The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 81: Sensational effect


Lingdao said coldly, the sound waves are like giant hammers, smashing all the swords and smashing the swords of Shen Tugang. Now, like Shen Zuogang’s realm, he is naturally not afraid of Shen Tugang, with his control over the source. For the understanding of the Tao, Shen Tugang is not half as good as him.

Of course, he can't beat Shen Tugang just by sound. After the sound wave crushes Jianqi, he is like a thunderbolt. He came to Shen Tugang in an instant, and a pair of fists smashed on a sword to let Shen Tu I just felt the power of extreme tyranny.

Kuangpeng Boxing is played, and the nine roads are like real dragons. They are rampant. When they pass by, they are like bamboo. Every way is condensed to the extreme. Nine roads are the same, even if they are immersed in the peak of Tianjun’s peak for thousands of years. Just, it is completely impossible to compete.

Shen Tugang's body is like a sack, flying out, just a face-to-face, Shen Tugang is defeated to Lingdao, of course, Lingdao wants to kill Shen Tugang, not so simple, fortunately his goal is not Shen Tugang, but not a long-sworded elder.

The flesh is like a real dragon, and the speed is like Peng Peng. At this time, Ling Dao seems to have become a Shura to kill God. Where to go, where is the blood of Tian Jun, the earth has been dyed red, even Shen Tugang is unstoppable. In the footsteps of Lingdao, ask other people who can be the opponents of Lingdao.

Let the remaining elders breathe a sigh of relief, Lingdao did not continue to shoot them, but rushed to the side of the madman, he carefully observed a bit, it is to understand the situation of the madman, without any hesitation, he directly The operation is quite ridiculous, and the power of the madman's body is absorbed into his body.

The situation of the madman, the rapid improvement, the situation of Lingdao, became very poor, originally, became the peak of Tianjun, can last for half an hour, now he absorbs the power of the fairy, the power of that drop of blood is consumed, Help him remove the power of the fairy.

It is precisely because of this that the realm of Lingdao, the rapid fall, in a short period of time has restored the original peak of the natural world, not only that, the previous is equal to the power overdraft, now Lingdao feels very tired, even standing at high altitude They are very difficult.

His eyelids seem to be close to the general. If he is not strong, he may have fallen asleep. When he is in such a realm, even if he does not sleep for a few years, there will be no problem, if not tired to the limit, It won't be like this now.

"If you are tired, sleep, I will take you back to Wan Fuzong."

The madman has returned to normal. He is holding Lingdao. He is afraid that Lingdao will plant it. Lingdao saw a madman and determined that after the madman was fine, he fell asleep and had a madman protection. The remaining double swords The door and the silver guns elders should have no way to take them.

For him, saving the madman is definitely more important than the elders who killed the silver gun alliance and the double sword gate. So he did not hesitate to get rid of the silver gun alliance and the double sword gate elders. The enemy can report it later, if it is a madman In the event of an accident, he will certainly be guilty for a lifetime.

Originally, the Shuangjianmen and the Silver Gun League each came with 18 elders and one elder elder. Now there are only nine elders left in the silver gun league. There are only 12 elders and one too. Elders, whether it is the Silver Gun Alliance or the Double Sword Gate, the trip to the Mountain of the Mountain is a great loss.

They should be glad that if the madman’s body is out of shape and Lingdao continues to kill, they will only die more. It’s just less than a quarter of an hour. Lingdao killed the nine elders of the Silver Gun Alliance. The six elders of Shuangjianmen are full of fifteen elders.

In the previous trip to the mountain of the funeral mountain, the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate did not have such a huge loss. The fifteen Tianjun, each of them are highly experienced, and the combat experience is extremely rich. Unfortunately, they are in Lingdao. In front of them, they can't be beaten. As long as they are in the blink of an eye, Lingdao can kill one of them.

Even if Lingdao is already drowsy, the elders have no meaning for Lingdao. They have already feared Lingdao. They can’t wait for the madman to leave with Lingdao. They have never seen a strong person like Lingdao. , waved, you can kill them.

They are the elders of the three strongest four-powers in Yanzhou, and the strongest in the Tianjun class. They are always high, but their lives and deaths are in the hands of Lingdao. Lingdao wants them to die. Then they can't live for a while.

The madman left with Lingdao, and there was no elders blocking it. Even the elders, who wanted to kill whoever killed them, those young disciples would have no courage to shoot on Lingdao. Now they will not treat Lingdao as a A young disciple, but an old monster who doesn't know how many years have lived.

"I don't feel right, how do I feel that his realm has been falling before, and finally stopped at the peak of the heavens."

"Did he have eaten any treasures of heaven and earth before, and he has raised the realm to the peak of Tianjun in a short time."

There is no secret law, you can improve the four realms, they can only guess, Lingdao is taking what Tiandi treasure, although they do not know what is the treasure of heaven, can raise the military to four realms in a short time, But the heavens are vast, they don't know much.


"I don't know if the elders have succeeded. If he can save the Lingdao, then how good."

Even if you know that the madman wants to be in the hands of so many elders from the Silver Gun Alliance and the Sword Gate, it is very difficult to save the Lingdao. Xue Yi is still holding a hope. Lingdao is the most he has ever seen. Outstanding young disciple, Wan Fuzong for so many years, no young disciple can compete with Lingdao.

Some elders have some schadenfreudes, some feel deeply sorry, some don’t care at all. Lingdao is just a foreign disciple, and it has nothing to do with a group of elders. With Lingdao’s talent, the future will certainly become Wan Fuzong. The pillars of the pillars are of no benefit to them.

"I still want to come back, it’s just an idiotic dream."

Of course, Meng Yutang did not dare to say this in front of Xue Yi. He could only think about it in his heart. He is now only the inner disciple of Wan Fuzong. He must have some convergence, and then he will control the entire Wan Fuzong. Can do whatever they want.

"Second too, I also hope that Lingdao is fine, but we must face the reality, he has no possibility of surviving."

A Wan Fuzong elder elders said that if Ling Dao and Duan madmen died in the hands of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuang Jianmen elders, he would definitely be more happy. After Xue Yi listened to his words, he only sighed long. With one breath, I didn’t say much.

"How is it impossible?"

However, at this time, the madman was carrying Lingdao, coming from afar, no one blocked the madman. He came back naturally very fast. He has checked the body of Lingdao, just overworked and rested for a while. Time can be fully restored.

"Really, how come."

Even if I saw the madman carrying the lingering road, there are still many elders. I feel unbelievable. The silver guns and the double swordsmen have 36 elders present, plus a Shen Tugang, ask if the madman is How to bring the Lingdao back.

"What's up with him."

Xue Yi is quite excited. Lingdao can come back alive. Naturally, it is the best result. It’s just that the madman is carrying Lingdao. He is very worried that it will not be half-dead by the silver gunmen and the elders of Shuangjianmen. .

"Nothing, physical exhaustion, just sleep for a while."

The previous incident was too bizarre. The madman did not tell the other elders. Of course, even if he said, Lingdao killed nine silver gunmen and six elders, and the emperor Wan Fuzong, who was present, Certainly no one believes.

If you don't see it, you can't believe it yourself. After all, Lingdao is only a human being. It is separated from Tianjun and there are four big realms. No matter how you look, Lingdao is not an opponent of Tianjun, let alone killing ten. Five Heavenly Kings.

If Lingdao can always stay at the peak of Tianjun, then the silver gun alliance and the double-sword gate high-level, I am afraid that sleepy food is difficult, but fortunately, the elders of the Silver Gun League and the Shuangjianmen have already understood that Lingdao is only because of special circumstances. In order to have the repair of Tianjun Peak in a short time.

"It’s not an elder, it’s beyond my imagination."

"It is a miracle to be able to save Lingdao in the hands of so many elders."

"It’s good to come back alive. I am a younger generation of Wan Fuzong, but I can’t miss Lingdao.”

One by one, the elders of Wan Fuzong successively opened their mouths, and only they could continue to take Lingdao as a junior. If they saw the power of the previous Lingdao killing, they would not dare to evaluate Lingdao at random. And the elders of Shuangjianmen have been scared by Lingdao.

"The elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen are really waste. Since you can't get rid of Lingdao, you can only rely on myself."

Meng Yutang lowered his head, for fear that the madman noticed the killing of his eyes, whether it was the talent of Ling Dao or the reincarnation of the ninth century, Meng Yutang had to remove Ling Dao, he has already used Ling Dao as a stumbling block. In the eyes, the thorns in the meat, naturally do not allow Lingdao to live.

Whether it is Lin Jinfeng or Qiu Qiuchen, the assassination of Lingdao ended in failure. Even the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen Elders failed to kill Lingdao. They can only say that Lingdao’s life is too hard. Only in person, it is only safe to get rid of Lingdao.

"Go, let's go back quickly. If the silver guns and the elders of the double swordsmen catch up, it will be a bad thing."

Xue Yi took the initiative and did not make any rest. He took all the elders and young disciples of Wan Fuzong and rushed back to Wan Fuzong at the fastest speed. The madman laughed strangely, if Xue Yi knew the silver gun alliance and the double sword. The situation of the elders of the door is definitely not as tight as it is now.

Just in the three teams, when they rushed back to their own forces, the Silver Gun League, Wan Fuzong and Shuangjianmen had already blasted the pot. The things that happened in the Funeral Mountains have been passed back to the three major forces, and the reincarnation of the tree has been realized. The comparison is naturally the most exciting part.

"It is said that our silver gun alliance has gone through the seven world reincarnation and has reached the highest level ever."

In the past, the highest record of enlightenment under the reincarnation tree was the reincarnation of the Seventh World. Now that the Yin and the Evil have experienced the reincarnation of the Seventh World, the young disciples of the Silver Gun League naturally feel extremely proud, no matter what, innocent and their They are all disciples of the same power.

"Your news is too backward. The reincarnation of the Seventh World is only the best result of the past. This time, but there is a peerless genius who has experienced the reincarnation of the ninth century. What is the seventh round of reincarnation?"

The disciples of the three four-powerful forces often come together, and it is natural for them to brag about the reincarnation of the tree. In the past, when talking about the reincarnation of the tree, Wan Fuzong’s disciples could not lift their heads, but this time Differently, Wan Fuzong has the highest number of young disciples who have experienced the highest number of reincarnations.

"You have been in the news for a year. I have got the latest news. The Silver Gun Alliance has killed ten Heavenly Kings, and the Double Sword Gate has killed six Heavenly Kings."

The explosive news spread among the young disciples, all of them said that they did not believe, Tianjun was high, how could he die in 16 days, in a short time,

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