The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 82: Swear in the name of the god

Silver Gun Alliance, the main hall of the lord.

"Gongsun is too, is it really dead?"

When the remaining nine elders of the Silver Gun Alliance went back, the ally personally came out to meet, and the death of Gong Sunxiong and the nine elders will definitely attract the attention of the lords. Even the younger generation has received news, and the lord certainly cannot know.

However, the silver gun allies are not willing to believe that the ten Heavenly Kings are dying and the losses are too great, especially among them, there is also an elder who is too elder, even if the number of elders in the Silver Gun League is more than that of Wan Fuzong, but there are also many Limited, now the entire silver gun alliance is also five elders, and one must die.

"Tell this ally, what is the specific situation."

From the beginning to the end, the silver gun allies are sullen, and the nine elders who are alive are looking sad. Gongsunxiong and the nine elders are dead. Of course they have to show a sad look. Otherwise, who knows the lord. How will they be punished?

Originally, Yin Yin was abolished by Ling Dao, Gong Sunxiong can be responsible, but now, Gongsun Xiong died under the power of Huaxian, the black pot can only be their back, they will not be in the days of the Silver Gun League. So chic.

"Why don't you talk."

The nine elders looked at each other and did not know how to answer the questions of the lords. They themselves felt that the things they had experienced last time were too dreamy. Now tell the silver squad leader that the lord might believe it.

"Lord, my stomach hurts, can you leave first?"

An elder turned his eyes, and when he said it, the other elders were speechless to the extreme. Tianjun, who had long been insulted by the heat and cold, had a life span of thousands of years, and was disease-free and disaster-free. The elder had a stomachache as a reason. Not ridiculous.

"What the **** are you doing? I just asked a question. Can you still eat it?"

The more the nine elders do not say, the more the silver gun allies want to know the situation. If they say that they are all heavenly kings, even if they are punishable, they will not be able to kill them. It is already the high-end force of the Silver Gun Alliance. Secondly, they have not made any unforgivable mistakes.

"The lord, not that we don't say it, but that we say it, even we don't believe it ourselves."

One of the elders who had a good relationship with the silver gun alliance had no choice but to say what happened that day. The silver gun allies only got the news. In specific circumstances, they still have to tell that he is not exaggerating, not adding fuel, just one. The fifty-one ten said it.

In the hall of the lord, in addition to the nine elders, not only the silver gun ally, but also two other elders and five other elders, after listening to the elder’s remarks, they have different expressions, obviously one does not believe .

"You mean, Wan Fuzong's a heavenly person, who killed the nine elders of the Silver Gun Alliance, and the grandson is also killed by him."

The owner of the silver gun alliance has been trying to restrain himself. If he follows the temper of his past, he will take the former elders out early, and the heavenly people will be able to take what level of Tianbao Dibao to take in a short time. Upgrade to the peak of Tianjun.

Moreover, even the junior who is the peak of the heavens and the earth can become the peak of the heavenly king, and it is not too strong and outrageous. The thirty-six Tianjun teamed up, not even his opponent. Is he the reincarnation of the great emperor?

"Yin innocence is abolished, Zhang Mingyuan's death is not because of that kid."

The three silent people who are always silent can't help but sneer. His meaning is very obvious. It means that the nine elders pushed everything away to Lingdao in order to shirk their responsibilities. The heavens and the earth smashed the nine heavenly kings. What a ridiculous rhetoric.

"Three too, if you don't believe, you can ask other elders, why bother me."

The former elder was also a little angry. The other elders were stupid. He said the truth. Not only did he not believe it, but he still felt that he was shirking his responsibilities. If he was not scolding the status and strength of San Tai, he might have already Pull the gun too.

"Don't make a noise. Since you are telling the truth, then you will swear in the name of the god."

Sitting at the top of the big lady for the first time, the name is to do things and things old. In fact, he does not believe that the elders said that for the warriors above the king, swearing in the name of the gods means Tell a lie.

Don't say that the elder is just a heavenly king. Even Tian Zun, Sheng Wang, or even Dao Jun do not dare to swear in the name of the Tao. If a **** swears in the name of the Tao, he will kill anyone. If you are a murderer, then if you are really a murderer, you will really be killed by the Thunder.

"Well, I will swear in the name of the Tao. If I said it before, there is a half-word that makes me die."

He is also really mad, or else he will not make such a poisonous oath. As long as he is okay, it means that he is not imaginary. Even if the two elders and the other five elders don’t believe it, they have to Admit that he is telling the truth, they can doubt the elder, but they can't question the god.

"Well, this lord believes what you said, don't swear."

Even if the elder said that he was ridiculous, he swears in the name of the god. The silver gun allies understand that he is telling the truth. The name Lingdao is deeply recorded by the silver gun ally. How dare he has to find a way to get rid of it.

The events that took place in Shuangjianmen were similar to those of the Silver Gun Alliance. Even if Shen Tugang said this elder, the door owner and other elders of the elders did not believe it. Later, there was no way. Shen Tugang only swears in the name of the god, so Come, the Sword Gate and other elders have to believe.

When all the elders and the elders of the elders left, the Sword Gatekeeper secretly went to the back hill. There was an old man waiting for him. It was the pastoral who met with the monk hall every time. The big things that were planned before, even the elders of Shuangjianmen did not know.

"Shepherd, Wan Fuzong's disciple Ling Dao, do you understand?"

Even the mains of the double-sword gates call the old man a pastoralist. It seems very respectful. If other elders of the Sword Gate are present, they will be shocked, because the pastoral is the former Taishang of the double sword. Qian Qianshan, who died a hundred years ago.

"I know that the ancestral temple sent people to kill, I also found the killer of the death building, but his life is too hard, and now he is alive."

All the things of Lingdao, but whoever knows Qianshan, he told the owner of the double sword gate that the strength of Mu Qianshan must exceed the double sword gate, but in the overall situation, he is not as good as the double sword gate. The doorkeeper, how to deal with Lingdao, or handed the headache to the double sword door.

"After the last thing, Wan Fuzong will definitely regard Lingdao as a baby, and then want to kill him, very difficult."

If the Shuangjianmen appear as an outstanding young disciple like Lingdao, the Shuangjianmen will even send the elders to protect themselves. Even if Wan Fuzong despise the foreign sect, it is impossible to treat Lingdao as a normal disciple, or else Fuzong high-level is a group of idiots.

"Shepherd, I am calling you, not only to understand the situation of Lingdao, but also because I already have a way to let the temple get the approval of the stone carvings of Wan Fuzong."

Shortly after the birth of Mengzhutang, the main gate of the Shuangjianmen Gate was to hand over the monk to the pastor. Later, Muqianshan went to Wanfutang to become a disciple of Wan Fuzong. In fact, it was obscured. The church is the illegitimate child of the double sword gate, and is the best talent.

The two swordsmen and the other people have different ideas. The silver gun allies and the double swordsmen and the silver guns elders only want to destroy Wan Fuzong. What he wants to do is to control Wan Fuzong. The vassal of the double sword gate, the sword gate will be powerful.

In order to display his plan, he found a young woman, whether it is strong or using other means, in short, let them have his children, he among all the children, choose the best talent, and have a day The points were sent to Wan Fuzong and became a disciple of Wan Fuzong, taking power step by step.

The child he was chosen was Mengyutang. In fact, Mengzitang was more genius than he now showed. The strength of Mengyutang is far from what it is now. He only uses left-handed swords. Actually, He practiced two-handed swords.

Mu Qianshan, once the double sword gate, is very familiar with the swordsmanship of the double sword gate. Anyone who knows him, he has unreservedly taught to Meng Yutang, if it is a double sword The strength must be doubled at least, not even more.

"You will hand these two symbols to the ancestral hall, let him go to Wan Fuzong forbidden land after the use, and get the approval of those stone carvings."

In order to get Wan Fuzong, the two swordsmen had a good intention. The two symbols he took out now were obtained from a monument. According to his guess, it should be portrayed by a ancestor of Wan Fuzong. And still get two stone carvings approved.

The two symbols in his hand are the real dragon symbol and the idol symbol, not the attack symbol, nor the defensive symbol. It depicts the purest understanding of the true dragon stone carving and the imagic stone carving. The grace of Mengzitang is good. Together with these two symbols, it will inevitably lead to the recognition of two stone carvings.

"The doorkeeper is taking this seriously."

Mak Qianshan surprised him by taking two Fushun. Over the years, he has understood how difficult it is to get approval for nine moments. Mengyitang tried again and again, but unfortunately there has been no success, nine None of the stone carvings in the stone inscriptions recognized him.

"Can I still fool the pastoral?"

The double-sword doorkeeper smiled confidently, and the shepherd carefully took away the two symbols. Now, Wan Fuzong only has one core disciple, and he is recognized by two stone carvings. Xueling Yao has been cultivated as a future master. If Mengzitang is recognized by two stone carvings, the possibility of becoming a sovereign is not greater.

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