The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Look at this princess

"Do you believe that I will take you down first."

Lingdao said with anger, the enchanting woman actually planned to let him deal with the disciples of the worship hall and the disciples of Gu Leidian. His realm is the lowest in the field. Now he wants him to cope with the other nine players. It is impossible. thing.

If the enchanting wants to be a spiritual stone, it must be hands-on, and it is unrealistic to sit and enjoy it. Although Lingdao does not know the specific realm of enchanting, but wants to deal with Hongdu and Lin Ruinan, it should not be a problem, they are joining hands, or A little hope to compete against the other nine warriors, just want to win and win, there is no hope.

The veiled mysterious woman did not rush to open her mouth. Lingdao gave her four humanoid wills. She must help Lingdao, but the enchanting self-proclaimed the saint, she wants to see, the enchanting What kind of skill.

Once the enchanting shot, she has the grasp of the enchanting origins. She read the ancient books and studied the exercises of various major forces at an early age. On the strength of strength, the younger generation can beat her, not a few, but To identify the skill of the exercises, the younger generation recognized herself as the second, and no one in the entire territory dared to recognize the first.

Of course, if there are more than three other territories in the heavens and territories, she will not know her. The reason why she is veiled is that she does not want others to recognize her identity. It is not because she is worried that someone in Yanyunzhou recognizes her origins. But don't want to be found by someone who cares.

She is familiar with all kinds of ancient books, not only recognizes the powerful methods, but also knows a lot of secrets. Now she comes to Yanyun, it is impossible to play, it is definitely enough to make her run, if someone knows her in Yanyun It is very likely to come over.

"There are four humanoid wills, there are half of them, I will deal with five, and you will deal with four, how."

Lingdao refers to the predecessors of the Heavenly Hall and the Gulei Hall, as well as Hongdu, Lin Ruinan and Fang Hanyu, meaning that the five of them came to cope with them. The remaining Jianyi, Zuojian and Gurui The disciples of the Tianbing dynasty in the temple were handed over to the enchanting.

"It’s ridiculous, you can’t do it with one person, and you have to deal with five people at the same time.”

Hongdu’s brother couldn’t help but sarcastically, if he was not scrupulous about the veiled mysterious woman, he would have rushed to kill Lingdao and avenge his cousin. Now Lingdao is so arrogant and arrogant. In his eyes, it was a joke.

"Double fists are hard to beat four hands, let alone five of us."

Lin Ruinan smiled easily. Before he and Hongdu and Lingdao played against each other, they did not take any advantage. However, he always believed that if they really fight, Lingdao could not be their opponent. After all, they are the peak of Tianbing. Lingdao only has the early days of Tianbing.

"No problem, let them four."

The enchanting confidence is full, and it has been sealed for so many years. It has already been boring. Now it is a very interesting thing to be able to fight with others. It is not difficult to deal with the four young warriors who are given to her by Ling Dao. The two warriors of Jianyi, Zuojian and Guleidian were not as good as her.

Lingdao has not yet played against this. The enchanting is the first attack on the two disciples of Jianyi, Zuojian and Guleidian. She stood in the same place, using the will to attack, and the nine-tailed fox. The most willing race in the wilderness period, as the holy woman of the fox sacred place, her will is very different.

Her will condensed into four white foxes, rushing to Jianyi, Zuojian, and the two disciples of the Tianleijing of Guleidian, a fascinating force that slowly penetrated the past and eroded their battles. Will, let them relax their vigilance, and even give birth to a feeling of fatigue and sleepiness.

The four white foxes rushed into their will world and began to ruin in their will world. They all changed their faces, and they didn’t have the time to rush to the enchanting, fighting the enchanting, if they didn’t solve Things inside the world of the will are likely to fly away.

Jianyi and Zuojian have a sword repair and a gun repair. They are all weak people. However, if they fight, they will not work. After all, they are not in the field they are good at. The reason why the enchanting is the first to do it is to The long enemy is short.

"Do more to say no benefit, or see the true chapter under the hand."

The spirit of Hongdu’s brother and Lin Ruinan’s teasing, Lingdao naturally heard it, but he was not affected at all. The tenth Heavenly King not only made his martial arts rich in experience, but also made his heart sublimate and wanted to be in battle. Shaking his will is harder than anything.

"Okay, then you will pick up."

Since the veiled mysterious woman has no objection, then the Hongdu brother is naturally rude. As long as he keeps his life, he will not punish him if he wants to come to the mysterious woman. Lingdao killed his cousin and can’t take revenge now. How to collect interest first.

"It seems that I don't need to shoot at all."

Lin Ruinan’s brother did not have any help. In the first place, Hongdu’s brother and him belonged to different forces. Secondly, Hongdu’s brothers should be enough to deal with Lingdao. Thirdly, who knows the veiled mysterious woman will be halfway. Intervene.

The strength of Hongdu’s brother is much more powerful than that of Hong. His two palms, like two small moons, exudes endless silver awns, icy, he is not close to Lingdao, and Lingdao feels a cold. It means that even the hoarfrost is everywhere.

"Cold moon palm."

He mastered the fourth level of the ice source, and after displaying the cold moon, he was frozen in the ten miles. Lingdao, naturally within ten miles, the whole body was wrapped in ice, if it was Lingdao. Hit by the double palm of Hongdu’s brother, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

"You use the source of the ice, then I use the source of the fire."

The fourth level of the origin of the Yuan, the fourth level of the origin of the fire, without any problems, Lingdao's body, exudes rolling heat, the ice around the body is melted into water in an instant, he is like a human form The stove, if you want to freeze him, is simply impossible.

"It's good."

Just a moment of Lingdao melting the ice, the Hongdu brothers have already killed the Lingdao. Lingdao calmly and unhurriedly, using the nine-turn 蛟龙劲 fourth turn, showing the 鲲鹏拳, and Hongdu’s brothers are hard at Together.

Lin Ruinan and Hongdu have been ridiculed that Lingdao is not self-sufficient. In the early days of the Tianbing dynasty, it is unreasonable to confront the former warriors. If Lingdao and Hongdu’s brothers tremble, they may still hold for a while.

However, the facts are not the same as they imagined. After using the fourth turn of the nine-turn dragon, the power of Lingdao has soared to the strength of 32,000 dragons. Even if it is the brother of Hongdu, it is not as good as the strength. Tao, as for the experience of martial arts, Master Hongdu is even worse than Lingdao.

After the violent collision, Hongdu’s brothers flew out, and all the way along the way, the ice was all broken, and the hands of Hongdu’s brothers were shaking, and the hand bones were discounted by Lingdao. Don’t look at him. It is a whole higher level than Lingdao. He is still inferior to Lingdao than his physical strength.

"Now you still feel that I can't handle you."

Lingdao did not deliberately laugh at Master Hongdu, but this is a problem, so that Hongdu’s brothers were ashamed to find a place to sneak in. Only when they really played against Lingdao, did they know the power of Lingdao, no wonder his cousin would Dead in the hands of Lingdao.

"It used to be just a big idea. Do you really think you can stand against me."

Master Hongdu can only blame everything on the light enemy, let him admit that he is not as young as a younger disciple who is lower than him. He certainly does not want to, not to mention, Lingdao is only a disciple of the four powers, but he is a force of three products. disciple.

"What do you mean, don't you want me to be alone, it's awkward, if you don't do it, I won't fight."

Just when other people thought that Hongdu’s brothers wanted to move true, Master Hongdu was dissatisfied and looked at Lin Ruinan’s brother and Hongdu and Lin Ruinan. Obviously, he was not sure that he would defeat Lingdao, or how would they want them? Shoot together.

The reason why I say that, just don't want to have no light on the face, find a step for myself. Hongdu, Lin Ruinan and Lin Ruinan's brothers don't mean to laugh at the Hongdu brothers, and they don't say they are now a front, just It is the strength that Lingdao has shown before, which is enough for them to pay attention to.

As for Fang Hanyu, it is completely neglected. Lingdao does not care about him. Hongdu and Lin Ruinan also don’t care about him. They regard Fang Hanyu as the air. Naturally, it is the seven-smoke smoke that makes Fang Hanyu angry. It is just a bad attack.

"I would like to see how you can cope with the four of us."

Lin Ruinan strode toward Lingdao. His brothers and Hongdu and Hongdu’s brothers attacked Lingdao from four directions, and the two fists were difficult to attack, and they played against them four times. Difficult to add, even if it is Lingdao, there is no grasp of the grasp.

Fortunately, since Ling Dao dares to speak big, it is prepared. He is not an opponent of Lin Ruinan and his brothers and Hongdu and his brothers, but he also has helpers. That is the Princess of Wine and Xian Ling. .

When Hongdu and his brothers and Lin Ruinan and his brothers are ready to join forces, Lingdao has already communicated with the Princess of Wine, and now they are attacking at the same time. The Princess of the Wine is naturally with Xianling, appearing around Lingdao, and both of them. Together, Lingdao has a grasp of 70% or 80%.

"The little way, look at the princess."

The Princess of Wine has no manifestation of the real body. It is just the appearance of a little girl. If anyone looks down on her, she must definitely suffer a big loss. The true dragon family is the most tyrannical race in the wild, even if the wine princess does not The cultivation of the flesh, her physical strength, must exceed Lin Ruinan and Hongdu and others.

She waved two small powder punches and rushed to Hongdu. Hongdu was originally attacking Lingdao, but suddenly she saw a little girl in front of herself, naturally she was taken aback, however, she saw her and After Lingdao’s intimate relationship, she did not hesitate to kill the killer.

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