanship in the double swordsmen. More than 30 Tianjun Together, even Gong Gongxiong or Shen Tugang can only avoid the edge.

However, Lingdao not only did not retreat from the meaning of Sanshe, but the warfare skyrocketed. His big hands, like the power of destroying the earth, were photographed again and again to the elders of the Sword Gate and the Silver Gun League. Even if the elders present have already taken out the weapons, he is still a hand-painted handprint.

A pair of palm prints, hit the ground gun, hit the sword, some elders have begun to cough up blood, even if they join hands, still lost to Lingdao, if they are alone, they may be a face-to-face, they will be Ling The road kills, and there is no place to die.

"too terrifying."

All the young disciples of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen couldn’t help but go backwards. The farther away from the Lingdao, the better. Especially the disciples who had previously satirized Lingdao, even scared the emperor to retreat, for fear that Lingdao is now looking for them. Accounting,

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