The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 106: Fox, enchanting

"Sure enough, my charm is so great that even the stones can't resist, you can't envy."

If Lingdao is so narcissistic, let other people can't help but turn over and look at it. Lin Ruinan and Hongdu find that the veiled mysterious woman didn't intervene, and they all shot and prepared to take the human form willing to Lingdao. Lingshi.

Lin Ruinan and Hongdu care about the mysterious woman's opinion, but they don't pay much attention to Lingdao. They don't dare to kill Lingdao, just because the mysterious woman said that Lingdao still has value, and they are not allowed to do it. Otherwise, Lingdao Wan Fuzong alone How can the identity of the core disciples of the foreign sects scare them.

Not to mention the core disciples of Wan Fuzong, even the core disciples of the inner sect, for them, there is no difference between them and the ordinary people. The powerful three-product forces and the four-product forces are not at all a level. The former wants to destroy. The latter is also a matter of words.

"My Lingshi, do you want to grab it?"

Along the way, Lingdao rarely talked. The disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple must have thought that he was bullied. However, the disciples of the Yueyue Temple wanted to kill him twice, which also aroused his fierceness. Otherwise, he will not kill Hongdu’s younger brother on the spot.

Now the spirit of Lingshi Mingming is choosing him. Hongdu and Lin Ruinan did not say a word, they wanted to grab him. He naturally refused to accept it. The disciples of the Moon Temple and the disciples of Gu Leidian regarded him as cannon fodder. It was only their wishful thinking. He never used himself as a cannon fodder.

He finally showed his embarrassment in front of Hongdu and Lin Ruinan. Even though Hongdu and Lin Ruinan shot at the same time, he still did not fear. The strength of Lin Ruinan and Hongdu, he was already in the chest, even though both of them could cross the border. The enemy’s heavenly squadron is not as good as him.


The left fist hits the flood, and the right fist hits Lin Ruinan. The two fists are like Peng Peng. They suddenly flew out, and they disappeared in an instant. When the two fists appeared again, they had already reached Hongdu and Lin Ruinan.

Lingdao shots are slower than Lin Ruinan and Hong, but they are first and foremost, so Lin Ruinan and Hongdu are shocked. He uses Yuanyuan to derive the origin of light, let him punch the speed, and further, with the destruction of boxing. The eruption of the power is enough to make the Heavenly Hall and the Gulei Hall’s heavenly disciples move.

Hongdu is also good, Lin Ruinan is worth mentioning, it is too late to escape, can only be hard and smashing with Peng Peng, Ling Dao’s own physical strength is not weaker than Lin Ruinan and Hongdu, now he is showing the third turn of the third turn Dragon strength, so that the physical strength has skyrocketed three times.

If the seventh turn is applied, the physical load on his body is extremely great, only the third turn, it is not much impact, the power of 24,000 dragons is greater than that of Hongdu and Lin Ruinan. What's more, Kuang Peng Quan is the self-created by Ling Dao, the most suitable for him, and his personal display is extremely powerful.

Both Lin Ruinan and Hongdu could not stop the fierce fist shadows, and they all went backwards. Their faces were filled with incredible disciples of Wan Fuzong, Yinmengmeng and Shuangjianmen. In their eyes, they were just cannon fodder. The strength of Zuo Jian and Jian Yi is strong, just because they are high.

However, Ling Dao completely broke their cognition. The realm of Ling Dao is obviously lower than them. The origins are even more incomparable to them. Why are they now joining hands and not being the opponents of Ling Dao, just because they have not Do you shoot it all?

Looking at the way Lingdao, I have a lot of effort, I don’t want to come to the full force. Hongdu and Lin Ruinan did not continue to shoot, but seriously looked at Lingdao. They even guessed whether Lingdao hides the realm.

However, how can they both know that the practice of Lingdao cultivation is that there is no God's classics, and they are not comparable to them. The bloodlines of Lingdao are comparable to those of the emperor, not theirs, their ancestors, only It is Tianzun only, how can Tianzun fight the great emperor.

"How could this be the case, the two of them are not the opponents of Lingdao."

Lingdao defeated Hongdu and Lin Ruinan, the most unacceptable is Fang Hanyu, because Fang Hanyu is already in the early days of the Tianhui, and is still not the opponent of Hongdu and Lin Ruinan. However, Lingdao only has the Tianbing regime in the early stage, Hongdu and Lin Ruinan join hands. Lost to the road.

If Lingdao does not die, Fang Hanyu feels that he has never been able to fight Lingdao in his life. However, when Fang Hanyu looks at Hongdu, his eyes are bright, but he can’t fight Lingdao, but he only holds the moon hall. Thighs, not to let Lingdao die, can make Lingdao die.

Other worshippers of the Yueyue Temple and Gu Leidian disciples can not believe that Lingdao can defeat Hongdu and Lin Ruinan. They can only be comforted in psychological comfort. It is only a confrontation. If it is a life-and-death battle, Hongdu and Lin Ruinan will definitely be able to kill Lingdao. .

Only the veiled mysterious woman did not react, Hongdu and Lin Ruinan lost to Lingdao, although she was a little surprised, but it is also reasonable, a warrior who cultivated a wild and singular power, how could it be comparable to ordinary warriors.

"You are willing to follow me."

Lingdao did not take care of Hongdu and Lin Ruinan, but chatted with the spiritual spirits in front of him. Others were curious and looked over. The spirit of the spirit was already very strange. Can it be said that the will stone can still listen? Do not understand people.

Soon, their guess was a fact. Standing in front of Lingdao, the spirit of the will, nodded even, and even squatted, gave Lingdao a hug, let alone Lingdao dumbfounded, others They are all wide-eyed.

"Don't these spiritual spirits become fine."

What Lingdao did not think is that the stone of his will, which is constantly getting smaller, eventually becomes the size of a normal person. The previous will is too big, Lingdao has no feeling, now feels the chest. The softness, but the Lingdao is a burst of embarrassment.

"How can the stone be soft?"

Lingdao stretched out his hands and squeezed two of them in two soft places. It was delicate, soft and warm. It was no different from real people. It was not a stone at all. He did not notice that he was holding his will. Stone has long been a young woman who is alive and kicking.

"How, how do you feel?"

The sound is crisp and sound, but the other people are petrified, because the spirit of the stone can not only move, but also understand the human language, even open, beyond the imagination of all.

Even the veiled mysterious woman can't understand everything that happened in front of her. Is it true that after the long-term experience of the Will Stone, it can really not be cultivated, or else the young woman in front of her explanation.

"Not bad..."

Lingdao nodded and just wanted to praise it, but he noticed something was wrong, because there was only one woman among them, but this voice was not a veiled mysterious woman. Moreover, the voice came from him. Is it a spiritual stone?

"Hey, satyr, I am fighting with you."

Holding the young beauty of Lingdao, suddenly forced to force, it is a palm to the chest of Lingdao, the spirit of the stone is first to move, then the opening, and then the Lingdao, and the power is not small, out of Instinct, Lingdao quickly shot to resist.

The real dragon's illustrations slowly unfolded, and the young women's palms were all blocked. A pair of beautiful big eyes slammed into the ridge. The clear scorpion seemed to have two anger burning, just like the lingering road. A total of hatred of the sky, you have to fight with Lingdao to kill you.

"You are a ghost in the end."

Lingdao couldn’t help but wonder, he used it in the past, but he never heard that the Will Stone can be an adult, but also has a weak strength, just the casual one, the general The martial arts of the Tianbing dynasty must not be able to stop.

The disciples of the Yueyue Temple and the disciples of the Gulei Temple also came to the interest. Lingdao actually hit the spirit stone. They and Lingdao were only competing for the spiritual stone of the will. Now it is good, and the spiritual stone can actually do it with them.

"No, my name is enchanting."

Unexpectedly, the Will Stone has a name, and Lingdao feels strange that the enchanting is similar to the enchantress. He has also seen the enchantress’s sister, if not because the woman in front is will The spirit stone, he thought that the enchanting is also the sister or sister of the enchantress.

"How many years have you been practicing, and you have been petrified from the Will Spirit?"

Lingdao does not ask for okay. When asked about the enchanting, it is even more angry. Will the spiritual stone be able to cultivate adults, and the enchanting do not know, because she is not a spiritual stone, but the other eight will be able to move, but It is impossible to understand people's words, and it is even more impossible to become an adult.

"You are the adult of the Will, and I am sealed inside."

Perhaps it was because I hadn’t talked to others for a long time. After Ling Dao and the enchanting sang a few words, the anger in the enchanting eyes slowly dissipated. She had previously chosen Lingdao because she was familiar with Lingdao. breath.

Moreover, she was able to get out of trouble and break the seal. It was also because of Lingdao. Besides, Ling Dao was also her savior. Even she did not remember how many years she was sealed. Now she can come out, naturally thanks to Ling Dao. It was only a moment of anger.

"Seal, are you a fox?"

Since the enchanting is not the embodiment of the spirit of the will, and looks like the enchantress, Ling Dao certainly feels that she has a relationship with the enchantress.

"how do you know."

The enchanting counter-report, obviously agrees with Ling Dao, she did come out of the Fox family, but she came to this strange world by chance, and unfortunately, she wants to refine a piece of will stone, the result It was sealed inside.

"Yes, your body, why do you have a familiar atmosphere, have you touched my sister?"

Sure enough, the next question of the enchanting, let Lingdao understand that she really has a relationship with the enchantress and the demon, but now, when it is not the old time, other people have already gone to the other eight wills, it seems that Ready to fight for the will,

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