The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 103: What hate

The disciples of the Yueyue Temple and the disciples of the Gulei Temple did not dare to compete with the mysterious woman who was veiled. Even if she wanted all the spiritual stones, even if she was unwilling, they could only nod their promises on the surface. They treated Zuo Jian, The attitude of Jianyi and Lingdao is completely opposite to the mysterious woman.

How much is the veiled mysterious woman, how much they give, Ling Dao, Zuo Jian and Jian Yi, even if they want a small piece of will, they will not agree, Lin Ruinan asked how to distribute, in fact, mainly to discuss with Hongdu Ling Dao, Zuo Jian and Jian Yi have been excluded by him.

"How can we divide, the remaining half, we both continue to split half."

Hongduli said of course that he did not consider Jianyi, Lingdao and Zuojian, the size of a house, the mysterious woman who was covered in veil, and the disciple of Gu Leidian and the disciple of Baiyue Temple. one.

Previously, Hongdu and Lin Ruinan did not defeat Zuojian and Jianyi, but the Heavenly Warriors of the Yueyue Temple and the Gulei Hall did not shoot. If Hongdu and Lin Ruinan’s brothers shot, Zuo Jian and Jian Yi would lose, simply With a ridge, it is impossible to turn around.

"It seems that there must be one more."

Zuo Jian himself is a fighting madman. Before the battle with Hongdu, there is no victory or defeat. Naturally, he is not happy enough. He wants to get it. He is more eager to fight. Now he has to fight for the will, and naturally continue the previous battle.

"If you part of us, everyone is fine. If you don't give us at all, then fight."

Jianyi is also not a good person. Even if he faces the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple, there is no meaning of retreating. If he is strong, it is fundamental. He will blindly apprehend the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple. How big is it.

"You want to join hands, solve us first, then divide it again. I will tell you clearly, wait for the next three of us to shoot the disciples of the worship hall. Even if the disciples of the Gulei Temple are also shot, we will only worship the moon. Temple disciple."

After Lingdao finished, Zuo Jian and Jian Yi were all bright eyes. They had to say that Ling Dao was much smarter than them. They only had three people. If they were to deal with Gu Leidian disciples and worshippers, they would not see enough. It is much simpler to deal with one now.

Moreover, the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple are ready to join hands to deal with them. According to Lingdao, their alliance will not break. The disciples of Gu Leidian are happy to join hands with the disciples of the Yueyue Temple, but worship the temple. The disciple is not happy.

If it is really fighting, the disciples of Gu Leidian must be doing the same, let the disciples of the Yueyue Temple and Jianyi, Lingdao and Zuojian fight for you to die, even if Hong has the confidence to kill Zuojian and Jianyi, the loss will definitely not Small, after the fight for the will of the spiritual stone, the worshippers of the Moon Palace must face a big loss when facing the disciples of the Gulei Temple.

The reason why Lingdao chose to worship the moon disciples is because the disciples of the Yueyue Temple are more hostile to him. Moreover, the worship hall has already killed a disciple, leaving only three disciples, and it is easier to deal with than the Guleidian disciple. .

Jianyi, Zuojian and Lingdao, just one person to deal with one, as for Fang Hanyu who just joined the camp of the worshippers of the Moon, they were directly treated as air, and Fang Hanyu’s strength was originally worse, and the upper Hanyu had just been If you break your arm, it is important to heal yourself. Now it is not appropriate to do it.

"What do you mean, what kind of resentment we have with you."

Hongdu glanced at Lin Ruinan, who was gloating for the disaster, but he sneaked a sneak peek at Lingdao. The alliance between the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple was shattered because of the words of Lingdao. Lingdao used the righteous Yang. If they understand that Lingdao is deliberately calculating them, they have no way to crack them.

"You have to kill us, but I am so embarrassed to ask what hate and blame."

Left can't help but smile, even he is a little admired. It is definitely not an easy task to destroy the alliance between Gu Leidian disciple and Baiyuedian disciple in such a short period of time. At least he and the sword I did not think of a way.

"Whatever nonsense, you have to fight."

Jianyi is more direct. He has already held the two swords in his hands and is ready to go to war. His eyes are staring at the former disciple of the Heavenly Hall, and he is rising from his body. He is not joking, nor is he scaring people, but he really wants to start.

Originally it should be Jian Yi, Zuo Jian and Ling Dao’s headache. Now it’s a headache for Hongdu. The strength of Jian Yi and Zuo Jian and Ling Dao has been seen. He can’t beat Zuo Jian, his younger brother. It is not even a slinger. Even if his brother can defeat Jianyi, it will take some time.

This time to destroy the soul mountain range, the lineup of the Moon Hall is similar to that of the Gulei Hall. The disciples of the Moon Temple are headed by Hongdu. The other three disciples are two of his younger brothers, and the other is his brother. Now, he has only one younger brother, and another younger brother has died in the abyss.

The disciples of Gu Leidian are headed by Lin Ruinan. The other three disciples are also two younger brothers and one brother. However, they have not suffered any damage until now. If Lingdao proposes to deal with Gu Leidian disciples, it is not so easy.

"Do you want to attack the forces of yours for the forces you are in, and now you will be shot to the disciples of the Moon Palace. In the future, the forces you are in will be razed to the ground and will be wiped out."

Fang Hanyu, who had broken his arm, came out with a sullen look. His words made Zuo Jian and Jian’s face mad. They were not afraid of the worshippers of the Moon Temple. However, the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate were in front of the Moon Palace. It is simply unbearable.

If the Moon Palace is revenge, the Shuangjianmen and the Silver Gun League will indeed become history. The Yueyue Temple does not need to go out of the nest. If you just send a Tianzun elder, you can wipe out the Silver Gun League and the Double Sword Gate. Not to mention, Fang Hanyu is really hot, and even the monks can not match.

"Yes, right, if you dare to shoot us, turn back and let the elders razor the forces you are in."

Hongdu appreciatively looked at Fang Hanyu, suddenly let Fang Hanyu's excited face flush, what is the area of ​​Mengyutang, as long as he can get the appreciation of the worshippers of the Yueyue Temple, and even become a disciple of the worship of the moon, when the monk Compared with him.

"How to do."

Lingdao can not care about Wan Fuzong, Zuo Jian can not care about the silver gun alliance, Jianyi can not care about the double sword door, Lingdao has no feelings for Wan Fuzong, Zuo Jian is growing up in the silver gun alliance, Jianyi is also In the same way, if they do what they want, the silver guns and the double swords will be wiped out. Even if they are ghosts, they will not forgive themselves.

"Don't be so shameless, don't you have the courage to fight with us?"

Originally, the disciples of the Yueyue Temple had been chaotic, but because of Fang Hanyu’s words, they had restored their previous glory. Even with Hongdu’s look at Fang Hanyu, they felt that they were pleasing to the eye. Although Fang Hanyu’s strength was not good, his brain was quite good. of.

"Damn boy."

Hongdu hated Lingdao, but there was no way to take Lingdao. The veiled mysterious woman supported Lingdao. He couldn’t even kill Lingdao, let alone the killer of Lingdao, Fang Hanyu’s broken arm. This is an example. He doesn't want to be like Fang Hanyu, and maybe even worse.

"Jokes, can you only let us do it for us, can we not resist?"

For a long time, the sword was once again opened. The disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of the Yueyue Temple made it clear that they wanted his life. If he did not fight back in this case, then he was too stupid, would he be because of Fang Hanyu? In a word, let go of the double sword and let the disciples of the Moon Palace kill.

"The future things, I will talk about it later, it is still a battle now."

Zuo Jian was extremely angry. He did not work with Hong and did not work with Hongdu’s younger brother and brother. Instead, he held a long gun and stabbed Fang Hanyu in the distance. His strength was originally stronger than Fang Hanyu. Now Fang Hanyu is It is a broken arm, and its strength is not as good as it used to be, and it is even more impossible for him to be his opponent.

A long shot, with a cold luster, silver awning, sharp guns, Hongdu and his younger brother and brother, did not expect Zuo Jian will suddenly shoot, but also the other side of the Han Yu killer, they are just a **** Kung Fu, Zuo Jian is already killed in front of Fang Hanyu.

Lin Ruinan and other disciples of Gu Leidian, even if they can withstand Zuo Jian, they will not shoot. Anyway, Fang Hanyu is not a camp of them. Fang Hanyu’s life and death have nothing to do with them. Even at the crucial moment, Fang Hanyu may have broken their Good thing.

At the crucial moment, Fang Hanyu took out two guardian plaques in succession, which was able to block the attack of Zuojian. Unfortunately, Zuo Jian did not mean to stop, but fired again, killing the past with a more violent situation than before.


In any case, Fang Hanyu is now a camp of Hongdu. Hongdu can't really watch Fang Hanyu being killed. Hongdu used to play with Zuojian before, and they know each other. Hongdu thinks that he has stopped Zuojian. Not a problem.

"They have already started, why should we blink."

The sword has already targeted the disciples of the Tianyue Temple in the early days of the Moon. Now that Zuo Jian and Hong Du have already fought, he naturally can't wait, and the remaining one of the worshippers of the Moon Temple is handed over to Ling Dao. problem.

As for the safety of Lingdao, Zuo Jian and Jian Yi are not worried. In the first place, Ling Dao is a genius disciple of Wan Fuzong. It is a life of death and a relationship with them. Secondly, there is a veiled mysterious woman protection. Lingdao, ask who can kill Lingdao in front of her eyes.

"You first humiliate my younger brother, and then kill my younger brother, even if you can't kill you now, I want you to pay the price."

The remaining one of the worshippers of the Moon Temple is the brother who died the disciple. Although his strength is not comparable to that of Hongdu, there is no problem in dealing with Lingdao, but he does not know that Lingdao is already planning to take full action. Will Lingshi is very important to Lingdao.

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