The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 104: 诛你九族

The speed of Lingdao’s realm has been raised fast enough, but his physical strength is still far beyond his realm. The physical strength is also the same. Moreover, he is still the Tenth Heavenly King. The martial arts experience is not comparable to the military in the same territory.

In the absence of promotion of the realm, what he can think of is to raise the level of will. In any case, with the accumulation of his tenth Heavenly King, even if he masters the ninth will, there is no pressure at all. However, he wants to raise his will. Difficult, the spiritual stone in front of you is a great opportunity, of course you can't miss it.

"He challenged me, but lost to my hand, how is it that I am humiliated, he wants me to choose, but the result is that he is going out of his own, dead and what to do with me, you have to fight, then you can fight, why do you have to find something An excuse."

Even the Hongdu of the peak of the heavenly dynasty, Lingdao is not afraid, naturally will not be afraid of the younger brother of Hongdu, whether it is the practice, the martial arts experience, or the physical strength, Lingdao is far beyond Hongdu’s younger brother, if He still can't beat the younger brother of Hongdu, and he has been alive for so many years.

"If she didn't protect you, I would have broken your body for a long time."

Hongdu’s younger brother glanced at the mysterious woman standing in the distance, and let him breathe a sigh of relief. The mysterious woman was already refining the will stone, and did not interfere with his intention to fight with Lingdao. Even so, he still Do not dare to kill Lingdao, otherwise not only he is going to die, but even his elders may suffer.


His weapon is a scimitar. As a disciple of the worship of the moon, he must use the weapon of the land. The scimitar rotates in his hand. The knife is condensed into a round moon. It looks beautiful, but it is killing everywhere. If you are crossed by the moon, you will be broken in half.

Even if the physical strength of Lingdao is far superior to that of the same-minded warrior, if it is hit by the moon, it will be seriously injured if it is not dead. The practice of worshipping the disciples of the Moon Temple is related to the moon. Their strength at night is stronger than that during the day. cut.

Now it is just at night, a round of moon hangs in the vast sky, some are round moons, some are the moon, and the light emitted by each moon can at least illuminate a large territory, the heavens are three thousand, but the stars are even more The vastness is boundless.

Lingdao’s face is indifferent, and he does not care about the power of the moon. The attack is strong, and he has to hit the talent line. Otherwise, it’s all in vain. He’s stepping on the stars eight steps, each step is at least ten feet away, even if Hongdu’s younger brother The scimitar in the hand changed the attack trajectory again and again, and it was impossible to lock the ridge.

Hongdu’s younger brother is only in the late days of the Tianbing. Only the eighth will, it is impossible to lock the Lingdao. In addition, Lingdao’s movement speed is faster than him. His moonlight does not say that he hits Lingdao. It is simply that the shadow of Lingdao cannot be touched.

Once Lingdao is serious, his speed is enough to make Hongdu’s younger brothers out of reach. Lingdao has no meaning to play with Hongdu’s younger brother. Since he has already decided to fight, he will not be merciless. Hongdu’s younger brother is only because of Meng’s The mysterious woman with the veil does not kill him, otherwise he will definitely kill him.


Lingdao came to the head of Hongdu’s younger brother. His body was hung in the air, and a pair of fists slammed down. He was close to Hongdu’s younger brother, and his shot was fast. Hongdu’s younger brother wanted to avoid it. He could only resist it. .

In the view of Hongdu’s younger brother, there is absolutely no problem with the weapons of the ground to block the Lingdao in the early days of the Tianbing. Unfortunately, he still underestimated the Lingdao. Yes, Lingdao can’t break the weapons, but even if it’s With the weapons of the land, he can kill the young master of Hongdu.

The strength of the 8,000 dragons has surpassed that of Hongdu’s younger brother, plus the turn of the nine-turn dragon, the 56,000 dragons that broke out, and even the masters of the heavens who mastered the power of a dragon Have to retreat.

Such a powerful force, combined with the power of Kun Peng, hit the weapons of the land, and instantly rushed Hongdu’s younger brother into the mud. Hongdu’s younger brother only felt that a powerful force had penetrated him. In the body, it shattered his five internal organs, broke his veins and broke his bones.

It’s just a punch. Lingdao is breaking the body of Hongdu’s younger brother. Even if the will of Hongdu’s younger brother has not suffered any damage, now it’s impossible to continue with Lingdao. His body has been abolished, even ordinary. People are worse.

"Use your knife to end your life."

Lingdao picked up the scimitar of Hongdu’s younger brother. In the face of Hongdu’s younger brother, he flicked a little and made a crisp sound. Previously, Hongdu’s younger brother looked like a cocky actor, but he now looked down on Lingdao, but now he It is a look of fear, for fear of being killed by Lingdao.

"Brother, save me."

Hongdu’s younger brother used all his strength and screamed. He wanted Hongdu or Heaven’s former Zhouyuedian disciple to save him. He never thought about it before. He would have feared the disciples of the four powers. One day, and the realm of the four-powered disciple is even lower than him.

Whether it is the predecessor of the Heavenly Palace, or the Hongdu of the Tianbing dynasty, they are the younger brothers who have no spare power to save them. They both miscalculated the strength of Zuo Jian and Jian Yi, especially Jian Yi, who made a full effort. In the case of the former disciples, even if they were not intimidating to the moon, they did not show their disappointment.

"If you kill him, I will marry you nine people."

Hongdu’s brother said coldly, the disciple of Baiyue Temple who was hit by the Lingdao in the mud was his cousin. He wanted to save his cousin, but the sword was like crazy, and he kept attacking him. Don't even defend.

"Maniac, you are a madman."

Only the sword of the attack, naturally is not good to deal with, Hongdu’s brothers are mad at the martyrdom, but there is no way to take the sword. He really did not think that his cousin was so vulnerable in front of Lingdao. Born in the four-powered Lingdao, why is it so enchanting?

"Oh my nine people."

Lingdao couldn't help but smile. It was this time. Hongdu's brother even wanted to threaten him. It was simply stupid. The Yueyue Temple was just a three-powerful force in the Abandoned Clouds. He is a nine people.

"I don't want to be the most threatened. I could have spared you a life. Now, you still die."

Just finished, he swayed the butcher's knife and took down the head of Hongdu's younger brother. The broken arm can be connected, and the broken neck can't be continued. Unless it is enough, you can not be afraid of losing your head, otherwise you will be gone. The head is only the end of the body.

Hongdu’s younger brother’s eyes widened. He didn’t believe it when he died. Lingdao actually killed him. He was only born in the Lingdao of the four forces. In the end, he had the courage to dare to kill the disciples of the Moon Temple. Is it true that Lingdao is not afraid of revenge from the Moon Palace?

"You, ah, I want you to die."

Seeing that the cousin was killed, Hongdu’s brother was already red-eyed. He tried his best and shot it with one palm. He finally flew the sword. The sword was not heavy, he didn’t care, now he wants Do it, just kill the Lingdao.

"If he dies, I will kill you the Nine."

Just when Master Hongdu had just arrived at Lingdao’s body, the veiled mysterious woman said lightly, her voice was light and she couldn’t hear a little emotion. However, Hongdu’s brother stopped and walked. I dare not take the shot.

"But he killed my cousin, is that right?"

Master Hongdu’s hands clenched tightly, and the bright red blood flowed out of his palm. However, even if he was angry again, he talked with the veiled mysterious woman, he still maintained enough respect, even if the veiled mysterious woman wanted What he did made him very hateful, he didn't dare to complain.

"Your cousin is taller than him, and he is still in his hands. He can only say that your cousin is a waste."

The veiled mysterious woman did not care about the face of Hongdu’s brother, so it was so straightforward to say that Hongdu’s younger brother was a waste. However, the Hongdu brothers could not rebut, on the realm of his birth, his cousin was indeed better than Lingdao. high.

"When I get what I want, you want to kill him, I won't care."

She spoke again, finally letting Hongdu’s brother calm down. It turned out that Lingdao had only enough value in her heart. When the value of Lingdao was used up, Lingdao was worthless in her heart.

Even the disciples of Gu Leidian are a loose heart. The mysterious woman who was veiled is only to use Lingdao. They thought she was fascinated by Lingdao, and also, with her status, background, how It may be worth seeing a disciple of four forces.

"Now we are three people, you are two people, you still have to fight."

Although the sword is awkward, the war is unprecedentedly high. It can be compared with the predecessors of the Heavenly Palace. It gives him great inspiration. As long as he has enough time to let him digest the previous income, he will have Grasp the defeat and win.

"Who said that we only have two people. If you add me, although I am broken, I use the symbol, there is no problem."

The death of Hongdu’s younger brother, Hongdu and his brother may be heartbroken, Fang Hanyu will not be a little sad. On the contrary, Fang Hanyu is still stealing music in his heart. Now the worshippers of the Moon Temple are both Hongdu and his brothers, now he It can be fully integrated into the camp of the worshippers of the worship hall.

There are three people in the worship of the Moon Temple. Ling Dao, Jian Yi and Zuo Jian are also three people. Even if they are not comparable to Gu Leidian disciples, at least the number of them is the same. Now the camp of the worshippers of the Moon Temple is poor. Two people, Fang Hanyu naturally have to stand up and perform well.

"It's not that I dislike your strength, but I think you are just a dog."

Zuo Jian’s unrequited irony, the previous Fang Hanyu proposed to let the worshippers of the Moon Palace razed the silver guns to the ground. He naturally hated Fang Hanyu. Now he has the opportunity to mock the Fang Hanyu. He will certainly not be merciless.

"You don't insult the dog, the dog is very loyal."

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