The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 105: Living Lingshi

Zuo Jian’s words have already made Fang Hanyu’s forehead blue-strength jump, but unfortunately he has not waited for his rebuttal. Lingdao is the first to say that Zuo Jian and Ling Dao sang a sum, and almost squirmed Fang Han Yu’s vomiting blood, even the veiled mysterious woman I can't help but laugh.

Her laughter turned crisp, but listening to Fang Hanyu's ear, like a blue sky, even the anger of Fang Hanyu's heart was extinguished in an instant. Previously, he used the symbol of Tianjun refining for Lingdao. Punishment is a slap in the arm. If he is now killing the slinger, I am afraid that even if he dies, he does not know.

"Well, you are a strong left, and dare to humiliate me. I am not in harmony with you."

Fang Hanyu did not dare to kill the stalker. It does not mean that he did not dare to attack Zuojian. The veiled mysterious woman only protected Lingdao, Zuojian and Jianyi’s life and death. She could not manage it. He is indeed not the opponent of Zuo Jian, but with the help of Hongdu and Hongdu brothers, it is not impossible to kill Zuo Jian.

"Two, since they want to compete for the spiritual stone, it is better to remove them now, how."

At the same time of speaking, Fang Hanyu has taken out four symbols, all of which are sandwiched between the fingers. The symbol of Tianjun refining is indeed rare, but he has more refining symbols, but he loses an arm, even if he loses an arm. The activation symbol is not as convenient as before.

"No, wait until you go out."

Hongdu shook his head and did not continue to move with Zuojian. He and his brother wanted to kill Jianyi and Zuojian. It was definitely not an easy task. Even if you succeeded, the loss was great. The four disciples are all unscathed. They can leave two people in the temple. If Hongdu and his brother are injured again, they will fight with the Guleidian disciple.

The two disciples who died now are only the late days of the Heavenly Soldiers. They have little effect on Hongdu and his brothers. Even without the two younger brothers, they can still cope with the four young disciples of the Gulei Hall.

"okay then."

On the surface, Hongdu is the head. Since Hongdu is not going to start, his brother can only nod his head. Anyway, the man whose brother wants to kill is Lingdao. There is a veiled mysterious woman, his brother. It is impossible to kill the Lingdao.

Hongdu’s subtext is that after going out, Lingdao, Zuojian and Jianyi will be wiped out. As long as there is no veiled mysterious woman, Hongdu feels that it is not difficult to kill Lingdao. Guleidian disciple cannot For Lingdao, and they started.

"Why, don't you fight, how is the will stone?"

Lin Ruinan, who has been optimistic about the show, found that after the death of Hongdu and Hongdu’s brothers, he was quite disappointed. He also wanted to wait for the fight and then become a fisherman and get the most benefit. Now he is dead by a disciple. However, it has no effect on the overall strength of the worshippers.

The disciples of the worship of the moon, the disciples of the Gulei Temple, the real core strength, still in Hongdu and his brothers and Lin Ruinan and his brother, the previous war, Hong Du and his brother were not injured, Lin Ruinan and his brother did not take the grasp of Hong Du and his brother.

"How are you going to divide?"

Hongdu threw the problem to Lin Ruinan. If you want to fight, let the Guleidian disciple and Lingdao and others play. Since coming to this strange world, Hongdu has been unlucky. Think carefully because it is because of Lingdao. The younger brother died because of Lingdao. A younger brother was killed by Lingdao. He was also slapped because of Lingdao.

“It’s very simple, we’re three-way, and one person gets one-third.”

Lin Ruinan said generously that Hongdu almost thought it was wrong. Hongdu also counted Lingdao and others and Gu Leidian disciples to fight. I didn’t expect Lin Ruinan to be so embarrassed. Lin Ruinan promised to divide Lingdao and others. Stone, Lingdao and others naturally cannot fight with Gu Leidian disciples.

"If you have opinions, or if you don't want to give them, then you will solve them yourself, we don't care."

Looking at the smile on Lin Ruinan's face, Hong Du could not wait to step on his face. However, Hongdu can't object now. He can only bite his teeth and promise, not to separate some of the willing stones to Lingdao. Lin Ruinan can To do it, he can do the same.

"Their strength has been recognized by us, and I have no opinion on such an allocation."

Hongdu is finally learning, even if he wants to kill Lingdao, he will wait to leave this strange world and say that it is easy to kill a four-disciplinary disciple with his identity as a disciple of the moon.

"Actually, we don't lose money."

Now, in the temple of the moon, there are two people, Hongdu and his brothers. That is to say, they can get one-twelfth of the will of the will, and there are four disciples of the Guleidian. The spiritual stone that Lin Ruinan can get is simply It is impossible to have Hongduo.

Even if Lin Ruinan and his brothers can divide a part of the will, they must also give part of his two younger brothers. Lingdao, Jianyi and Zuojian are equally divided. Every one gets the will stone, and there is no Hongduo, so think. Hongdu is much more balanced.

"Time is precious, we will first get the will stone to collect, go back and refine."

Don't look at Lin Rui's southern mouth straightforwardly. In fact, he is more insidious than Hongdu. The reason why he said this is because he does not want to give Lingdao, Zuo Jian and Jian a time to refine the Will Stone, Ling Dao, Zuo Jian and Jian Yi The willing stones collected are not theirs after going out.

"Yes, you can't waste time on refining the will stone. After all, there are still a lot of wills in front."

Hongdu immediately understood the meaning of Lin Ruinan. Naturally, he raised his hands in favor. If Lingdao, Jianyi and Zuojian were refining, they would kill Lingdao, Jianyi and Zuojian, and they would not get them. Will stone.

"Yes, I will help you separate the will spirits, and you will collect them separately."

Just as Ling Dao, Zuo Jian and Jian Yi were preparing to oppose, the veiled mysterious woman spoke up. The three of them saw through Lin Ruinan’s and Hongdu’s intentions, but the veiled mysterious woman had promised that they would object, It will not have any effect.

I saw her taking out the short sword. It was only a moment, it was to separate the size of a house, and she was half cut, she was cut into three, and then two of them were divided into three equals. The other one is divided into four equal parts.

Gu Leidian’s two disciples in the late Tianbing period only collected one of them, and the other three gave Lin Ruinan and his brothers, Ling Dao, Jian Yi and Zuo Jian. There was no doubt that one person received one of them. Share.

After Hongdu and Hongdu’s brothers collected one copy, Fang Hanyu planned to take back another one. However, when Fang Hanyu’s hand had just touched the will stone, he was smashed by Hongdu. A glance.

"You are not my disciple of the moon, and the rest of the spiritual stone, should belong to my younger brother. Now I am kept by my brother and brother. You want to be a spiritual stone, and you can't give it to you."

In the end, Hongdu and his brothers are all looking down on Fang Hanyu. Fang Hanyu is a core disciple in Wan Fuzong, and he is also a disciple. His status is high, but he is like a disciple of Baiyue Temple, just like the difference between a cat and a tiger.


Under the roof, people have to bow their heads. No matter how Hongdu distributes the will stone, Fang Hanyu will not have any opinions. Ling Dao, Zuo Jian and Jian Yi are afraid that they will be ruined. If Hong does not intend to protect him. Then he absolutely died without a place of burial.

"Since it has been allocated, let's move on."

The veiled mysterious woman is in a good mood. The first piece of will, there is a house size, and there is a larger will stone in the back. Of course, no matter how many pieces of will stone, it is not comparable to her. Want to get something.

Unconsciously, they have walked from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, but they have never found any piece of will stone. They thought that there was a lot of spiritual will in front, and the result was nothing. It was really disappointing.

However, just when they are about to give up their hopes, there are a total of nine wills in front of them, each of which is a humanoid, and is a giant with a height of three feet, three feet is ten meters. .

If you look closely, it is like nine huge young beautiful women, standing in front of them, nine pieces of willing stone look, are nine different young women who look different, can it be said that these nine will be spiritual stones, it is nine The fox ancestors concise.

"There are only nine pieces of will, how many of us, how to divide."

After Lingdao killed a disciple of Baiyue Temple, now they only have eleven people. There are also Hongdu and his brothers in the Moon Hall, and Fang Hanyu, who joined later, and four Gurui Temples, Lingdao and Jianyi. And the three left and the mysterious woman veiled.

"Don't be busy with distribution. These nine wills are definitely not so good."

Every piece of will stone is a fascinating ray of light. Just when they are less than a hundred meters away from the stone of the will, the nine pieces of will stone seem to live, and it is only a spiritual stone. It actually moved now.

"Nine-tailed magic."

Lingdao secretly used the nine-tailed magic, not to attack others, but to communicate with nine pieces of will, the fox, has always been the nine-tailed fox, if the nine will be spiritual, there will be May choose him.

I have to say that Lingdao’s luck is really good. When I just used the nine-tailed black magic, there will be a willing stone to feel, and he came over to him. They are eleven, not all standing together. It is separated by a distance.

Now a piece of will stone comes to Lingdao, naturally it has attracted the attention of others. Although the nine pieces of will stone seem to live, but the other eight wills are only moving in place, even veiled. The mysterious woman is well-informed and is now incomprehensible.

"Sure enough, my charm is so great that even the stones can't resist, you can't envy."

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