The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 107: Have you ignored this holy woman?

"Where are the other eight wills, is it the same as you?"

The spirit stone can seal others, Lingdao is the first time I heard it, but the enchanting can't lie to him. After all, the enchanting is a living example. The reason why the enchanting ancestors clung to Lingdao was to use the ridge and break. Drop the seal.

The blame and blessings have been sealed for so many years, and the enchanting is not the benefit of all. The seal of her will has been completely refining. She now has the ninth will and continually breaks through. sign.

"Of course not the same, they are the real will."

The enchanting shook his head, nine pieces of will stone, only she was fake, the other is true, and now the disciples of the worship of the moon and the disciples of the Gulei Temple are actually testing the eight pieces of will stone, naturally it is a demon Jiao Jiao laughed again and again.

Lin Ruinan and Hongdu and others are all stunned and stunned. It’s a very stupid thing to try out eight pieces of will stone. Only fools will do it, but the previous things are too strange to let them Suspicious.

Although they have already reached the top of the eight wills, they always pay attention to the situation of Lingdao. With their realm, such a distance, it is naturally nothing, the dialogue between the enchanting and the Lingdao, they hear clearly. Chu.

"I take half, the remaining half, you distribute it yourself."

The veiled mysterious woman slowly opened her mouth. In the previous house, she was half-sized. Now she has eight humanoids, and she wants half of it. However, the worshippers of the moon and the temple of Gulei Disciples are dare to anger and dare not speak, they do not have the courage to fight for mysterious women.

Three thousand territories of the heavens, the ranks are strict, the four powers can't compete with the three powers, the three forces can't fight with the higher quality, the mysterious woman with the veil, the scary people, the moon palace and the ancient The elders of Lei Dian are respectful to her.

"Well, the remaining four humanoids will be spiritual, we will divide."

Hongdu and Lin Ruinan both nodded and promised that the veiled mysterious woman was overbearing, but each time they left enough spiritual stones for them, in any case, the mysterious women brought them in. Although they are in danger of losing their lives, gains and risks coexist.

"Slow, eight pieces of will stone are mine, I intend to give the big color wolf, what qualifications do you have to distribute."

The mysterious woman had four humanoid spirits, and there was no opinion from the disciples of the Moon Temple. The disciples of the Gulei Temple had no opinions. Zuo Jian and Jian Yi and even Ling Dao had no opinions. However, it does not mean that everyone has no opinion. The enchanting is to take the initiative to refute.

The enchanting singer pushed the ridge to the cusp of the cusp, so that the disciples of Gu Leidian, the disciples of the Yueyue Temple and the veiled mysterious woman all stood on the opposite side of Lingdao. Lingdao wanted to get eight pieces of will, except for the enchanting Agree, other people present will definitely not agree.

Don’t look at Zuo Jian and Jian Yi and Ling Dao’s camp. If Ling Dao only swallows eight humanoid wills, they will not agree. Now Zuo Jian, Jian Yi, Gu Lei Dian disciples and Baiyue Dian disciples are all facing Lingdao looked over and they all wanted to know what Lingdao planned to do.

"Hero, can you deal with all of them?"

On the beauty, the enchanting is absolutely one-of-a-kind. Even if it is compared to Xue Lingyao and Butterfly Dance, at most, it is a half-finished one. However, her strength, Lingdao is not at the end, if she is The king of heaven, the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of the worship of the moon are not enough.

"Can't you, or do you think that I will give you eight pieces of humanoid wills? Can I not refine myself?"

The enchanting eyes blinked, and said pitifully, Ling Dao’s forehead was covered with black lines. It seems that the enchanting is to use him as a shield. However, after all, he only has a day in the early days, and it is impossible to deal with other people present. people.

Both Gulei Hall and Baiyue Hall are present in the early days of the disciples, and there is also a mysterious woman who does not know the depths. Even if Lingdao is fully committed, there is no chance of winning. He wants to swallow eight humanoid wills, obviously no What hope.

"Two, since we are allies, will you help me?"

Ling Dao looked at Zuo Jian and Jian Yi. Both of them were in the early days of the Tian dynasty. They stopped the ancient Lei Lei Temple and the worship of the Moon Temple. There is no problem, even if it is not good, Gu Lei Temple and the Moon. It is also difficult for the disciples of the temple to kill them in the early days.

It is only the two warriors of Hongdu, Lin Ruinan, Fang Hanyu and Baiyue Temple. Lingdao is sure to cope with it. What really makes Lingdao a headache is the mysterious woman who knows the depth, even if Zuo Jian and Jian Yiken Help him, he can't deal with the veiled mysterious woman.

Moreover, in any case, the veiled mysterious woman also helped Lingdao several times. Lingdao is not a ungrateful person. Even if the veiled mysterious woman helps him just because he has value, he can’t Shoot her.

"Help you, eight human figures will give me two."

"What he said is what I want to say."

Zuo Jian and Jian Yi are not easy to be with their generations. Now they are arrogant and robbery. There are eight pieces of will stone. They open their mouths to ask for half. They don’t want more, but they understand that they are swearing. All for Lingdao, when you are sure to find Lingdao to be half.

The reason why they want two humanoid wills, is to think of them and Lingdao and enchanting, one person and two, have to say that their appetite is very big, do not say that Lingdao refused to agree, even the demon They are all shaking their heads.

"If you want to be beautiful, how can you divide you half?"

The enchanting grin, did not consider her and Lingdao's situation, but Lingdao did not stop, because the requirements of Zuo Jian and Jian Yi were indeed too much. After all, according to the previous distribution, Zuo Jian and Jian Jian together Humanoid will not get the stone.

"I will give you four humanoid wills, and what will be left to us."

Lingdao did not take care of Zuo Jian and Jian Yi, but looked at the veiled mysterious woman. All the warriors present, whoever is the strongest, is obviously a veiled mysterious woman. The reason why he gave her half On the one hand, it is to repay, on the other hand, it is equal to her alliance.

As the enchanting said, the eight humanoid spirits are the Lord's things. As long as the veiled mysterious woman accepts four humanoid wills, it means taking the linguistic feelings and the other four wills. Lingshi, she will help Lingdao fight.

"Okay, that's it."

Sure enough, the veiled mysterious woman nodded directly and promised that the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple had no place in her heart at all. Wan Fuzong, Shuangjianmen and Yinjumeng disciples were in Gulei Hall and The disciples of the worshippers in the moon are the cannon fodder, but in the eyes of the mysterious woman, it is not the cannon fodder.

"Have you asked us for your opinion?"

Lin Ruinan did not dare to find trouble with the veiled mysterious woman. It does not mean that he could not find the trouble of Lingdao. The four humanoid wills of the veiled mysterious woman will not manage it, but the four humanoids obtained by Lingdao Willing stone, he is going to fight for it.

"Sorry, you don't give us any benefit, then our alliance will stop here."

"The human form will be spiritual, we can't give up, see the real chapter under the hand."

Zuo Jian and Jian Yi successively said that they and Ling Dao, because the interests came together, and now because of the interests, they became the opposite. In any case, Wan Fuzong and the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Swordsmen had their enmity. They also did the same. Not surprisingly.

"Hey, I just want to see, just rely on you alone, how to fight with us."

Fang Hanyu sneered, and now everyone has to shoot on Lingdao. He is naturally very excited. Although he can't kill Lingdao, he will torture the road and there should be no problem. Lingdao is even stronger. Can it still be an enemy?

"Without your arm, do you ignore this holy woman?"

The enchanting don't know the name of Fang Hanyu, and directly called him to lack his arm. He suddenly let Fang Hanyu scream and lose an arm. For the other side, Han Yu is a shameful shame. However, he can't find revenge for the veiled mysterious woman. All hatred has poured into Lingdao.

"Hey, wait for you to take it, let you beg for mercy under me, and when you see it, you still laugh and laugh."

Fang Hanyu’s words made the disciples of the worshippers of the Moon and the disciples of Gu Leidian bright. Although there are young and beautiful female disciples in the Yueyue Hall and Gulei Hall, they are worse than the enchanting, especially the enchanting laughter. When I got up, it was full of invisible charm.

Don't look at the enchanting looks, it's a little worse than Xueling Yao and Butterfly Dance, but she laughs more than Xueling Yao and Butterfly Dance. If she can take the enchanting, then enjoy it. Inevitably cool to the extreme, the disciples of the Moon Temple and the disciples of Gu Leidian, all ones are tempted.

"The saint."

The veiled mysterious woman is looking at the enchanting, only the holy place has a saint, dare to become a holy place, must be the power created by the great emperor, can it be said that the enchanting birth in a holy place, or she is self-proclaimed.

"A group of hateful guys, you think you can get me."

The enchanting bears her hands and looks like the world. It seems that she has not put the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple in her eyes. Her body has a sacred atmosphere, which is unattainable. .

"The big satyr, what are you doing, give me a shot and take them down."

Just when Lingdao thought that the enchanting was ready to start, the next sentence of the enchanting, but let Lingdao almost a smash, fell to the ground, enchanting smile, then hid behind the Lingdao, The appearance of a good-looking drama, even the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of the worship of the moon, all thought that the previous scene was an illusion.

"You take advantage of me, always have a good performance. If you perform well, I can still let you touch it again. How about it, it is enough for you."

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