The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 80: Big kill

In the past, even if Lingdao used the cover of the sky, it was also subject to cultivation, and it could not show a stronger power. Now he has a short period of time, and he is naturally enjoying the show. Even a group of Tianjun are His palm prints are going backwards.

"Is there any ban on the law, which can make people rise from the peak of the heavens to the peak of the heavens in a short time?"

After the Heavenly Kingdom, it is the Heavenly Boundary, and then the Heavenly Kingdom, followed by the Heavenly King, and finally the Heavenly Kingdom, which continuously crosses the four realms. It is just like a myth, let alone the four powers have no such law. Even a power is impossible.

"What a joke, do you see his mastery of power, like an instant raising of four realms?"

An elder of the Silver Gun League couldn't help but anger, let alone cross the four realms in a row. Even if they let them cross a big realm, they couldn't grasp the power they had at that time, but Lingdao was better than them. Still like Tianjun, the use of power makes them stunned.

"He is not a junior at all, but an old geek disguised. We are all cheated by him."

All kinds of speculations are there. It is really too ridiculous for Ling Dao’s performance, so that they can’t accept it at all. The previous Lingdao is not as good as Zhang Mingyuan. Now he is capable of pressing more than 30 Tianjun, the younger generation and him. It is even more incomparable.


Such a great opportunity, Lingdao will not miss it, and the big handprint will be strong again. After all, it is the martial arts of others. Wu Peng is the boxing method he created himself. Now he has the cultivation of the peak of Tianjun, and he must definitely improve it.鲲鹏拳.

The silver gun alliance and the double sword gate elders present, for Lingdao, are sparring, they join hands, the strength is not to be underestimated, if the road is the tenth heavenly king, now it is really not their opponent.

Lingdao seems to have become a human figure, and a pair of arms is like a huge wing. He swings his fists like a dragonfly, and the black and gold rays are intertwined. Thunder and lightning, storms and waves, like a huge fish. Rushing out of the water, the sky is dark, as if there is a huge bird, falling from the sky.

"Good horror boxing, I feel that I am already deep in the sea, and even the action is difficult."

"I seem to have seen Dapeng, and my wings have covered the entire sky."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry and fend off."

All the elders of the Silver Gun League and the Shuangjianmen are trying their best to shoot. No one dares to slack off. The Peng Peng, who is used by Ling Dao, has already triggered various visions. He is full of punches and punches. He will reincarnate the martial arts of the ninth round. Feelings are all incorporated into the Wu Peng boxing as much as possible, making the Wu Peng boxing more than a few times before.

The seemingly simple punch, straight and straight, but contains Lingdao's understanding of the boxing method, the understanding of the martial arts, this life he is indeed only the peak of the heavens, but his past life is the peak of the heavenly king, plus the ninth cycle, Naturally qualified to create a boxing method.

The madman and Shen Tugang who are fighting in the war are unconsciously stopped because the battle below is completely beyond their expectations. Shen Tugang originally thought that only the younger generation would kill the ridge. Hundreds of times.

Unexpectedly, all the Tianjuns present at the scene joined forces and lost to Lingdao. How far are those young disciples hiding far away, let alone playing with Lingdao, only the aftermath, they are unbearable, if Lingdao can Always keep the peak of the heavenly king, then the smoke cloud state is not allowed to let him cross.


One after another, the elders are retrogressed, and the bright red blood is spilled over the earth. They feel that they are not fighting with a person, but they are fighting with a group of 鲲鹏, 鲲鹏, which is one of the hegemons of the wilderness, even the current 鲲鹏族, There are very few forces that dare to provoke.

"We still want to kill him before, it won't be a bad brain."

Among the young disciples, some people trembled and said that Ling Dao’s demonstrated strength is enough to make most young disciples fear, and one manpower pressures more than 30 Tianjun. What kind of concept is this, even if they practice for a lifetime, they all It may not be able to surpass the current Lingdao.

"You a group of elders bully me and humiliate me, but also want to force me to the road. Since you want to kill me, then you will die."

Lingdao has completely adapted to the current realm. It is time for revenge. If he does not attract him, there is a madman to save him. Now he must have died in the hands of the young gunners of the Silver Gun League or Shuangjianmen. However, The young disciples are at most the executioners, and the real mastermind is the silver gun alliance and the double sword gate elders present.

It is impossible for him to kill all the silver gunmen and the elders of the double swordsmen, but to deal with the elders who had previously shown his enthusiasm, or to speak out to solve his elders, to deal with one less than the peak with his current strength. Tianjun is really a piece of cake.


The first silver **** elder who was attacked by Lingdao alone suddenly felt bad and retreated. However, everything was too late. Ling Dao’s exhibition was a smashing of Peng Peng, which is known as the fastest speed in the world. The speed is naturally unbelievable. Even the late Tianjun, can not see the trajectory of Lingdao.

At the same time as the elders of the Silver Gun Alliance, they had already stabbed the ground guns in their hands. Unfortunately, where the Peng Peng fists passed, the emptiness trembled, and everything that blocked the front was broken, even if it was a long gun. They are all punched by Lingdao and broken.

After smashing the ground rifle, the speed of the 鲲 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 前进 , , 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳 拳The silver gun squad elders are physically exploding, turning into the broken meat of the sky.


Lingdao said faintly, there was no emotion in the voice. He witnessed the silver gunmen’s elders being beaten by a punch. The rest of the elders were all trembled, and they could kill an elder with a punch. The strength of the battle is simply outrageous.

When Ling Dao looked at the second silver gun squad, he had not yet taken the shot. The elder couldn’t help but go backwards. The current Lingdao is even more terrifying than Shen Tugang and Gongsunxiong. The 36 elders joined forces. Can't suppress him, and he wants to kill one of the 36 elders, just like taking a bag.

"You don't want to mess around, can you say that you want to be an enemy of our entire silver gun alliance."

At the moment of life and death, the silver gun alliance elders also refused to lose face, even in the public to take the entire silver gun alliance to suppress a junior, fortunately, no one now dares to regard Lingdao as a junior, even if he is younger, his strength alone It is enough to attract the attention of all elders.

"It’s ridiculous, is it only that you, the silver gun lord, kill me, and I am not allowed to kill you, not that I want to be an enemy of your silver guns, but that you are to be enemies with me."

At the same time of speaking, Ling Dao has swooped over like a Peng Peng, not to mention that the silver gun squad is going backwards, even if it is running at the fastest speed, it is not as fast as the speed of the lingdao. Into other races, but also to enable practitioners to have the ability of those races.

If it is a ridiculous 诛 劲 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修meaning……

It’s not that other elders don’t want to save the silver gun squad, but they don’t have time. They haven’t responded yet. Lingdao has already come to the silver gun’s elders. Lingdao’s big hand is like a steel tong. The silver gun elders were firmly locked.

The squadron of the silver squad of the Tianjun level was like a chicken. He was stunned by Lingdao. Lingdao did not mean anything with him. He did not hesitate to crush his throat. It was not the silver gun elder. I don't want to resist, but there is no resistance at all.

"the second."

"The third."

"the fourth."


The voice of indifference sounds again and again. Every time Lingdao opens, it means that a monarch is falling, he is murderous, even if the elders are present, no one can stop him, who he wants to kill, just For a moment, there is no delay in what time.

"Damn, you must stop him."

In the high air, Shen Tugang’s face was blue and green, and the battle below was something he had never dreamed of. A group of elders of the Tianjun level turned out to be fish on the chopping board, and they were slaughtered. Lingdao was like a tiger into a flock. No, there are no tigers.

"Think of it, dream."

Previously, the purpose of Shen Tugang was to entangle the madman, but now everything is reversed. The elders who Shen Shou just wanted to save the Sword Gate were stopped by the madman, the strength of the madman. It was also a surprise to Shen Tugang.

The ancient ruins are clearly revealed. There are not only broken walls, earthy land, but also broken bricks and even blood-stained swords. All the swords of Shen Tugang’s swords are on the ruins. .

Unfortunately, in the end, Shen Tugang still got rid of the madman, not the madman's strength is not good, but the madman's body has gone out of the situation. Previously, the drop of blood destroyed the sin, but the previous madman swallowed a little scent. power.

Lingdao is because it absorbs that drop of blood, and then it can remove all the power of the immortalization in the body. The madman is not so lucky. Now the power of the fairy singer erupts from the inside out, making him pale and on the forehead. Dissatisfied with the sweat of the beans.

The pain of the body's desire to break, so that the madman couldn't help but squat up. If it was before, Shen Tugang would definitely not let such a great opportunity. Even if he couldn't kill a madman, he would have to break the madman, but now, Shen Tugang Just want to stop Lingdao, so as not to have more of the double swordsmen to die.


Shen Tugang just yelled, but he was already in front of Ling Dao. He held the sword in both hands and pulled out at the same time. It was like two dragons entangled together, thousands of swords and swords. Submerged, like an ancient beast, swallowing Lingdao.

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