The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 110: Scarlet war sword

"Killing, don't know if you want to kill a few, you are satisfied."

The veiled mysterious woman looked directly at the female hand holding the blood-colored sword. She even asked such a question. The woman would say that the sword would be murdered, but she did not say that she would kill them. If she died, she could move on. The veiled mysterious woman absolutely agrees.

The mysterious woman who is covered in veil, does not want to offend, but does not want to fight with you. Anyway, other young disciples, in the heart of the mysterious woman, are all cannon fodder, and she does not care much about death.

"At least half."

The woman wearing armor will say calmly, there is no point in the words. Lingdao is worried that the Princess of the Wine and Xian Ling’s accident have already let them leave. There are still 12 people in the field, which means she must kill at least six. The individual is satisfied.

"It seems that there is no discussion, then let's fight."

Lingdao shook his head, they were still young, and surely they didn't want to die. Even if they knew that they were not the opponents of the women's team, they could only have a hard-working scalp, and they couldn't help but slap them.

Even if Gu Leidian disciple, Baiyuedian disciple and Lingdao do not deal with it, now they agree with Lingdao. If they want to fight, they will wait for the women in front of them to say, in the face of a heavenly king, if they still Fighting each other, that is no different from suicide.

"If you disagree, then you can call."

The veiled mysterious woman smiled, and then she found a flat stone to sit down and watched the movie. Her strength is probably the strongest among the young disciples, but she didn’t even have a point. The meaning of the shot.

Gu Leidian disciple and Baiyuedian disciple, dare not say that she is not, even if she has opinions on her, she can only lie in her heart. Lingdao feels that she has grace for herself, and it is not good for her to shoot, Jianyi and Zuo If you insist on making a small statement, it will definitely be useless if you give advice. It is better to be confused.


The woman wearing the armor will not hesitate, she will directly kill the sword. The **** sword is like a hungry beast. She wants to swallow the blood of the warrior. She is not trying to detect the young disciples present, but really wants Their lives.

Hongdu and his brothers stood together and shot at the same time. Although Fang Hanyu was in a camp with them, he was out of place. Fortunately, the woman wearing the armor was not interested in the other side. The warrior she wanted to kill was full of blood. That is to have a strong blood force.

Fang Hanyu is only the core disciple of Wan Fuzong. There are no powerful people in the ancestors. Of course, he has no powerful blood power. Hongdu’s ancestors, more than one Tianzun, his blood power is naturally more attractive than his brother and Fang Hanyu. A woman who is wearing a armor.

Among the four Guleidian disciples, Lin Ruinan’s blood force is the strongest. He and Hongdu are the same. His grandparents are more than one Tianzun. The women wearing armor will want to kill, just to let the **** swords drink blood, so that the **** battle The sword has become more powerful.

Zuo Jian and Jian Yi are from the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuang Jian Men respectively. Their ancestors, the most powerful ones are Tian Jun. The blood power is not as good as Lin Ruinan and Hong Du, and the women wearing armor will obviously ignore them. I am too lazy to shoot them.

The most interesting thing for young women is the enchanting and Lingdao. The enchanting is the saint of the fox sacred place. Her mother is the lord of the fox sacred land. Her blood power is not the same as Lin Ruinan and Hong. The Tianhu Holy Land is the power created by the Great Emperor. One hundred thousand one thousand 10,000 moon worship halls and Gu Lei Hall are not comparable.

Ling Dao’s blood power is comparable to that of the emperor, which has also attracted the attention of young women. Previously, young women would say at least half of the killing, and did not pay too much attention to the enchanting and Lingdao, but now, the enchanting and Lingdao hands, she It is the blood power of Ling Dao and the enchanting body.

If it is able to kill the Lingdao and the enchanting, and get all their blood, the power of the Scarlet Sword will definitely be upgraded again. The young woman will have to take care of the Gu Leidian disciple and the worshippers, she only Want Lingdao and enchanting life.

"I am not interested in you now, you are going to roll, if you shoot me again, don't blame me for your life."

The **** sword smashed the void, and the young woman will only take out a sword, which is to break the attack of the Guleidian disciple, the worshippers of the Moon, and the joint attack of Jianyi and Zuojian. Moreover, they are all injured. The young women will be stronger than they think.

A sword forced the disciples of Gu Leidian, the disciples of the Yueyue Temple, and Zuo Jian and Jian Yi. The young woman came to the front of Ling Dao and the enchanting. In her eyes, she was full of greed, just like A hungry pervert, seeing a young and beautiful girl.

"What do you mean."

Lingdao frowned, and had a bad foreboding. The young woman will let the other nine young warriors get out of the way, but they will come to him and the enchanting alone. The eleven people join hands and are not the opponents of the young women. If only He and the enchanting, how to live.

"I changed my mind. Just kill both of you and others can leave alive."

Young women will soon be unable to suppress the joy of their hearts. In the past, the military who came to this world could not match the blood and the enchanting power. I didn’t expect her luck so good this time. Two.

What excites her even more is that Lingdao and the enchanting realm are not as high as her. She can fully cope with it. If Lingdao is already a strong king, then she will definitely say nothing, turn around and play. She only played when she beat her, but she ran faster than anyone else.


The veiled young woman obviously did not expect that things will develop to the present step, the young woman will kill the enchanting, she is happy to see it, but the young woman will want to kill the road, she disagrees, if it is Lingdao Dead, how she got the piece.

"He, can't you kill?"

The mysterious woman stood up and pointed to Lingdao, if the young woman would have to kill Lingdao, then she could only intervene, and anyone could die. Lingdao can’t die now, but the young woman who will be in the peak will not be able to deal with it, even if it is She is not sure.

"Yes, no kill."

The young woman will nod, among the young warriors present, the most **** of Lingdao, she will naturally not let the Lingdao, comparable to the blood of the emperor, not to mention in Yanyun, even in the wasteland, Rare to the extreme.

"You can choose five kills from them, plus her, isn't it enough?"

Previously, the young woman would say that she would kill at least half of her. The mysterious woman who is veiled now is half-killed for her. The veiled mysterious woman wants to do it. It is just to keep the Lingdao, the lives of other young disciples, She did not mind at all.

The disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple are all extremely angry. However, they can only bow their heads. They dare not let the veiled mysterious woman see their expressions. The young women are going to put them on a horse. I thought of the veiled mysterious woman, who would use their life to change the life of Lingdao, and still use the life of five people to change the life of Lingdao.

"No, even if they add up to nine people, it is not as important as him alone."

The young woman will shake her head. Among the nine young disciples, the blood strength of Lin Ruinan and Hongdu is also like a point, but compared with Lingdao, it is like a grass chicken and a phoenix, not at a grade.

"If you don't agree, then let's do it."

The veiled mysterious woman has taken out the short sword and prepared for the battle. She thought that with the life of five people, she would change the life of a person. The young woman will promise, who knows that the young woman will hesitate, Directly rejected.

"If you want to live, you will work with me. Otherwise, I will kill you first."

What makes the nine young disciples even more angry is that the veiled mysterious woman threatened them, the young women will let them go, they will escape a life, now they can be poured, the veiled mysterious woman forced them to shoot And still to save the road.

The disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple are more and more depressed. They went to Wan Fuzong to choose ten young disciples. They came to be cannon fodder. Now they have to sell for a cannon fodder, which makes them unacceptable.

"That's the day when the world will be the best, even if we join hands, there is no chance of winning."

Lin Ruinan just said a word, that is, the mysterious woman who was veiled vaguely glanced at him. He had no doubt that if he dared to speak more, the short sword would cross his neck and let him lie on the spot. He saw her determination from the eyes of the mysterious woman.

"Why did you agree to take him with me and regret to die?"

Hongdu looked at Lingdao’s eyes and was full of hate. His intestines were repenting. His younger brother, under the eyes of the public, was defeated by Lingdao. Later, the younger brother, also because of Lingdao, died. Under the abyss, another younger brother, who wanted to kill Lingdao, was killed by Lingdao.

If you don't find Lingdao troubles at the beginning and don't let Lingdao follow, there is definitely no such thing as a series of things. However, the actions of the mysterious woman let Hongdu understand, even if Wan Fuzong's lord does not let Lingdao follow. She will also go to Lingdao.

"You are not looking for death, then I will send you a ride."

The war is on the verge of death, the young woman will hold the blood-colored sword, and the veiled mysterious woman fights together. Lingdao and the enchanting don’t hesitate, they will shoot, the young women will want their lives, if they are timid, then it’s too Can't say it.

They want to live, they can only kill young females. With the strength of both of them, it is impossible to defeat the young females. Fortunately, the veiled mysterious woman has shot. Her strength is stronger than that of Hongdu’s brother and Lin Ruinan’s brother. Lingdao is also a sigh.

The other nine young disciples are even unhappy in their hearts, and now they can only attack young women. Of course, they just do it, and they have no desperate plans.

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